
tech2023-06-10  134


Ladies and gentlemen, we have a new browser. Yes another one. Vivaldi has been released as a technical preview and the application has an interesting history…

女士们,先生们,我们有一个新的浏览器。 是的,另一个。 Vivaldi已作为技术预览版发布,该应用程序有一段有趣的历史……

In 1994, Opera was produced as a research project by Telenor, a Norwegian telecommunications company. The application featured a browser, email and news clients in lightweight package which could fit on a single floppy disk (for those of you who don’t remember, floppy disks were like chunky USB drives or SD cards which held up to 1.4Mb of data!) The browser was one of the first to implement original features such as W3C standards, tabs, speed dial, turbo mode and a huge range of configuration options. Opera never gained a massive market share but had a scarily passionate group of followers. Until recently…

1994年,Opera由挪威电信公司Telenor作为研究项目制作。 该应用程序具有轻量级包装的浏览器,电子邮件和新闻客户端,它们可以装在单个软盘上(对于那些不记得的人,软盘就像大块的USB驱动器或SD卡,可容纳1.4Mb的数据!)该浏览器是最早实现原始功能的浏览器之一,例如W3C标准,选项卡,快速拨号,turbo模式和各种配置选项。 Opera从未获得过巨大的市场份额,但拥有一群热情的追随者。 直到最近…

Opera found it increasingly difficult to keep up with other vendors especially since the browser was available on wide range of devices including feature phones and Nintendo game consoles. In 2013, they abandoned their own Presto engine, adopted Google Blink and streamlined the company (management speak for laying off staff). Opera 15+ is a fine browser but there’s little to distinguish it from Chrome and it offers few of the features users loved in Opera 12.

Opera发现与其他供应商保持同步越来越困难,尤其是因为该浏览器可在包括功能手机和Nintendo游戏机在内的各种设备上使用。 2013年,他们放弃了自己的Presto引擎,采用了Google Blink并精简了公司(管理层代表裁员) 。 Opera 15+是一款出色的浏览器,但与Chrome没什么区别,它几乎没有提供用户在Opera 12中喜欢的功能。

Vivaldi Technologies was founded by former Opera co-founder and CEO, Jon Stephenson von Tetzchner. I’m guessing the name comes from Antonio Vivaldi — who composed Opera! Their ambitious aim:

Vivaldi Technologies由前Opera联合创始人兼首席执行官Jon Stephenson von Tetzchner创立。 我猜这个名字来自于Opera的安东尼奥·维瓦尔第(Antonio Vivaldi) ! 他们的宏伟目标:

The browser we once loved [Opera] has changed its direction. Sadly, it is no longer serving its community of users and contributors who helped build the browser in the first place.

我们曾经喜欢的浏览器[Opera]改变了方向。 可悲的是,它不再为最初构建浏览器的用户和贡献者社区提供服务。

SO WE CAME TO A NATURAL CONCLUSION: We must make a new browser. A browser for ourselves and a browser for our friends. A browser that is fast, but also a browser that is rich in functionality, highly flexible and puts the user first. A browser that is made for you.

因此,我们得出一个自然的结论:我们必须制作一个新的浏览器。 我们自己的浏览器和我们朋友的浏览器。 快速的浏览器,但功能丰富,高度灵活且将用户放在首位的浏览器。 为您量身定制的浏览器。

Vivaldi is available for Windows, Mac, and Linux. The preview release is slightly buggy but it works and has several compelling features.

Vivaldi可用于Windows,Mac和Linux。 预览版本有少许错误,但可以正常运行,并且具有一些引人注目的功能。

再次闪烁 (Blink Again)

Vivaldi uses the Blink rendering engine. It’s a solid and dependable choice given that Presto wasn’t available and would have required several years development. In some ways I wish Vivaldi used Webkit or Gecko to counteract Google’s domination. That said, the browser feel more like the Opera of old than Opera 15+ ever did.

Vivaldi使用眨眼渲染引擎。 考虑到Presto尚不可用,并且需要几年的开发时间,因此这是一个可靠的可靠选择。 在某些方面,我希望Vivaldi使用Webkit或Gecko来抵消Google的统治。 也就是说,浏览器的感觉更像是老歌剧院歌剧比15+做过。

工具面板又回来了 (The Tool Panel is Back)

The Tool Panel has returned! It currently provides:

工具面板已返回! 目前提供:

a bookmarks manager (several dozen “useful” bookmarks are provided by default)


a download manager, and

下载管理器,以及 a notes panel which allows you to record information about a page and capture a screenshot.


