
tech2023-06-12  120

I hate clickbait. It’s the worst.

我讨厌点击诱饵。 这是最糟糕的。

You won’t believe what happened next! I was crying by the 3:21 mark! What he said next caught everyone by surprise!

您不会相信接下来会发生什么! 我在3:21哭了! 他接下来说的让每个人都感到惊讶!

Odds are, I will believe what happened, I won’t be crying, and I won’t be caught by surprise. Actually, I’ll probably be punching my computer screen because I wasted my time on a stupid article. Ain’t nobody got time for clickbait.

奇怪的是,我会相信发生了什么事,我不会哭,我不会措手不及。 实际上,我可能会在电脑屏幕上打Kong,因为我浪费了时间在一篇愚蠢的文章上。 没有人有时间点击诱饵。

This raises the question: is it possible to create viral content without stooping to clickbait tactics?


It sure is. In this article, I’m going to give you 4 steps for creating viral content without giving away your dignity.

确实是。 在本文中,我将为您提供创建病毒内容的4个步骤,同时又不失尊严。

创造真正好的内容 (Create Really Good Content)

This first point is obvious, but it has to be said. Two types of content go viral: really dumb content (usually cat videos or listicles) and really good content. Really dumb content belongs to the clickbait slumlords. Leave the memes to them.

第一点很明显,但是必须要说。 两种类型的内容会传播开来:真正愚蠢的内容(通常是猫视频或猫科动物)和真正好的内容。 真正愚蠢的内容属于clickbait食客。 将模因留给他们。

If you want to go viral and still feel good about yourself, you need to be willing to spend time crafting high-value content. It doesn’t have to be War and Peace, but it does need to contain valuable insights that are actually your reader’s time.

如果您想传播病毒并仍然对自己感到满意,则需要愿意花时间来制作高价值的内容。 它不一定是《战争与和平》,但确实需要包含实际上是您的读者宝贵的见解。

As Noah Kagan over at OkDork pointed out, long form content gets significantly more shares than short content:

正如OkDork的 Noah Kagan指出的那样,长篇内容比短内容获得了更多的份额:

[m]ost people just aren’t willing to create in-depth, well-researched articles packed with insights. They just don’t want to put in the time and effort. Which means there’s probably a lot more opportunities for you to do so. Because there just isn’t as many long-form content creators to compete with.

[m]大多数人都不愿意撰写深入,研究深入的文章,其中包含见解。 他们只是不想花费时间和精力。 这意味着您可能会有更多的机会。 因为没有太多与之竞争的长篇内容创作者。

This means that creating viral content isn’t that hard, but it does take hard work. If you’re willing to craft a high-value article that delivers loads of actionable insights, you’re on the path to going viral.

这意味着创建病毒内容并不难,但确实需要艰苦的工作。 如果您愿意撰写一份高价值的文章,以提供可付诸实践的见解,那么您将走向病毒式传播。

This 8,500 word WordPress Bloggers Bible is a great example of fantastic long form content. This Ultimate Guide To Starting And Growing Your Business is another brilliant example.

这8500字的WordPress Bloggers圣经就是绝佳的长格式内容的一个很好的例子。 这份《创业和发展的终极指南》是另一个出色的例子。

Really good content isn’t fluff or fudge. It’s usually pretty long, and it should be busting at the seams with content that can be put into practice right away.

真正好的内容不是虚张声势。 它通常很长,应该在接缝处破裂,并且可以立即将其付诸实践。

制作真正的头条新闻 (Craft Really Good Headlines)

You’re scrolling through your Facebook feed, eyes glossed over as thousands of pictures, status updates, and articles zip past you.


What does it take to jerk you out of your drool-producing stupor?


In order to get your attention, it must be interesting, arresting, or captivating. It must stand out from the blitz of memes and absurd “Which Goonies Character Are You?” quizzes. It has to grab you by the digital collar and give you a digital slap across the face.

为了引起您的注意,它必须很有趣,令人着迷或引人入胜。 它必须脱颖而出的模因和荒谬的“你是哪个傻瓜角色?” 测验。 它必须抓住您的数字项圈,并给您打个数字耳光。

So how can you get your content to stand out?


You craft a really good headline.


Now, this is where you must tread a bit carefully. Clickbait headlines catch your attention, but they fail to deliver.

现在,在这里您必须谨慎行事。 Clickbait头条吸引了您的注意,但它们未能实现。

If you want to go viral, you must craft a clear, compelling, authentic headline that truly does grab the attention and delivers what it promises.


