
tech2023-06-14  118


Welcome to On Our Radar, a weekly round-up of news, trends and other cool stuff from the world of web development.

欢迎来到On Our Ra​​dar,每周综述来自Web开发领域的新闻,趋势和其他有趣的内容。

注意您的可用性 (Watch your usability)

Apple have released development kit information for their new Apple Watch, with info on how the device will work (at least initially) and details about getting your iPhone app ready for Apple Watch. Needless to say, there has been a lot of talk about this, and among them are these initial impressions for WatchKit.

苹果已经为其新的Apple Watch发布了开发套件信息,其中包括有关该设备将如何工作的信息(至少在最初是这样)以及有关将iPhone应用程序准备好用于Apple Watch的详细信息。 不用说,对此有很多讨论,其中包括对WatchKit的最初印象 。

The UX of mobile settings for Apple and other operating systems such as Google’s Android and Windows Phone have been under the spotlight too, with Apple coming out unscathed. The same can’t be said for Microsoft though. Does your team have a UX writer? It’s an important role that doesn’t get much credit.

苹果和其他操作系统(例如Google的Android和Windows Phone) 的移动设置的UX也受到关注,苹果毫发无损。 但是,对于Microsoft来说却不能这么说。 您的团队是否有UX编写器? 这是一个重要角色,没有获得太多荣誉。

When you’re creating your own UI, Erik has 7 rules for creating gorgeous UI that have been hard won in the fire of personal experience and also, yes, by copying and learning from the best. If you’re to create your own UI, desktop browsers can be left out in the cold. Interact.js fills this gap by providing drag and drop, resizing and multi-touch gestures with inertia and snapping for modern web browsers.

当您创建自己的UI时,Erik有7条规则来创建华丽的UI ,这些规则在个人经历中屡获殊荣,当然,通过复制和学习最佳经验,这是很难的。 如果要创建自己的UI,则桌面浏览器可能会被冷落。 Interact.js通过为现代Web浏览器提供具有惯性和捕捉功能的拖放,调整大小和多点触摸手势来填补这一空白。

动画并继续到Sass (Animating and moving on to Sass)

We are improving how browsers handle SVG transforms. Chris covers animation on CSS transforms, browser issues, and how they’re resolved by the GreenSock Animation Platform, known as GSAP. When it comes to managing CSS within your own team, we look at the process of migrating your team to Sass, and if it’s worth the process.

我们正在改善浏览器处理SVG转换的方式。 克里斯介绍了有关CSS变换的动画,浏览器问题以及 GreenSock动画平台(称为GSAP) 如何解决它们 。 在您自己的团队中管理CSS时,我们将研究将您的团队迁移到Sass的过程,如果值得的话。

Given that, here are also 15 essential Sass mixins to explore, and CSS Dig that helps you to analyze the CSS of your website in new ways.

鉴于此,这里还有15个基本的Sass mixins可供探索,而CSS Dig可帮助您以新方式分析网站CSS。

直观的可视化 (Intuitive visualisation)

Explained Visually are making hard ideas intuitive by providing wonderfully explanative visuals. Setosa‘s data visualisation is all built on top of the d3 graphics library. If you are animating your own works, James looks at multipliers in JavaScript animations and how to easily explore their effects.

视觉解释通过提供出色的解释性视觉效果,使艰难的想法变得直观。 Setosa的数据可视化全部建立在d3图形库之上。 如果您要为自己的作品制作动画 ,James会研究JavaScript动画中的乘法器以及如何轻松探索其效果。

A decent website of style guide resources came to our attention recently. Netflix have also given us a good insight into how Netflix diagnosed and fixed complex latency issues, where we get to see Node.js in flames. We may not have the resources available to us that Netflix have ready to hand, so here’s Comcast that lets us simulate terrible network connections so you can build better systems.

一个不错的风格指南资源网站最近引起了我们的注意。 Netflix还使我们对Netflix如何诊断和解决复杂的延迟问题有了很好的了解,在这里我们可以看到Node.js鲜为人知。 我们可能没有Netflix可用的可用资源,因此这里的Comcast可让我们模拟糟糕的网络连接,以便您可以构建更好的系统 。

Facebook have released Flow, a static type checker for JavaScript that promises to give an automated way to look for type-conflict issues within your code, and lets you gradually evolve your code in to a typed code system.


最后但并非最不重要的 (Last but not least)

Lastly, I’ve been exploring CodeWars, where you are to code up challenges of different types and grades. When your code passes given tests, you can look at how others have coded up their solutions too. I’ve been noticing that many go for short and complex code. But here’s an interesting article about how shorter code is inconsiderate got me thinking. The main thrust is that the more condensed the code, the harder it is to develop and understand. Debugging code is a task that is orders of magnitude more difficult than writing it in the first place. If you are at your limits when writing the code then debugging it is going to be next to impossible. So keeping your code simple and easy to understand is helpful all round.

最后,我一直在探索CodeWars,您将在其中编写不同类型和等级的挑战。 当您的代码通过给定的测试时,您可以查看其他人如何编写他们的解决方案。 我一直注意到,许多代码都是简短而复杂的。 但是,这是一篇有趣的文章,关于短代码的不合理性让我思考。 主要目的是,代码越简洁,开发和理解就越困难。 调试代码是一项比最初编写代码要困难几个数量级的任务。 如果在编写代码时处于极限,那么调试几乎是不可能的。 因此,使您的代码简单易懂对您很有帮助。

Which links caught your attention? Are you preparing for Apple Watch, how are your animations progressing, and what do you think of Google’s automatic captions or the lego worm? Whatever takes your interest, we would love to hear from you.

哪些链接引起了您的注意? 您是否正在为Apple Watch做准备,动画的进度如何?您如何看待Google的自动字幕或乐高蠕虫? 无论您有什么兴趣,我们都希望收到您的来信。

Also, if you have any problems implementing anything covered here, or just want to discuss it some more, SitePoint’s forums are a great place to visit (you can sign in with your Google, FaceBook, Twitter, GitHub or Yahoo account).

此外,如果您在执行此处介绍的内容时遇到任何问题,或者只是想进一步讨论, SitePoint的论坛都是一个不错的访问场所(您可以使用Google,FaceBook,Twitter,GitHub或Yahoo帐户登录)。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/radar-week-watch-apple-intuitive-animation/


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