Vivaldi is also promising an ad-free mail and contacts system. I never appreciated the appeal of Opera’s built-in mail client when most vendors had segregated their application suites and many users had moved to webmail. Vivaldi Mail could be a webmail client with offline capabilities — that’s certainly how I’d approach it.

Vivaldi还承诺提供无广告的邮件和联系人系统。 当大多数供应商将他们的应用程序套件隔离开来并且许多用户转移到Webmail时,我从来没有欣赏Opera内置邮件客户端的吸引力。 Vivaldi Mail可能是具有脱机功能的Webmail客户端-当然,这就是我的处理方式。

改进的标签 (Improved Tabs)

Tabs can be moved to any window edge, previewed on hover and stacked. Tab stacking isn’t quite as slick as Opera 12 but it’s far superior to the woeful multi-tab handling in Chrome and Opera.

选项卡可以移动到任何窗口边缘,悬停时预览并堆叠。 标签页堆叠不像Opera 12那样光滑,但是它远远优于Chrome和Opera中令人讨厌的多标签页处理。

Vivaldi also uses a “reactive UI” and the active tab uses a color from the viewed page. It appears to sample a predominant color in a logo or main image and is effective. It would possibly work better if inactive tabs stayed that color (or slightly dimmer) rather than returning to white.

Vivaldi还使用“React式UI”,而“活动”选项卡使用所查看页面中的颜色。 它看起来是对徽标或主图像中的主要颜色进行采样,并且很有效。 如果不活动的选项卡保持该颜色(或稍微变暗)而不是恢复为白色,则可能会更好。

创新功能 (Innovative Features)

Speed dial and a wide range keyboard shortcuts are available. The Quick Commands window (F2 or Ctrl+Q) provides launcher-like functionality to quickly locate a tab, command or search.

提供快速拨号和多种键盘快捷键。 快速命令窗口(F2或Ctrl + Q)提供了类似启动器的功能,可以快速定位选项卡,命令或搜索。

The status bar contains a zoom control slider, image hider and “Page Actions” menu to block adverts and apply CSS3 filters such as greyscale and element outlining. Some effects will be useful developers and those with tired eyes or visual impairments but I’m less convinced about the 3D transformation?

状态栏包含缩放控制滑块,图像隐藏器和“页面操作”菜单,以阻止广告并应用CSS3过滤器,例如灰度和元素轮廓。 某些效果对开发人员以及眼睛疲劳或视力障碍的开发人员很有用,但我对3D转换不太满意?

开发者工具 (Developer Tools)

The standard Blink Developer Tools are present but, bizarrely, there’s no menu item or keyboard shortcut. You can access it from the “Inspect element” option on the right-click menu.

提供了标准的Blink Developer Tools,但奇怪的是,没有菜单项或键盘快捷键。 您可以从右键单击菜单上的“检查元素”选项访问它。

The Task Manager shows memory and CPU utilization of all opened tabs and plug-ins. There’s also a link to an “About memory” page (vivaldi://memory-redirect) which compares these figures to other opened browsers (although Chrome wasn’t shown on my system?)

任务管理器显示所有打开的选项卡和插件的内存和CPU使用率。 还有一个指向“关于内存”页面的链接(vivaldi:// memory-redirect),该页面将这些数字与其他打开的浏览器进行了比较(尽管我的系统上未显示Chrome?)

快来了… (Coming Soon…)

As well as the mail client, Vivaldi promise:


better performance

更好的性能 session, bookmark, history and note synchronization

会话,书签,历史记录和笔记同步 improved keyboard navigation

改进的键盘导航 browser extensions


Extensions took a while to appear in old Opera but Vivaldi could adopt Chrome’s add-on system to get a head start.


While the preview is a little unstable to use as your default browser, Vivaldi shows promise and offers useful features you won’t find elsewhere. It’s what Opera 15 should have been. Those who’ve been stubbornly sticking with Opera 12 finally have an upgrade option they’ll like.

虽然预览在用作默认浏览器时有些不稳定,但Vivaldi展现了希望,并提供了其他地方找不到的有用功能。 这就是Opera 15应该的样子。 那些顽固地坚持使用Opera 12的人终于有了他们想要的升级选项 。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/vivaldi-operas-spiritual-successor/

