
tech2023-06-11  115


当前为客户完成项目后该怎么办? (What do you do after you complete project for a client currently?)

I highly doubt, but hope, your answer is: conduct an exit interview.


Every freelancer has felt this frustration: when you’re the little guy, you’re not the “safe” pick.


In fact, you’re the risk.


The question, then, becomes: how do you, a scrappy, unproven solopreneur, become more of a sure thing?


The answer? By collecting client testimonials, of course.

答案? 当然,通过收集客户推荐书。

评论的力量 (The Power of Reviews)

According to HBR, for 75 percent of “solopreneurs,” who consistently work more than 15 hours per week on independent work, word of mouth referrals are the top source of work assignments.


And that percentage rises to 84 percent when talking about solopreneurs who make more than $100,000 annually.


It makes sense when you consider the fact that 90 percent of online consumers trust recommendations from people they know, and 70 percent trust reviews from online users they’ve never met.


带走: (Takeaway:)

Testimonials (even client logos) are a powerful way to convince your prospects from giving you, the underdog, a shot to win their project and eventually their loyalty.


什么是好的推荐 (What Makes a Good Testimonial )

Copyblogger made a fabulous comparison of resumes and testimonials in its post, describing them both as one-sided and sugary. Here’s an excerpt from it.

Copyblogger在其帖子中对简历和推荐书进行了精彩的比较,称它们既单面又含糖。 这是摘录。

Most testimonials resemble résumés. They’re sugary.

大多数推荐书都类似于简历。 他们含糖。

Every testimonial seems to talk about the “magnificent, outstanding, and amazing” qualities of the product or service.


After you’ve read a couple of those icky-sweet testimonials, you feel like you’ve had quite enough. If you had a big dose of wonderful testimonials, you start feeling a little sick.

阅读了几本恶名昭著的推荐书后,您会觉得自己已经受够了。 如果您有很多精彩的推荐,您会感到有点恶心。

And there’s a reason why.


You’re getting a massive overdose of “sugar.” Those testimonials are so sucrose-laden that there’s no way on earth that you’re going to believe in them.

您正在服用过量的“糖”。 这些推荐书中充斥着蔗糖,以至于世上没有人会相信它们。

Copyblogger explains the best type of testimonial is the one in which the client accurately depicts the before and after solution picture. It offers the entire picture.

Copyblogger解释说,最佳的推荐类型是客户准确描述解决方案前后的描述。 它提供了整个图片。

带走: (Takeaway:)

A good testimonial, according to Copyblogger, shows the complete, bittersweet picture.


反向推荐 (Reverse Testimonials)

While traditional testimonials begin and end with praise, reverse testimonials show the awful before photos first and then transition into the amazing after products.


This works because as humans we naturally talk this way.


For instance, I love this hole-in-the-wall coffee shop in my neighborhood, so much so, that I recommended it to my friend. This is how I explained it to him:

例如,我非常喜欢附近的这家破洞咖啡店,以至于我推荐给我的朋友。 这就是我向他解释的方式:

“您知道那家破墙的咖啡店,又怎么不因自己看起来不那么特别而烦恼呢? 这真是太棒了。 我喜欢他们的巧克力羊角面包和拿铁咖啡。 比星巴克好多了!” (“You know that hole-in-the-wall coffee shop and how you don’t bother going out of your way because it doesn’t seem like anything special? It’s actually fantastic. I LOVE their chocolate croissants and lattes. So much better than Starbucks!”)

Doesn’t this sound like a real recommendation as opposed to a sugary and totally fabricated one crafted by a copywriter?


沟壑感言 (GROOVEy Testimonials)

The other testimonial framework I prefer is best depicted in this post by Groove.


According to Groove, the best-testing testimonials are specific about who the testimonial writer is, and what problem you solved for them.


The post explains that providing specific details about the writer helps prospects put themselves in the writer’s shoes and relate to them more. The ability to easily relate combined with the specificity of a problem helps the reader feel like you will help them, personally, and solve their peculiar problem.

