vs2015 开发软件

tech2023-06-14  119

vs2015 开发软件

In the past, software and hardware development were two separate projects with extensively different skill sets. Today, hardware typically requires some type of software to function, be it on-board code or a remote interface.

过去,软件和硬件开发是两个单独的项目,具有完全不同的技能。 如今,硬件通常需要某种类型的软件才能运行,无论是板载代码还是远程接口。

At a presentation during CEA Innovate 2014 the combination of software and hardware took center stage in a session titled “The Keys to Startup Success,” which discussed key trends for technology professionals to focus on:

在CEA Innovate 2014上的一个演讲中,软件和硬件的组合在名为“启动成功的关键”的会议上成为中心话题,讨论了技术专业人员关注的主要趋势:

传感器和可穿戴设备 (Sensors and Wearables)

What started as a novelty is now one of the hottest sectors in the technology space. As nations across the world struggle to cope with rising healthcare costs, healthcare providers and companies are going to turn to medical data gathered from real time sensors to inform and improve medical decisions.

从新颖开始,现在是技术领域中最热门的领域之一。 随着世界各国努力应对不断上涨的医疗保健成本,医疗保健提供者和公司将转向从实时传感器收集的医疗数据来告知和改善医疗决策。

For software developers, the creation of algorithms to process the troves of medical information is going to be an essential skill for many companies to succeed in the healthcare space. Additionally, coming up with effective ways to visualize this information is crucial so that users actually put it to good use.

对于软件开发人员而言,创建处理大量医疗信息的算法将成为许多公司在医疗保健领域取得成功的一项基本技能。 另外,想出有效的方法来可视化此信息也至关重要,因此用户可以充分利用它。

While wearable technology and sensors are technically hardware devices, software developers are going to be vital for creating applications and services that make it possible for consumers to put the devices to good use.


移动意识 (Mobile Awareness)

You’ve probably used your phone for GPS navigation while driving, however GPS technology can be used for much more. This field has actually been around for years, but it’s only recently become socially palatable. Back when Bluetooth phones were hitting the market, advertisers were exploring sending SMS advertisements to phones as users walked past sensors. Ultimately the technology never took off due to users feeling the concept was intrusive.

驾驶时您可能已经将手机用于GPS导航,但是GPS技术可以用于更多领域。 这个领域实际上已经存在了很多年,但是直到最近才在社会上变得可口。 早在蓝牙电话投放市场时,广告商就在用户经过传感器时探索向手机发送SMS广告。 最终,由于用户认为该概念具有侵入性,该技术从未获得成功。

Fast-forward to today and the digital landscape has completely changed. Whether it’s navigation, social media or a game – all of these apps have access to the GPS chips in mobile devices.

快速发展到今天,数字环境已经完全改变。 无论是导航,社交媒体还是游戏,所有这些应用都可以访问移动设备中的GPS芯片。

One of the most notable cases of mobile awareness technology in the real world is going to be retailers using iBeacons within their stores for in-store navigation and showing targeted advertisements based on the departments that a user frequents.


Aside from retail, any application that uses location as a factor to trigger features falls under this trend. Ultimately when implementing these systems, you should make them opt-in to avoid user backlash.

除了零售以外,任何使用位置作为触发功能的应用程序都属于这种趋势。 最终,在实施这些系统时,应选择启用它们,以避免用户强烈反对。

分析跟踪 (Analytical Tracking)

Although not directly covered at CEA Innovate, proper analysis is crucial for any project to succeed. As a web developer it isn’t practical to interview every single visitor to ensure your website is effective. Fortunately, advanced analytical tools can make your job much easier. While using these tools to their fullest potential is a topic for a separate article, you can hit the ground running by looking into products such as Crazy Egg, Mouseflow, or Inspectlet.

