I have been in web development for more than five years and it’s been quite a journey — trying out different technologies and experimenting with different styles. I’ve been successful at times, but I’ve also had my fair share of disappointment. In this post, I’m going to talk about certain realizations I’ve had over the course of my life as a web developer, with the hope you can learn from my mistakes.
我从事Web开发已有五年多了,这是一段漫长的旅程-尝试不同的技术并尝试不同的样式。 有时候我很成功,但是我也感到失望。 在这篇文章中,我将讨论作为Web开发人员的一生中获得的某些认识,希望您可以从我的错误中学习。
Source: funny-memes.org
The first thing you realize when you start making large applications is that a huge amount of time is required for debugging. Often, you’ll spend more time debugging than writing new code.
当您开始制作大型应用程序时,您首先意识到的是调试需要大量时间。 通常,与编写新代码相比,您将花费更多的时间进行调试。
In such a situation, it’s highly important you write properly indented and commented code, which adheres to best practices. Imagine you have hundreds of lines of code, and you have no idea what’s causing a small bug. What’s worse is that if you write unreadable code, you’ll probably fail to understand what each snippet does after some time. Are you sure you want to go down that path? Here are some tips to make writing clean code easier.
在这种情况下,编写适当的缩进和注释代码(遵循最佳实践)非常重要。 假设您有数百行代码,并且不知道是什么导致了一个小错误。 更糟糕的是,如果编写不可读的代码,一段时间后您可能将无法理解每个代码片段的功能。 您确定要走那条路吗? 这里有一些技巧,可以简化编写干净代码的过程 。
Source: Giphy
资料来源: Giphy
People often first learn the tricks of a framework, and then move on to the language. That’s actually not the right way to go.
人们通常首先学习框架的技巧,然后再转向语言。 这实际上不是正确的方法。
The popularity of Django can be attributed to the strengths of Python — so it’s important that you get comfortable with Python before trying out Django and not the other way round.
Django的流行可以归因于Python的优势-因此,在尝试Django之前一定要熟悉Python,这很重要,而不是相反 。
The simple reason here is that if you know about the underlying language, it helps you understand how the framework works. If you have no idea about the trades of a a language, there is no way you will understand why something is done a certain way in the framework.
这里的简单原因是,如果您了解底层语言,则可以帮助您了解框架的工作原理。 如果您对aa语言的交易一窍不通,那么您将无法理解为什么在框架中以某种方式完成某件事。
Getting a bit more specific than the idea raised above, I would like to give special emphasis to JavaScript, which is the most accessible language in the world. Any device with a browser is capable of running a JavaScript application.
除了上面提出的想法外,我想特别强调JavaScript,这是世界上最易访问的语言。 任何带有浏览器的设备都可以运行JavaScript应用程序。
The mistake that young developers often make is to “learn jQuery”. Questions like these on Quora suggest that jQuery is a very popular option among people who have no idea how the underlying JavaScript works!
年轻的开发人员经常犯的错误是“学习jQuery”。 关于Quora的此类问题表明,在不了解底层JavaScript如何工作的人们中,jQuery是一个非常受欢迎的选择!
jQuery is just a set of wrapper functions written over JavaScript and the only reason people prefer jQuery is because of the fewer number of lines of code required. However, recent versions of JavaScript (or ECMAScript as it is originally known as) have made the syntax more user friendly, making many jQuery functions obsolete.
jQuery只是一组用JavaScript编写的包装函数,人们之所以喜欢jQuery的唯一原因是因为所需的代码行数较少。 但是,最新版本JavaScript(或最初称为ECMAScript)使语法更加用户友好, 从而使许多jQuery函数过时了 。
I am not saying using jQuery is wrong. I am just telling you to follow the correct learning path. If you have no idea about closures and namespaces in JavaScript, how would you explain the use of “$” in jQuery?
我并不是说使用jQuery是错误的。 我只是告诉您要遵循正确的学习路径。 如果您不了解JavaScript中的闭包和名称空间,您将如何解释jQuery中“ $”的使用?
I’ve often seen developers read through tutorials or sometimes even whole books without anything much to show for it. However, my biggest concern is how much would you retain if you just read?
我经常看到开发人员通读教程甚至有时阅读整本书,但没有什么可展示的。 但是,我最担心的是,如果您刚刚阅读,会保留多少?
