
tech2023-06-14  148


Last week was IoT week on SitePoint which saw us publish a plethora of articles focused on the intersection of the internet and the physical world. We covered some seriously great stuff! Among my favorites was this article by Christopher Pitt on combining an Arduino, Minecraft and PHP (yup, PHP) and this article by SitePoint’s Alex Walker and Jude Aakjaer on creating a motion-sensing, meeting-room-reserving Arduino platform.

上周是SitePoint上的IoT周,我们看到了许多关于互联网与物理世界交汇的文章。 我们介绍了一些很棒的东西! 我最喜欢的是Christopher Pitt撰写的有关结合Arduino,Minecraft和PHP (是,PHP)的文章,以及SitePoint的Alex Walker和Jude Aakjaer撰写的关于创建运动感应,会议室预留Arduino平台的文章 。

Now, I don’t mind admitting that I’m a bit of an IoT skeptic. As I’ve written in the past, it worries me that in the rush to get the latest, greatest IoT products out of the door, security is often an afterthought. I also have zero confidence in those large data-thirsty corporations who, given half a chance, would use my IoT devices to gather as much personal data as they possibly can. Oh wait, they’re doing that already, you say? Well, dang!

现在,我不介意承认我对物联网持怀疑态度。 就像我过去写的那样,令我担心的是,急于将最新,最出色的物联网产品推向市场,安全性通常是事后才想到的。 对于那些渴望大量数据的公司,我也只有零信心,他们有一半的机会会使用我的物联网设备来收集尽可能多的个人数据。 哦,等等, 他们已经在这样做了 ,您说呢? 好吧,老兄!

Anyway, that’s why a third IoT week post struck a particular chord with me. This is a post in which Elio Qoshi cautions against the potentially dangerous combination of the IoT and artificial intelligence (AI). Now we’ve all heard the warnings about AI, right? World renowned physicist Stephen Hawking believes that thinking machines pose a threat to our very existence, and technology entrepreneur Elon Musk considers AI to be “potentially more dangerous than nukes“. But surely that’s just hyperbole. We’re already using AI in our day-to-day lives (for example whenever we interact with a virtual assistant such as Siri or Cortana) and the world hasn’t ended quite yet. In fact, for most people it just got more convenient.

无论如何,这就是为什么在第三次物联网周上引起我特别关注的原因。 Elio Qoshi在这篇文章中告诫人们不要将物联网和人工智能 (AI) 进行潜在的危险结合 。 现在我们都听到了有关AI的警告,对吗? 世界著名物理学家斯蒂芬·霍金(Stephen Hawking)认为, 思维机器对我们的生存构成了威胁 ,技术企业家埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)认为,人工智能“ 比核武器更危险 ”。 但这肯定是夸张的。 我们已经在日常生活中使用了AI(例如,当我们与Siri或Cortana之类的虚拟助手互动时),并且世界还没有终结。 实际上,对于大多数人来说,它只是更加方便。

So what does happen when AI meets the IoT? Well initially, good things. For example, many smart home devices can “learn” from their users’ behavior patterns and regulate themselves accordingly. A thermostat that “knows” when you’re home and adjusts the temperature to suit, is not only extremely convenient, but can also save you quite a bit of money. Multiply that saving by the growing number of households installing such devices and we’ve taken a small, but significant step to addressing our energy consumption problems.

那么,当人工智能遇到物联网时会发生什么呢? 好吧,最初,好东西。 例如,许多智能家居设备可以从用户的行为模式中“学习”并据此进行自我调节。 温控器不仅“非常方便”,而且可以为您节省很多钱。 通过将节余乘以安装此类设备的家庭数量的增加,我们已经采取了一个小而重要的步骤来解决我们的能源消耗问题。

And therein lies danger. The combination of the IoT and AI presents a vast amount of potentially life-changing possibilities. But this doesn’t mean that we should embrace them blindly!

危险就在其中。 物联网和人工智能的结合带来了巨大的潜在改变生活的可能性。 但这并不意味着我们应该盲目拥抱它们!

The need for caution was underscored recently by a fatal crash involving a self-driving car. The exact cause of the accident is not yet clear, however what is clear is that the car was in autopilot mode and that there was no reaction by the software before the crash. Call me a skeptic, but it will take a lot more testing before I would consider handing over the wheel to my car’s AI.

最近, 涉及自动驾驶汽车的致命车祸强调了谨慎的需要。 事故的确切原因尚不清楚,但是清楚的是,汽车处于自动驾驶模式,在撞车之前软件没有做出React。 称我为怀疑者,但在我考虑将方向盘移交给汽车的AI之前,还需要进行大量测试。

And then of course there’s the human component. Remember Tay, Microsoft’s smart chat bot? Within 24 hours of being launched, Tay notoriously embarked upon a racist, genocidal Twitter rampage. Sadly, this was in large part, down to the humans she interacted with. It took Microsoft’s AI less than a day to go from “humans are super cool” to agreeing with Hitler. Now I hear that they’re teaching robots to hunt prey. Somehow, that doesn’t fill me full of confidence.

当然,还有人为因素。 还记得微软的智能聊天机器人Tay吗? 在发布24小时之内,Tay臭名昭著地进行了种族主义,种族灭绝的Twitter横冲直撞 。 可悲的是,这很大程度上取决于与她互动的人。 从“人类超酷”到与希特勒达成共识,微软的AI花了不到一天的时间。 现在我听说他们正在教机器人寻找猎物 。 不知何故,这不足以使我充满信心。

But what do you think? What does AI + IoT actually equate to? Danger? Progress? Something else entirely? More importantly, would you get into a self-driving car? I’d love to hear your opinions in the comments below.

但是你觉得呢? AI + IoT实际等于什么? 危险? 进展? 还有其他东西吗? 更重要的是,您会坐自动驾驶汽车吗? 我很想听听您在以下评论中的意见。

Originally published in the SitePoint JavaScript Newsletter.

最初发布在SitePoint JavaScript新闻中 。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/should-we-be-scared-of-an-intelligent-internet-of-things/

