Map: The island nation of San Serriffe.
April 1977 must have been a confusing time for travel agents in London.
Suddenly hundreds of people were trying to book trips to the beautiful islands of San Serriffe deep in the Indian Ocean.
突然有数百人试图预订前往印度洋深处美丽的San Serriffe岛屿的旅行。
It turned out that the Guardian newspaper had just published a 7-page special report on San Serriffe. They noted the bustling docks at Port Clarendon, praised the golden beaches of Gill Sands and highlighted the important work taking place at the University of Perpetua.
原来,《卫报》报纸刚刚发表了一份长达7页的有关圣塞里夫的特别报道 。 他们注意到克拉伦登港繁华的码头,赞扬了吉尔·桑兹(Gill Sands)的金色沙滩,并强调了Perpetua大学正在进行的重要工作。
The problem was San Seriffe didn’t exist. It was nothing more than a prank — although arguably one of the most elaborate and successful April Fools’ Day pranks ever.
问题是San Seriffe不存在。 这不过是一个恶作剧,尽管可以说是有史以来最详尽,最成功的愚人节恶作剧之一 。
Conceived by Guardian Features Manager Philip Davies and Features Editor Stuart St Clair Legge, it paid homage to many type-inspired destinations including the capital Bodoni, the remote Thirty Point, and the lapping waves of Garamondo.
由Guardian功能经理Philip Davies和功能编辑Stuart St Clair Legge共同构思,它向许多受类型启发的目的地致敬,包括首都博多尼,偏远的Thirty Point和Garamondo的浪潮。
Even advertisers including Kodak and Texaco gleefully joined in on the gag. In fact, what was to have been a single page had to be extended to accommodate advertiser demand.
甚至包括柯达(Kodak)和德士古(Texaco)在内的广告商也乐此不疲。 实际上,原本只有一页的页面必须扩展以适应广告客户的需求。
Unfortunately the task of convincing grumpy englishmen that there were no available flights to San Serriffe proved more difficult than travel agents might have hoped.
Places have often provided inspiration to type designers. Microsoft has used Matthew Carter’s Georgia — named for the US state, rather than the country — prominently for many years.
地方经常为字体设计师提供灵感。 多年来,微软一直在使用马修·卡特(Matthew Carter)的佐治亚州(Georgia) (以美国州而非国家命名)。
In the 1980’s, all Macs shipped with Susan Kare‘s New York, Los Angeles, Venice, Monaco, Geneva, Toronto and Chicago.
在1980年代,所有Mac都随Susan Kare的纽约,洛杉矶,威尼斯,摩纳哥,日内瓦,多伦多和芝加哥一起发售。
In fact, Kare originally named the fonts for more modest places — stations on her local train commute including Overbrook, Merion, and Ardmore. But Steve Jobs believed the fonts deserved to be named after ‘world-class’ cities, rather than “little cities that nobody’s ever heard of,”
实际上,Kare最初将字体命名为更谦虚的地方-她在当地的火车通勤站点包括Overbrook,Merion和Ardmore。 但是史蒂夫·乔布斯(Steve Jobs)认为,这些字体应该以“世界级”的城市命名,而不是“ 没人听说过的小城市 ”。
Chicago was a particularly much-loved font, becoming the ‘the OS face of Apple’ for more than a decade from 1984. It even returned briefly in 2001 for the earliest iPod screens.
Susan’s Kare’s original ‘San Francisco’ circa 1984
苏珊·卡瑞(Susan's Kare)于1984年创作的原创“旧金山”
Kare also contributed a less fondly remembered font for the Mac that had a ‘birthday party meets ransom note’ feel to it.
It was called ‘San Francisco‘ — but, like Huey Lewis, never really made it out of the 80’s.
它被称为“ 旧金山 ”-但像休伊·刘易斯(Huey Lewis)一样,从未真正做到80年代。
This week Apple released a new font called San Francisco. This new one took no obvious inspiration from its ancestor — probably a good thing.
苹果本周发布了一种新字体,称为San Francisco 。 这个新人并没有从其祖先那里获得明显的灵感-可能是一件好事。
San Francisco 2014 is a crisp, sensible sans-serif typeface.
San Francisco 2014是一种清晰易懂的无衬线字体。
The rounded letters (eg. o, c, e, etc) are slightly flattened at the sides, creating more space between characters, and giving it a lighter, airier feeling than an equivalent such as Helvetica Neue (compare right).
圆角的字母(例如o,c,e等)在侧面略微变平,从而在字符之间留出更多空间,并使其比Helvetica Neue之类的字母(比较右)更明亮,更通风。
San Francisco works very nicely as a system font, but has been specifically designed with the Apple Watch in mind, so it maintains excellent clarity at small sizes.
旧金山作为系统字体非常好用,但是在设计时特别考虑了Apple Watch,因此在小尺寸字体下仍可保持出色的清晰度。
This is a well-designed, very polished TrueType font that should work well anywhere, regardless of OS.
Grab a copy of the new San Francisco Font here.