If you want to learn Ruby on Rails, try to develop a small application as you are going through the documentation or a set of tutorials. If you want to try the MEAN stack, get it running in your local machine and explore the different options — that’s the best way to learn!
如果您想学习Ruby on Rails,请在阅读文档或一组教程时尝试开发一个小型应用程序。 如果您想尝试MEAN堆栈,请使其在本地计算机上运行并探索不同的选项-这是最好的学习方法!
It’s good to explore new technologies, but one must remember to stick to one for most purposes. It’s always tempting for beginners to learn multiple languages at the same time, but it’s advisable to stick to one until you develop a certain level of mastery over it.
探索新技术是件好事,但对于大多数用途,必须记住坚持一项。 初学者总是很想同时学习多种语言,但是建议您坚持一种语言,直到您对语言有一定程度的掌握为止。
Once you have a go-to language for your day-to-day needs, you can move on to new ones. You may also changed your preferred language in this process, but attempting to master one before you move on to others is often a wise decision. Here’s some advice for choosing which one to start with.
一旦有了满足您日常需求的通用语言,就可以继续使用新的语言。 您也可以在此过程中更改首选语言,但是尝试先掌握一种语言通常是一个明智的决定。 这里是一些建议,供您选择从哪一个开始 。
In today’s world, it’s very rare that you work on a project alone. To collaborate with others, you need to learn something called version control!
在当今世界,很少您独自从事一个项目。 要与他人合作,您需要学习一些称为版本控制的知识 !
Developers usually don’t dive into version control until they absolutely need to do so. However, as version control is necessary to work in a team, it’s a good idea to understand how it works and the basic commands that get you started early on.
在绝对需要这样做之前,开发人员通常不参与版本控制。 但是,由于版本控制是团队合作所必需的,因此最好了解版本控制的工作原理以及使您早日入门的基本命令。
Mastering a technology on your own is great, but sometimes you learn a lot by just looking at the code of others. Be it your colleagues or random tutorials on the internet, try to find why someone approaches a problem in a certain way — and ask questions if necessary.
自己掌握技术是很棒的,但是有时您仅看别人的代码就会学到很多东西。 无论是您的同事还是互联网上的随机教程,请尝试找出某人以某种方式解决问题的原因,并在必要时提出问题。
It’s also important for developers to realize that it’s impossible to know everything, but the knowledge is out there — you just need to Google it. As a beginner, if you’re stuck there is high probability that someone like you had the same problem in the past and the solution is somewhere out there in the internet (this often happens to the veterans too!)
对于开发人员而言,意识到不可能一无所知也很重要,但是知识已经存在,您只需要对它进行搜索即可。 作为初学者,如果您陷入困境,很有可能像您这样的人过去也遇到过同样的问题,而解决方案就在互联网上的某个地方(退伍军人也经常发生这种情况!)
Over the years, code reviews have immensely improved my programming skills. Proper code reviews take time on the part of the reviewer, so you should always ask others to review what you have written — your peers as well as mentors. It helps expose loopholes in your approach, and makes you learn. If you find someone who genuinely takes interest in reviewing your code, take their reviews seriously. Here’s a look at an advanced way to code review.
多年以来,代码审查极大地提高了我的编程技能。 适当的代码审查需要审阅者的时间,因此您应始终要求其他人(包括同行和导师)来审查您编写的内容。 它有助于发现方法中的漏洞,并使您学习。 如果您发现有人真的有兴趣审查您的代码,请认真对待他们的审查。 这是代码审查的高级方法 。
Lastly, never take code reviews personally. Code is like art — it’s difficult when someone points out errors in what you have created, but code reviews can only make you better — provided you take them the right way!
最后,切勿亲自进行代码审查。 代码就像艺术一样-当有人指出您所创建的内容中的错误时很难,但是代码检查只能使您变得更好-只要您以正确的方式对待它们!
This post stems from my experiences as a web developer and what I have learned from events that have shaped my life. For further reading, check out this article on how to be a good developer.
这篇文章源于我作为Web开发人员的经验以及我从影响我的生活的事件中学到的东西。 要进一步阅读,请查看有关如何成为一名优秀的开发人员的文章 。
What have you learned that you would have loved your younger self to have known? Let us know in the comments below.
您从中学到了什么? 在下面的评论中让我们知道。
翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/8-things-wish-id-known-started-developer/