vanilla js

tech2023-06-16  125

vanilla js

Welcome to On Our Radar, a weekly round-up of news, trends and other cool stuff from the world of web development.

欢迎来到On Our Ra​​dar,每周综述来自Web开发领域的新闻,趋势和其他有趣的内容。

Today is Black Friday in the US and, not wanting to be left out of the mayhem which will be ensuing in their brick-and-mortar counterparts, plenty of online stores and websites have been getting in on the act. A new phenomenon being dubbed “Bitcoin Black Friday” seems to be catching on, and one firm is taking an anti-overconsumption stance – by giving stuff away.

今天是黑色星期五在美国和,不想这会在他们的砖和砂浆的同行被随之而来的,很多网上商店和网站已经在混乱中被排除在外得到 在 上 的 行为 。 一种被称为“ 比特币黑色星期五 ”的新现象似乎正在流行,并且一家公司采取了反过度消费的立场 ,即放弃了东西。

In other news, Mozilla announced that they are dropping Google as the default search engine in Firefox, signing a five-year deal with Yahoo instead. Windows users let Microsoft know what they want added to Windows 10 and the trailer for the long awaited Jurassic World was released, to rather critical acclaim (ahem).

在其他消息中,Mozilla宣布将放弃Google作为Firefox中的默认搜索引擎,改为与Yahoo签订为期五年的协议。 Windows用户让Microsoft知道了他们想要添加到Windows 10中的内容 ,并发布了期待已久的《侏罗纪世界》的预告片,获得了一致好评(赞叹)。

Mucho免费赠品 (Mucho Freebies)

Staying with the Black Friday theme (you know, braving mass hysteria and the risk of being trampled underfoot, so you can get eight DVD players for the price of three), here are some great giveaways I spotted this week.


First up we have 25 free Christmas resources for designers. These will help you plan the design of your personalized Christmas cards, invitations, wallpapers and everything else in between.

首先,我们为设计师提供25种免费的圣诞节资源 。 这些将帮助您计划个性化圣诞贺卡,邀请函,壁纸以及介于两者之间的所有其他内容的设计。

If those don’t quite tickle your fancy, what about this gorgeous Christmas icon set, or this equally as lovely Christmas icon collection?


Not quite as festive, but nonetheless extremely useful, check out these 25 free photography mock-up templates. These cover everything from iPhones, to business cards, to coffee cups .

虽然不那么喜庆,但仍然非常有用,请查看这25个免费的摄影模型模板 。 这些内容涵盖了从iPhone到名片到咖啡杯的所有内容。

Here are 25 free hero images to help you make that great first impression on your visitors. And here the seven best search engines for finding free images online. Free fun fact: approximately 880 billion photographs will be taken In 2014.

这里有25张免费的英雄图片 ,可帮助您给访问者留下深刻的第一印象。 这里是在线查找免费图像的七个最佳搜索引擎 。 免费有趣的事实: 2014年将拍摄约8800亿张照片 。

Finally, ModernThemes is a new WordPress theme site dedicated to giving away free themes. In their own words they offer “well coded, great looking, bloat-free WordPress themes reasonably priced at $0”. So people, whatchya waiting for?

最后, ModernThemes是一个致力于免费赠送主题的新WordPress主题网站。 用他们自己的话说,他们提供“编码合理,外观漂亮,无肿胀的WordPress主题,价格合理,为$ 0”。 那么,人们在等什么呢?

您对HTML的了解程度如何? (How Well Do You Know HTML?)

HTML has evolved considerably in recent years, but owing to the abundance of other web technologies we are expected to learn, it doesn’t always get the attention it deserves.


It was therefore with some interest that I read (and answered) these ten typical HTML interview exercises. To my shame, I was hardly able to answer any of them correctly without reaching for Google. I would hazard a guess that most other people will find them tricky, too. Feel free to prove me wrong in the comments.

因此,我很感兴趣地阅读(并回答了)这十个典型HTML采访练习 。 令我感到羞耻的是,在接触不到Google之前,我几乎无法正确回答其中任何一个问题。 我猜想大多数人也会发现它们也很棘手。 随时在评论中证明我是错误的。

Nowadays, more and more web sites are positioning themselves as web apps. This isn’t always a good thing argues Matias Meno, who urges us to stop writing stateful HTML.

如今,越来越多的网站将自己定位为Web应用程序。 Matias Meno认为这并非总是一件好事,他敦促我们停止编写有状态HTML 。

As you probably know, on October 28th, W3C officially recommended HTML5. But did you ever stop to think exactly who or what the W3C actually is? Here’s a great piece which shines a spotlight on “the group that rules the web“.

您可能知道,10月28日, W3C正式推荐了HTML5 。 但是您是否曾经停下来想一想W3C到底是谁呢? 这是一篇很棒的文章,聚焦于“ 统治网络的小组 ”。

Here’s a super cool resource for all your HTML needs. A list of all the elements available in HTML and in which specific versions.

这是满足您所有HTML需求的超酷资源。 HTML中可用的所有元素以及特定版本的列表。

In the same vein, I want to use is a service that lets you choose the Web Platform features you want to use, then displays the percentage of end users that have browsers which meet the criteria.

同样, 我要使用的一项服务是让您选择要使用的Web平台功能,然后显示具有符合条件的浏览器的最终用户的百分比。

每周流行语:Vanilla JavaScript (Buzzword of the Week: Vanilla JavaScript)

Vanilla JavaScript isn’t the name of a fancy new framework, in fact quite the converse. This term is used to mean JavaScript which doesn’t rely on any third party libraries (such as jQuery) and which will run natively in the browser.