该帖子解释说,提供有关作家的具体细节有助于潜在客户置身于作家的脚下并与他们建立更多联系。 易于联系并结合问题的特殊性的能力使读者觉得您会亲自帮助他们并解决他们特有的问题。

我的推荐可以在哪里,哦,在哪里? (Where, Oh, Where, Could My Testimonials Be? )

Even if you haven’t been conducting exit interviews with clients, you may still have a heap of testimonials scattered throughout your computer.


Whether you find any or not, beginning today, collect reviews via one, if not all, of the following eight mediums.


1.电子邮件 (1. Emails)

Has a client been so ecstatic with your work that they sent you an appreciation email? Maybe they said something as simple as thank you or something so prolific you would’ve thought you crafted it yourself. Quickly search your inbox, and I’m sure you’ll find something useful to paste at least a few recommendations on your site ASAP.

客户是否对您的工作如此着迷,以致于向您发送了一封感谢信? 也许他们说的话像谢谢您一样简单,或者如此多产,以至于您会以为自己亲自制作而成。 快速搜索您的收件箱,我相信您会发现有用的东西,可将至少一些建议尽快粘贴到您的网站上。

2. LinkedIn (2. LinkedIn)

LinkedIn is the new resume to many people. Read this post to learn how to utilize it to the best of your advantage. It will detail how to request LinkedIn Recommendations for those of you who are not familiar with this platform or feature.

LinkedIn是许多人的新简历。 阅读这篇文章,以了解如何充分利用它。 它将详细介绍如何向不熟悉此平台或功能的人员索取LinkedIn推荐。

3.自由职业者网站 (3. Freelancer Websites)

Are you a member of Elance, oDesk or any of the other popular freelancer marketplaces? If so, have you received reviews, ratings or recommendations on any of them? Again, if yes, then copy and paste those comments to your website to jumpstart the testimonial section.

您是Elance,oDesk或其他任何受欢迎的自由职业者市场的成员吗? 如果是这样,您是否收到了其中任何一项的评论,评分或建议? 同样,如果是,则将这些评论复制并粘贴到您的网站以快速启动“推荐”部分。

4.人员目录 (4. People Directories)

Have you heard of websites, such as Dunwello? Dunwello is like Yelp for freelancers. Create a profile for yourself on this website and similar ones. You want to make it extremely convenient for clients to write you a review; therefore, having profiles on multiple websites is good because every customer will not be on the same platform.

您是否听说过Dunwello等网站? Dunwello就像自由职业者的Yelp。 在此网站和类似网站上为自己创建一个配置文件。 您想使客户给您写评论变得非常方便; 因此,在多个网站上拥有个人资料是一件好事,因为每个客户都不会在同一平台上。

5. Twitter (5. Twitter)

I love using Twitter to collect client testimonials. In fact, when I was just a fresh freelancer, I utilized Tweets as testimonials on my website by taking screenshots of what users said. How did I collect and manage them all? By using my favorites’ stream as a testimonials’ stream. I only favorited nice and complimentary things clients and people on Twitter say to me, and I still do this today.

我喜欢使用Twitter收集客户推荐书。 实际上,当我还是一名新鲜的自由职业者时,我通过截取用户所说的屏幕快照,在自己的网站上使用推文作为推荐。 我如何收集和管理它们? 通过使用我的收藏夹流作为推荐流。 我只喜欢Twitter上的客户和人们对我说的好话和免费话,而今天我仍然这样做。

6.评论 (6. Comments)

Do you blog? Comb through your comments. There might be a few goodies in there that you can paste on your homepage.

你写博客吗? 梳理您的评论。 您可能会在其中粘贴一些好东西,并将其粘贴到主页上。

7. Google快讯 (7. Google Alerts)

Set a Google Alert for your name or freelance business. This way you’ll be notified instantly when someone says something good (or bad) about you and your service offerings.

为您的姓名或自由职业者设置Google快讯。 这样,当有人对您和您的服务产品说好(或坏)时,您会立即收到通知。

8. Facebook (8. Facebook)

Yes, I typed it – Facebook. Create a Facebook page for yourself. That way you can collect reviews right where your users spend the majority of their time – in their Newsfeed.

