
tech2023-06-12  114

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本文由VictorOps赞助。 感谢您支持使SitePoint成为可能的赞助商。

Working in devops can sometimes mean hours, days, and entire weekends on-call, in case something goes wrong with your application during a critical time period. While some devops teams have managed to successfully adapt to the on-call process, most find that being on-call is a strain on their team.

如果在关键时期内您的应用程序出现问题,有时在devop中工作可能意味着数小时,数天以及整个周末的待命。 尽管一些开发团队已经成功地适应了随叫随到的流程,但大多数人发现随随便便给他们的团队带来了压力。

VictorOps is on a mission to solve the toughest challenges faced by software teams who require their members to be on-call. They’ve recently surveyed over 500 people in the devops world, and asked them about how they’re handling the on-call process.

VictorOps的任务是解决要求其成员随时待命的软件团队所面临的最严峻挑战。 他们最近对devops世界中的500多人进行了调查,并询问他们如何处理通话过程。

他们发现了什么 (What They Found)

待命对某些人来说压力很大…… (Being On-call is Stressful for Some…)

Worried your team is finding it difficult to maintain peak efficiency while on-call? You’re definitely not alone. In fact, one of the most common findings in the VictorOps survey was that being on-call is a slow developing and often inefficient process. Some participants even went so far as saying the problems based around being on-call were not improving for them, but actually getting worse. What do these on-call difficulties go on to cause? Some respondents cited marriage, family, and other home-life related tension, which speaks to just how difficult the on-call process can be.

担心您的团队发现在通话时难以保持最高效率吗? 你绝对不是一个人。 实际上,VictorOps调查中最常见的发现之一是待命中是一个发展缓慢且效率低下的过程。 一些参与者甚至说基于通话的问题对他们来说并没有改善,但实际上正在恶化。 这些通话困难会继续导致什么? 一些受访者列举了与婚姻,家庭和其他与家庭生活相关的紧张关系,这说明了通话过程可能有多困难。

和其他人的微风 (And a Breeze for Others)

Other participants seemed to have no trouble at all during their experience being on-call. For them, helping the customer and the excitement of the job seemed to make everything worth it.

在通话过程中,其他参与者似乎完全没有问题。 对于他们来说,帮助客户和工作的兴奋似乎使一切都变得值得。

自动化正在兴起 (Automation Is on the Rise)

Of the 500+ surveyed, more than half are using infrastructure automation tools, and many find that those tools help ease the pain when it comes to being on-call.


本土种植可能不是最好的…… (Homegrown May Not Be the Best…)

If you’re finding difficulties in the tools and processes you’re using throughout the on-call process, it might be time to move your team over to a SaaS solution. According to the report, 70% use homegrown tools to solve on-call problems and almost 50% have no idea what they’re paying for their current solution. The majority of respondents were not happy with the homebuilt systems being used on-call. While new tools and solutions are becoming available, most on-call teams have yet to switch over. This may be one of the biggest reasons for the challenges being faced by those involved in the on-call process.

如果您在整个通话过程中发现使用的工具和流程存在困难,那么可能是时候将您的团队转移到SaaS解决方案上了。 根据该报告,有70%的人使用本地生产的工具来解决通话中的问题,而近50%的人不知道他们为当前解决方案支付的费用。 大多数受访者对随叫随用的自制系统不满意。 当新工具和解决方案可用时,大多数待命团队仍未切换。 这可能是呼叫过程中涉及人员面临挑战的最大原因之一。

但是警报疲劳甚至更糟 (But Alert Fatigue is even Worse)

Most of us have been in a situation where we were inundated with monitoring alerts, most of which were false alarms. In fact, of those surveyed, 64% believed that up to a quarter of all alerts received were false. Aside from being annoying to deal with, false alarms can be expensive.Just how expensive you ask? VictorOps data shows that in just one year, false alerts could be costing your organization upwards of $100,000.

我们大多数人都处于被监视警报淹没的情况,其中大多数是虚假警报。 实际上,在接受调查的人中,有64%的人认为收到的所有警报中有多达四分之一是错误的。 除了烦人的处理之外,虚假警报可能会很昂贵。您问多少钱? VictorOps数据显示,在短短的一年内,虚假警报可能会使您的组织损失超过100,000美元。

在聊天室中解决问题 (Problems Are Solved in the Chatroom)

When a real alert comes through, every software team has it’s own way of finding a resolution. There are similarities however, and most teams will likely solve the issue with 1 – 5 participants communicating over a chat platform.

当真正的警报发出时,每个软件团队都有找到解决方案的独特方法。 但是存在相似之处,大多数团队可能会通过1-5个参与者在聊天平台上进行交流来解决此问题。

当烟雾清除 (When the Smoke Clears)

What happens after the issue is solved? According to the recent survey from VictorOps: Nothing. Sadly 75% of those surveyed will only conduct a retrospective after significant outages and other serious errors. Want to avoid the downtime? VictorOps data shows companies who conduct retrospectives after every issue, no matter how insignificant, are more likely to have less downtime, and fewer false alarms too.

解决问题后会发生什么? 根据VictorOps的最新调查:没有。 可悲的是,只有75%的受访者只有在发生严重故障和其他严重错误之后才能进行回顾。 是否想避免停机? VictorOps数据显示,在每次发行后进行回顾的公司,无论多么微不足道,都更有可能减少停机时间,并减少虚假警报。

了解更多 (Learning More)

There’s plenty to learn in this insightful report from VictorOps, especially if you’re currently struggling with the on-call process. Download the full report from VictorOps here!

从VictorOps这份有见地的报告中可以学到很多东西,特别是如果您当前正忙于通话过程。 从此处下载VictorOps的完整报告!

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/call-sucks-proof/
