
tech2023-06-11  126


Etherpad is a highly-customizable open source online editor providing the facility collaborative editing in really real-time. It was acquired by Google in December 2009 and was released as an open source project. A lot of services make use of the Etherpad software such as PiratePad, Framapad, TitanPad and Mozilla Pad (MoPad). Etherpad has lots of different plugins as well, which help in implementing email notifications, uploading files or making video calls with the help of WebRTC.

Etherpad是一种高度可定制的开源在线编辑器,可提供实时的设施协作编辑。 它于2009年12月被Google收购,并作为一个开源项目发布。 许多服务都使用Etherpad软件,例如PiratePad,Framapad,TitanPad和Mozilla Pad(MoPad)。 Etherpad也有许多不同的插件,它们可以在WebRTC的帮助下实现电子邮件通知,上传文件或进行视频通话。

Etherpad was originally written in Scala but Etherpad Lite was completely rewritten in NodeJS. The Github repository for Etherpad Lite is here. Etherpad has been localized in many languages. It has a very decent in-browser text editor with good text formatting options such as bold, italics, underline, strikethrough and lists (both ordered as well as unordered). It also displays line numbers by default on the pad.

Etherpad最初是用Scala编写的,但Etherpad Lite完全是用NodeJS重写的。 Etherpad Lite的Github存储库在这里 。 Etherpad已被本地化为多种语言。 它具有非常不错的浏览器内文本编辑器,具有良好的文本格式选项,例如粗体,斜体,下划线,删除线和列表(有序和无序)。 默认情况下,它还会在打击垫上显示行号。

特征 (Features)

Etherpad has lots of awesome features which help in doing group creative work and meta communication. Let’s take a look!

Etherpad具有许多很棒的功能,可帮助进行团队创意工作和元通信。 让我们来看看!

实时协同编辑 (Real-time Collaborative Editing)

Each member participating in a pad is listed on the box above the chatbox and is identified by a username and an authorship color that has been assigned to the user. Users can change the authorship colors. This feature highlights the content written by the participants in the color that was assigned to them. This helps other participants to recognize which part of the pad was typed by which member. However, users can disable authorship colors on the pads if they wish.

聊天盒上方的框上列出了每个参与记事本的成员,并由用户名和已分配给用户的作者颜色标识。 用户可以更改作者的颜色。 此功能突出显示参与者以分配给他们的颜色编写的内容。 这有助于其他参与者识别垫板的哪个部分是由哪个成员键入的。 但是,用户可以根据需要在平板上禁用作者身份颜色。

This feature, along with version control (mentioned below), makes this product particularly useful for editors, since they can version control the changes and the writers can also see the editors working in real-time and can learn from them, so the next draft contains fewer errors.


内置聊天框和独特的键盘 (Built-in Chatbox and Unique Pads)

Etherpad has an inbuilt chatbox for each pad, so that you can communicate with other participants of a pad on an agenda. Etherpad offers unique URLs for each pad and you can invite collaborators to a pad by either sharing the link with them or by inviting them through the Invite other users option provided above the chatbox.

Etherpad的每个记事本都有一个内置的聊天框,因此您可以与议程中其他记事本的参与者进行交流。 Etherpad为每个记事本提供唯一的URL,您可以通过与协作者共享链接或通过聊天框上方提供的邀请其他用户选项邀请他们来邀请协作者加入记事本。

版本控制 (Version Control)

Although Etherpad automatically saves a pad at regular intervals, users can save particular revisions of the pad when they wish and the old revisions can be viewed or restored any time. Also, since other participants of the pad can see you typing in real-time, this helps to eliminate the delays you might have experienced during such collaborative meetings. Etherpad also has an option to password-protect an Etherpad, so that only desired members can have access to the pad. When you click on Share the Pad, it even gives you a link which will provide viewers of the pad with the read only access.

尽管Etherpad会定期自动保存便笺本,但用户可以根据需要保存便笺本的特定修订版本,并且可以随时查看或恢复旧修订版本。 另外,由于其他用户可以看到您实时打字,因此有助于消除您在此类协作会议中可能遇到的延迟。 Etherpad还具有密码保护Etherpad的选项,因此只有所需的成员才能访问该键盘。 当您单击“ Share the Pad ,它甚至为您提供了一个链接,该链接将为便笺簿的查看者提供只读访问权限。

时间滑块 (Time Slider)

In combination with the app’s version control, Etherpad offers an interesting feature called Time Slider. Time Slider allows you to view all the changes, edits and additions by the collaborators of a pad through time and different revisions. This creates a video like representation of the events that happened over time on the pad. This is quite useful for people who for instance could not attend a group event which used Etherpad for documentation. Those people can simply get the taste of the whole action with the help of Time Slider. It can also be beneficial for giving orientations on writing or programming style-guide to new editors, programmer or writers.

