
tech2023-06-11  149


Welcome to On Our Radar, a weekly round-up of news, trends and other cool stuff from the world of web development.

欢迎来到On Our Ra​​dar,每周综述来自Web开发领域的新闻,趋势和其他有趣的内容。

Gmail收件箱和设计原则 (Inbox by Gmail and design principles)

Inbox by Gmail has been coming on by leaps and bounds since it was announced a few weeks ago. The app aims to improve on how we deal with our email, and it’s certainly made a splash. Here are details on how Inbox by Gmail onboards new users, and here’s a more in-depth look at details of its design.

自几周前宣布以来,Gmail的Inbox一直在突飞猛进。 该应用旨在改善我们处理电子邮件的方式,这无疑引起了轰动。 以下是有关Inbox by Gmail如何吸引新用户的详细信息,并且更深入地介绍了其设计细节 。

It’s interesting to see to what degree the three laws of interaction design have been applied, and how much attention has been paid to designing for large screen smartphones. Do you think that future phones will be able to detect how you’re holding the phone and adjust their interface to accommodate?

有趣的是,在什么程度上应用了交互设计的三个定律 ,以及在大屏幕智能手机的设计上受到了多少关注。 您是否认为未来的手机将能够检测到您如何握住手机并调整其接口以适应?

逃离地狱的第七圈 (Escape the 7th Circle of Hell)

Eric delves in to the two Pillars of JavaScript starting with a guide to escaping the 7th circle of hell — a look at why classical inheritance has a much better JavaScript based solution. We also explore how to make your blog load in 560ms which is more challenging than it at first appears.

埃里克(Eric)从逃脱地狱第7圈的指南入手,深入探讨了JavaScript的两大Struts-看看为什么经典继承具有更好的基于JavaScript的解决方案。 我们还将探讨如何在560毫秒内使您的博客加载,这比刚开始时更具挑战性。

A desire to get ready for ES6 was also brought up this week, with a look at how you can write ES6 modules today with 6to5, learn unusual tricks via Array .some(), and explore working with immutable objects with Object.freeze. An introduction to the WebCrypto API also arrived this week too.

本周还提出了为ES6做好准备的愿望,介绍了如何今天使用6to5编写ES6模块 ,如何通过Array .some()学习异常技巧以及探索使用Object.freeze处理不可变对象的方法 。 WebCrypto API的介绍也于本周到达。

Other JavaScript articles of interest that came up this week are:


BDD/TDD development from scratch with Node.js/Express

使用Node.js / Express从头开始BDD / TDD开发

Horseman – Run PhantomJS from Node

骑士 –从Node运行PhantomJS

Use burp’s JS static code analysis on code from your local system


Understanding Delegated JavaScript Events


像1.0、2.0、3.0一样简单 (As easy as 1.0, 2.0, 3.0)

Frameworks come and frameworks go, and finding one that best suits you can be challenging. This article: In search of the perfect JavaScript framework looks different frameworks to try to find what works and what doesn’t. We also have a good comparison of custom vs ready-to-use frameworks that delves in to the pros and cons of each type of system.

框架来了,框架就去了,找到最适合您的框架可能是具有挑战性的。 本文: 在寻找完美JavaScript框架时,会寻找不同的框架来尝试找出有效的方法和无效的方法。 我们还对自定义框架与即用型框架进行了很好的比较, 以探讨每种类型的系统的优缺点。

It seems that it’s time for many systems to update to a new x.0 version too.


Adobe have released version 1.0 of Brackets, their open-source editor, that we reviewed earlier in the year.

Adobe已发布Brackets的1.0版 ,这是他们的开源编辑器, 我们在今年早些时候对其进行了审查 。

AngularJS have announced Angular 2 Core, with a look forward to Angular 2.0. There’s trouble brewing with the 2.0 update though, as Angular are making many changes that are not backwards compatible, sparking discussion about why web tools like AngularJS need to keep breaking themselves, and whether AngularJS can maintain its dominance. Regardless of those upcoming issues, you can help to improve your pre-2.0 skills and learn more about AngularJS by building a Gmail clone.

AngularJS已经发布了Angular 2 Core, 期待Angular 2.0 。 不过,由于Angular正在进行许多不向后兼容的更改,因此2.0更新存在麻烦,引发了关于为何像AngularJS这样的Web工具需要不断自我打破以及AngularJS是否能保持其主导地位的讨论 。 无论即将发生的那些问题如何,您都可以通过构建Gmail克隆来帮助提高2.0之前的技能并了解有关AngularJS的更多信息 。

News about jQuery 3.0 arrived recently too, with details on how their system of version numbers are changing, and details on changes to their browser support policy.

有关jQuery 3.0的新闻也最近发布,其中包含有关其版本号系统如何更改的详细信息,以及有关其浏览器支持政策的更改的详细信息。

Other articles of interest we came across this week are:


Styling Cross-Browser Compatible Range Inputs with CSS


The Specificity Graph


Why Responsive Images Matter


Walkway – An easy way to animate simple SVG elements

走道 –为简单的SVG元素设置动画的简便方法

134 bytes for an optimized and very basic jQuery like function


交给你 (Over to you)

I’ll leave you this week with Glumpy for beautiful scientific visualizations, reflective puzzling with the browser-based Mirror Isles, and the 100-year-old trick to writing at 240 Words per minute.

我将在本周离开您,与Glumpy一起进行美丽的科学可视化,基于浏览器的Mirror Isles令人反省的困惑,以及具有100年历史的每分钟240个单词的书写技巧 。

Which links caught your attention? Are you using AngularJS lately or other frameworks, are you going to start using the Brackets code editor, or try and stop using the new keyword? We’d love to hear your thoughts.

哪些链接引起了您的注意? 您是最近使用AngularJS还是其他框架,是要开始使用Brackets代码编辑器,还是尝试停止使用new关键字? 我们很想听听您的想法。

Also, if you have any problems implementing anything covered here, or just want to discuss it some more, SitePoint’s forums are a great place to visit (you can sign in with your Google, Facebook, Twitter, GitHub or Yahoo account).

另外,如果您在执行此处介绍的内容时遇到任何问题,或者只是想进一步讨论, SitePoint的论坛都是一个不错的访问场所(您可以使用Google,Facebook,Twitter,GitHub或Yahoo帐户登录)。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/radar-week-as-easy-1-2-3/