是的,我输入了它– Facebook。 为自己创建一个Facebook页面。 这样一来,您就可以在用户的​​大部分时间中,在他们的Newsfeed中收集评论。

带走: (Takeaway:)

Gather your testimonials from every medium you can think of.


如何收集专家的推荐信 (How To Collect Testimonials Like The Pros)

The eight places I listed above are always good to check periodically for new reviews and when you’re just beginning collecting testimonials for your website.


But it is surely not the most effective and efficient way to actually get killer testimonials from your clients. Conducting exit interviews are.

但这肯定不是从客户那里真正获得杀手级推荐的最有效和高效的方法。 进行出口面试。

问题 (The Questions)

So what kind of questions do exit interviews consist of? These:

那么,退出面试包括哪些问题? 这些:

Tell me about the business problem that you were trying to solve or the business need you were trying to address before you hired me.

在雇用我之前,请告诉我您要解决的业务问题或您要解决的业务需求。 What impact did this problem have on your business?

这个问题对您的业务有什么影响? How have you addressed this issue in the past?

您过去如何解决此问题? How did you hear about me?

您是如何得知我的? How did you decide on me?

您是如何决定我的? Did you consider alternatives?

您是否考虑过替代方案? Briefly describe me and my services.

简要描述我和我的服务。 Tell me how I helped solve your problem and address your needs.

告诉我我如何帮助您解决问题并满足您的需求。 What benefits have you derived from my services?


What has been the measurable impact of deploying insert my strategy, recommendations, etc (incremental revenues, savings, productivity gains, ROI)?

部署插入策略,建议等 (增加的收入,节省的成本,生产率的提高,投资回报率)对可测量的影响是什么?

Please summarize your overall experience working with me.

请总结您与我合作的总体经验。 What advice would you offer an organization which may be considering my services?


Or these (stolen from Paul Jarvis’ The Creative Class)

或这些(从Paul Jarvis的The Creative Class盗用)

Did my work meet or exceed your expectations?

我的工作是否达到或超出了您的期望? Did the proposal accurately reflect what I provided for you? Why or why not?

提案是否准确反映了我为您提供的内容? 为什么或者为什么不? What did you learn from working with me that you didn’t know before this project?

通过与我合作,您从该项目中学到了什么? What was your favorite part of the project?

您最喜欢该项目的哪一部分? What was your least favorite part of the project?

您最不喜欢这个项目的部分是什么? Would you hire me again in the future?

您将来会再雇用我吗? Would you be willing to provide a testimonial that speaks to the work I provided? If so, can you write out the quantifiable value or results of my services?

您愿意提供与我提供的作品相关的证明吗? 如果是这样,您能写出我的服务的可量化价值或结果吗? Do you know anyone else who might be interested in hiring or working with me?


工具 (The Tools)

There’s a few different ways you could go about sending these questions. Here they are.

您可以通过几种不同的方式发送这些问题。 他们来了。

1.电子邮件 ( 1. Email)

I would send an email, saying something like:


Hi [insert name]!


I really appreciate you utilizing my services, and I hope you loved my work.


If you wouldn’t mind, it would be more than amazing if I could steal 10-15 minutes of your time for a short exit interview.


I’m asking because knowing what made you happy is really helpful for me in making sure I’m delivering on what my clients really want.


Please let me know when you are available.


Have a wonderful day!


Lauren =)


How could you say no to that email?! If they do say no then ask if they have time for a quick email interview or a short feedback survey instead.

您如何拒绝该电子邮件? 如果他们拒绝,则询问他们是否有时间进行快速电子邮件采访或简短的反馈调查。

2.调查 (2. Survey)

If you’re going to create a survey then I recommend using Google Forms or Typeform, which provides an absolute beautiful user-experience. Here’s an example of a survey you can create to collect feedback using Typeform.

如果您要创建调查,那么我建议您使用Google Forms或Typeform,它提供了绝对完美的用户体验。 这是您可以创建以使用Typeform收集反馈的调查的示例 。

Unsure of how to make an effective questionnaire? HelpScout has a fantastic blog post on the topic and so does Client Heartbeat.

不确定如何制作有效的问卷? HelpScout在该主题上有一篇很棒的博客文章 , Client Heartbeat也是如此。

3.录音机 (3. Audio Recorder)

If your client agrees to a phone interview then I highly suggest recording the call (and letting them know you are doing so of course).