The copywriting ninjas over at Copyblogger offer some great formulas for headlines. These formulas include:

Copyblogger的文案写作忍者为标题提供了一些很好的公式。 这些公式包括:

Who else wants [blank]?

还有谁想要[空白]? The secret of [blank]

[空白]的秘密 Little known ways to [blank]

鲜为人知的[空白]方法 Get rid of [problem] once for all

彻底摆脱[问题] And more.


Your headline is one of the primary things that will stand out on social media. It’s what causes your content to stand out amidst a sea of stupidity. Don’t settle for a mediocre headline.

您的标题是将在社交媒体上脱颖而出的主要内容之一。 这就是导致您的内容在愚蠢的海洋中脱颖而出的原因。 不要满足于平庸的标题。

If you need help crafting a good headline, check out the Headline Analyzer.

如果您在制作一个好的标题时需要帮助,请查看标题分析器 。

有趣(不要太努力) (Be Funny (Without Trying Too Hard))

Before I make this point, I need to include one massive caveat. Don’t try too hard to be funny. Nothing is worse than being that awkward guy who keeps trying to make jokes and can’t see that his jokes aren’t funny. If you’re not naturally a funny person, don’t suddenly try to become Steve Carell.

在提出这一点之前,我需要包括一个重要的警告。 不要太努力以免变得有趣。 没有比做一个笨拙的家伙更努力的了,他总是试图开玩笑,却看不到他的笑话不好笑。 如果您天生不是一个有趣的人,请不要突然尝试成为史蒂夫·卡雷尔(Steve Carell)。

But, if you do happen to be a generally fun/funny/amusing person, I’ve got some good news for you. An analysis of the top 10,000 most shared articles on the web showed that laughter and amusement accounted for more than 25% of them.

但是,如果您碰巧是一个普遍有趣/有趣/有趣的人,那么我对您来说有个好消息。 分析在网络上的前10,000个最共同的文章表明,笑声和娱乐占了其中的25%以上。

We are constantly bombarded by soul-sucking, awful news. If your content can make someone smile, chuckle, chortle, or laugh their a$$ off, there’s a good chance they’ll share it. If you need further proof of this, look no further than The Onion. They specialize in content that produces laughs, which in turn goes viral.

令人伤心的可怕消息不断轰炸着我们。 如果您的内容可以使某人微笑,轻笑,颤抖或嘲笑他们的a $$,那么他们很有可能会分享它。 如果您需要进一步的证明,那就不要错过The Onion了 。 他们擅长于产生笑声的内容,而这些笑声反而成为病毒。

This ad by Dollar Shave Club is another example of the viral power of humor. How could you not want to buy razors from these guys?

Dollar Shave Club的这则广告是幽默病毒的另一个例子。 您怎么可能不想从这些家伙那里购买剃须刀呢?

If you want your content to go viral, make it smileable (a word I just made up). Sprinkle it with personality and authenticity. People love to share a laugh or a smile.

如果您希望内容变得病毒式传播,请使其变得可笑(我刚刚编造的一个词)。 散布个性和真实性。 人们喜欢分享笑声或微笑。

在星期二早晨发布您的内容 (Publish Your Content on Tuesday Mornings)

Yes, when you publish your content matters just as much as the content itself. A study by Buffer showed that the best time to publish is in the morning, due to the fact that you’re competing with less overall social media noise.

是的,发布内容与内容本身同样重要。 Buffer的一项研究表明,最好的发布时间是在早上,这是因为您正在与较少的整体社交媒体噪音竞争。

The most popular time to tweet is also the time when there is the highest volume of tweets, perhaps making it a bit more difficult for your tweet to stand out in someone’s timeline.


A study by BuzzSumo showed that content published on Tuesday morning got the most shares.


This means that your best shot at going viral is Tuesday mornings (not to be confused with Tuesdays With Morrie).


结论 (Conclusion)

It is possible to create viral content without giving your soul to Buzzfeed. It requires time, thought, and hard work, but it’s possible. And the resulting spike in traffic and incoming leads will be more than adequate payback for the time you spent creating the content.

无需将您的灵魂投入Buzzfeed,就可以创建病毒内容。 这需要时间,思想和努力,但是这是可能的。 因此,流量和传入线索的激增将远远超过您花在创建内容上的时间所能得到的足够的回报。

Now if you’ll excuse me, you’re never going to believe what happens next.


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/4-ways-to-create-viral-content-without-selling-your-soul/