Vanilla JavaScript不是一个新颖的框架的名称,实际上是相反的。 这个术语用来表示JavaScript, 它不依赖任何第三方库(例如jQuery),并且可以在浏览器中本地运行。

One of the reasons that jQuery became so popular, was that it abstracts away many cross-browser issues and inconsistencies. However, browsers have come on in leaps and bounds since it first appeared in 2006. So much so that we can now implement a modern HTML5 lightbox in 12 lines of vanilla JavaScript, which is pretty darn cool if you stop to think about it.

jQuery如此受欢迎的原因之一是,它抽象了许多跨浏览器的问题和不一致之处。 但是,自2006年首次出现以来,浏览器便取得了突飞猛进的发展。如此之多,以至于我们现在可以在12行香草JavaScript中实现现代HTML5灯箱了 ,如果您停止考虑的话,这真是太酷了。

With the explosion of mobile and low-powered devices, it’s becoming very apparent that performance matters. That’s why it’s perhaps a good time to cut out the jQuery middle man.

随着移动和低功耗设备的爆炸式增长,性能变得越来越重要。 这就是为什么现在是切掉jQuery中间人的好时机。

If you’re not sure of which browsers support which JavaScript features, SitePoint’s HTML and CSS editor Louis Lazaris has put together a great set of resources for JavaScript and DOM compatibility tables.

如果您不确定哪种浏览器支持哪些JavaScript功能,SitePointHTML和CSS编辑器Louis Lazaris会为JavaScript和DOM兼容性表提供大量资源 。

101 is a JavaScript utility library that doesn’t try to reinvent the wheel, but rather adds to vanilla JS to avoid unnecessary overlap.

101是一个JavaScript实用程序库 ,它不会尝试重新发明轮子,而是将其添加到原始JS中以避免不必要的重叠。

Here are two methods demonstrating how to implement native data-binding in vanilla JS.

这里有两种方法演示了如何在Vanilla JS中实现本机数据绑定 。

And just to muddy the waters, there is in fact a library called Vanilla JS (spoiler: it’s a parody).

只是为了使水变得浑浊,实际上有一个名为Vanilla JS的库(破坏者:这是一个模仿)。

无障碍角 (Accessible Angular)

Love it or hate it, there has been a lot of buzz around AngularJS recently.


As part of the Release Candidate 3 for Angular 1.3.0, a ngAria module was added to help Angular developers with accessibility.

作为Angular 1.3.0的Release Candidate 3的一部分, 添加了ngAria模块以帮助Angular开发人员进行可访问性。

The author of that document (Marcy Sutton) also appeared on the Shop Talk podcast to discuss web components, ARIA and Angular.

该文档的作者(Marcy Sutton)也出现在Shop Talk播客中 ,讨论了Web组件ARIA和Angular。

It’s not all good in Angular land, though. Full stack engineer Alexey Migutsky wrote about having spent the last spent two years diving deep into Angular. His conclusion: it is “good enough” for the majority of projects, but it is not good enough for professional web app development.

不过,在Angular土地上并非一帆风顺。 全栈工程师Alexey Migutsky写了一篇关于过去两年潜入Angular的文章 。 他的结论是:对于大多数项目而言,它“足够好”,但对于专业的Web应用程序开发而言却不够好。

Testing can often be difficult in browser based applications. That’s why this in-depth walkthrough on to how to write unit tests against the various components of an Angular application could prove especially useful.

在基于浏览器的应用程序中,测试通常很困难。 这就是为什么对Angular应用程序的各个组件编写单元测试的深入演练可能特别有用的原因。

Finally, here’s how to build a real-time scheduling app using AngularJS and Firebase. Or if scheduling apps aren’t your thing, how about creating a blogging application instead?

最后,这是使用AngularJS和Firebase构建实时调度应用程序的方法 。 或者,如果您不打算安排应用程序,那么如何创建博客应用程序呢?

So that’s everything for this week. Thanks for joining us.

这就是本周的一切。 感谢您加入我们。

I’ll leave you with the frightening revelation of what texting does to the spine (the equivalent of placing a 60-pound weight on one’s neck!), news that an e-cigarette from China infected one guy’s computer with malware (I knew those things were bad for you!) and a report that 17% of Americans can’t positively identify Bill Gates (there’s a fun quiz that goes with that article).

我将给您留下可怕的启示,告诉您发短信会对脊椎造成什么影响 (相当于在脖子上放60磅重!),有消息说, 来自中国的电子烟感染了一个人的计算机,并感染了恶意软件 (我知道事情对您不利!)还有一份报告指出,有17%的美国人不能肯定比尔·盖茨 (该文章附带一个有趣的测验)。

So which links caught your attention? How did you do with the HTML exercises? Do you shun jQuery for vanilla JavaScript? Is ngAria a much-needed addition to Angular? Either way, we would love to hear your thoughts.

那么哪些链接引起了您的注意? 您是如何进行HTML练习的? 您是否将jQuery替换为原始JavaScript? ngAria是Angular急需的补充吗? 无论哪种方式,我们都希望听到您的想法。

Also, if you have any problems implementing anything covered here, or just want to discuss it some more, SitePoint’s forums are a great place to visit (you can sign in with your Google, FaceBook, Twitter, GitHub or Yahoo account).

此外,如果您在执行此处介绍的内容时遇到任何问题,或者只是想进一步讨论, SitePoint的论坛都是一个不错的访问场所(您可以使用Google,FaceBook,Twitter,GitHub或Yahoo帐户登录)。


vanilla js