尽管没有在CEA Innovate中直接介绍,但是适当的分析对于任何项目的成功都是至关重要的。 作为网络开发人员,采访每个访问者以确保您的网站有效是不切实际的。 幸运的是,先进的分析工具可以使您的工作轻松得多。 尽管充分利用这些工具是另一篇文章的主题,但是您可以通过研究诸如Crazy Egg , Mouseflow或Inspectlet之类的产品来起步 。

By incorporating analytical tracking into your and your clients’ websites, some of the most notable capabilities are:


Form Analytics: By measuring the time it takes for a user to fill in specific form fields, you can identify areas triggering hesitation and abandonment. Additionally you can monitor the fill rate of fields, which can indicate whether users are confused about the input or are unsure of which solution to choose.

表单分析:通过测量用户填写特定表单字段所花费的时间,您可以确定引发犹豫和放弃的区域。 另外,您可以监视字段的填充率,这可以指示用户是对输入感到困惑还是不确定要选择哪种解决方案。

Heatmaps: Although the exact mechanics depend on the purpose, the idea revolves around tracking clicks, mouse movement or scrolling. Typically the areas with the most activity will show as a noticeable color such as red or orange, while areas with less activity are blueish or black.

热图:尽管确切的机制取决于目的,但其思想围绕跟踪点击,鼠标移动或滚动而进行。 通常,活动最多的区域将显示为明显的颜色,例如红色或橙色,而活动较少的区域则为蓝色或黑色。

Session Tracking: Unlike heat maps which typically show averaged levels of activity on a website, session tracking allows you to view actual recordings of user activity on the website. This allows you to see exactly how users in their natural setting are using your site.

会话跟踪:与通常显示网站平均活动水平的热图不同,会话跟踪使您可以查看网站上用户活动的实际记录。 这使您可以准确查看处于自然环境中的用户如何使用您的网站。

Of the previously mentioned services, Crazy Egg is the only one which doesn’t offer free versions of their services. Pricing for all the paid plans are relatively affordable considering the value of the intelligence they deliver. When these tools are used with traditional business evaluation techniques you’ll have a winning combination to help you stay ahead of the competition.

在先前提到的服务中,“疯狂蛋”是唯一不提供免费服务版本的服务。 考虑到它们提供的情报的价值,所有付费计划的定价都相对可承受。 当这些工具与传统的业务评估技术一起使用时,您将获得成功的组合,以帮助您在竞争中保持领先地位。

牺牲隐私 (Sacrificing Privacy)

Last but not least, one of the most notable trends for developers to know is that privacy will continue to be eroded as time goes by. As with any tool, technology can be viewed as good or evil based on the context. Take Google for example – the company probably knows more about you than your friends and family, however most users accept that fact because Google uses that data to provide a quality service. On the other hand, when governments hold troves of data on citizens, it sparks a controversy.

最后但并非最不重要的一点是,开发人员知道的最显着趋势之一是,随着时间的流逝,隐私将继续受到侵蚀。 与任何工具一样,根据上下文,技术可以被视为善恶。 以Google为例-该公司可能比您的朋友和家人了解您更多,但是大多数用户都接受这一事实,因为Google使用该数据来提供优质的服务。 另一方面,当政府拥有大量关于公民的数据时,就会引发争议。

Striking a balance between privacy and progress is always going to be a challenge, and as discussed in High Tech Realm, you can’t have both.


Younger generations are used to the concept of not having privacy, which is why many of them are comfortable handing over information to companies. The most important rule to keep in mind as a business professional is that when collecting data from users, transparency is key. Ensure that you have a legitimate need for the information and that you are clear about how it will be used. If you try to manipulate your customers or you are dishonest, it won’t end well.

年轻人习惯于没有隐私的概念,这就是为什么他们中的许多人都愿意将信息交给公司的原因。 作为业务专业人员要记住的最重要规则是,从用户收集数据时,透明性是关键。 确保您对信息有合理的需求,并且清楚如何使用这些信息。 如果您试图操纵客户或您不诚实,那将不会很好。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/important-software-development-trends-2015/

vs2015 开发软件