You can do this even on phone interviews by using Google Voice.


If you don’t have an account already, create one by following the instructions in this article. Once you have a Google Voice number, read these instructions on how to record a call using the service.

如果您还没有帐户,请按照本文中的说明创建一个帐户。 拥有Google语音号码后,请阅读这些说明 ,了解如何使用该服务记录通话。

4. Google云端硬碟 (4. Google Drive)

You’re going to want one central place to store all of your client testimonials. I prefer to use Google Drive for this; more specifically, Google Spreadsheets, which is just like Excel but stored in the cloud.

您将需要一个中心位置来存储所有客户推荐书。 我更喜欢使用Google云端硬盘; 更具体地说,是Google Spreadsheets,它类似于Excel,但存储在云中。

Trello, Google Docs or Evernote are also good alternative solutions.

Trello,Google Docs或Evernote也是不错的替代解决方案。

带走: (Takeaway:)

Ask. Provide options. And you shall get testimonials.

问。 提供选项。 您将获得推荐。

我在哪里炫耀我闪亮的新推荐书? (Where Do I Flaunt My Shiny New Testimonials?)

I agree with Freelancers Union. There is no one right answer so basically, put them where clients will see them.

我同意自由职业者联盟 。 因此,没有一个正确的答案,基本上,将其放在客户可以看到的位置。

Here are a few places to scatter those amazing nuggets of praise.


您的网站首页 (Your Website Homepage)

I personally like to link to my testimonials on my homepage because it’s the page I know clients are guaranteed to see.


See how I first catch their eyes with the popular logos then precede with the text testimonials?


您的入职包 (Your Onboarding Packet)

Do you have an onboarding packet you send to clients to help facilitate sales?


I’m guessing you don’t, but you should, as Paul Jarvis recommends.

我猜您不会,但您应该按照Paul Jarvis的建议。

Here’s an the first two slides of his onboarding PDF.


Anyway, you should have your client testimonials on page two of your onboarding PDF… once you create it.


您的投资组合页面 (Your Portfolio Page)

I like what Freelancer’s Union has to say about utilizing more than one of your website’s pages to showcase testimonials.

我喜欢Freelancer's Union关于利用您网站的多个页面来展示推荐书的看法。

Many freelancers think that it’s enough just to post the content of their portfolio — the photo album or logo or writing sample. Increase the effectiveness of your portfolio by also including a brief explanation of how and why you made certain decisions, and then back it up with a quote from the client for that project.

许多自由职业者认为,仅发布他们作品集的内容即相册或徽标或写作样本就足够了。 通过还包括对如何以及为什么做出某些决定的简短解释,然后用客户对该项目的报价进行支持,来提高投资组合的有效性。

The truth is that many clients aren’t quite sure what they’re looking for, and you want to demonstrate that you think deeply about what you create — that you’re not just slapping your style across their project. A testimonial supports that claim.

事实是,许多客户不太确定他们要寻找的是什么,而您想证明自己对所创建的内容有深入的思考-您不仅在自己的项目中打了个招呼。 证明支持该主张。

带走: (Takeaway:)

Testimonials should be showcased where your clients will see them.


重要要点 (Key Takeaways)

Testimonials (even client logos) are a powerful way to convince your prospects from giving you, the underdog, a shot to win their project and eventually their loyalty.

推荐书(甚至是客户徽标)是一种强有力的方法,可以说服您的潜在客户放弃您,失败者,赢得他们的项目并最终赢得他们的忠诚。 A good testimonial, according to Copyblogger, shows the complete, bittersweet picture.

根据Copyblogger的说法,很好的见证显示了完整的,苦乐参半的照片。 Gather your testimonials from every medium you can think of.

从您能想到的每种媒介中收集您的推荐。 Ask. Provide options. And you shall get testimonials.

问。 提供选项。 您将获得推荐。 Testimonials should be showcased where your clients will see them.


您如何下雨客户推荐书? 在下面的评论中告诉我。 (How do you make it rain client testimonials?! Tell me in the comments below.)

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/client-testimonials/