结合该应用程序的版本控制,Etherpad提供了一个有趣的功能,称为时间滑块。 使用时间滑块,您可以查看记事本的协作者通过时间和不同修订版进行的所有更改,编辑和添加。 这样就可以像视频一样代表随时间推移发生的事件在垫板上的变化。 这对于那些无法参加使用Etherpad进行文档记录的小组活动的人来说非常有用。 这些人可以在Time Slider的帮助下简单地了解整个动作。 为新编辑者,程序员或作家提供有关写作或编程风格指南的指导也是有益的。

各种格式的导入/导出 (Import/ Export in various formats)

You can import or export the whole documentation or discussion present in your Etherpad in various formats such as HTML, Word, Text, PDF, Bookmark File or Open Document. In this way you can keep a record of all your meetings, collaborative code, articles, editorials or random stuff offline in an archive.

您可以以HTML,Word,Text,PDF,Bookmark File或Open Document等各种格式导入或导出Etherpad中存在的整个文档或讨论。 这样,您可以离线保存所有会议,协作代码,文章,社论或随机内容的记录。

Etherpad vs Google文件 (Etherpad vs Google Docs)

It’s true that Etherpad has some really solid competitors out there, the most obvious being the widely-used Google Docs. You must be wondering why you’d use Etherpad rather than Docs.

的确,Etherpad拥有一些真正扎实的竞争对手,最明显的是广泛使用的Google文档。 您一定想知道为什么要使用Etherpad而不是Docs。

One reason is that, since Etherpad is an open-source software, you can host it on your own server and make it available to your team through a sub-domain (For instance: rather than using a hosted app like Google Docs. This is a plus for those who wish to avoid relying on proprietary software and having no control over functionality and performance.

原因之一是,由于Etherpad是开源软件,因此您可以将其托管在自己的服务器上,并通过子域(例如将其提供给您的团队,而不是使用托管的应用程序例如Google文档。 对于那些希望避免依赖专有软件并且无法控制功能和性能的用户而言,这是一个加分项。

Google Docs has many great features for editing and text formatting, but this also means the app takes a lot longer to load, especially if you’re using it on a slow internet connection. Etherpad loads much faster.

Google文档具有许多出色的编辑和文本格式设置功能,但这也意味着该应用程序的加载时间要长得多,尤其是当您在互联网连接速度较慢的情况下使用该应用程序时。 Etherpad加载速度更快。

If you really need the advanced formatting options, or you’re creating docs you intend to print or use permanently, I’d suggest sticking with Google Docs. However, Etherpad would be what I’d choose for quick, temporary and collaborative organizational work, especially for documents that will be published using other apps.

如果您确实需要高级格式化选项,或者要创建打算永久打印或使用的文档,建议您坚持使用Google文档。 但是,我会选择Etherpad进行快速,临时和协作的组织工作,尤其是对于将使用其他应用程序发布的文档。

结论 (Conclusion)

I’ve been using Etherpad since I joined the Mozilla Foundation as a volunteer. I’ve used it to successfully hold meetings with other volunteers, collaborate on community content as well as official websites. I’ve used it to discuss events and for sharing links, content and even room numbers at conferences!

自从我以志愿者身份加入Mozilla基金会以来,就一直在使用Etherpad。 我已使用它成功地与其他志愿者举行会议,在社区内容以及官方网站上进行协作。 我用它来讨论事件,并在会议上共享链接,内容甚至房间号!

Etherpad’s users use it in a huge variety of ways (just like me). Such inventive uses help in creating a bond in the online social communities of different projects.

Etherpad的用户以多种方式使用它(就像我一样)。 这样的发明用途有助于在不同项目的在线社交社区中建立联系。

What’s your favorite online, collaborative text editor? Do you use Etherpad?

您最喜欢的在线协作文本编辑器是什么? 您是否使用Etherpad?


