Steve Krug
Back in May, I wrote a review of the classic UX book by Steve Krug, Don’t Make Me Think.
早在月,我写了检讨由史蒂夫克鲁格经典UX的书, 不要让我思考 。
After reading the review, Steve was kind enough to send me the updated version, written in late 2013, as named in the title which covers mobile web and app UX too. Mobile is of course very important to every web designer these days, as more and more of us access the web on our various devices. The first edition of the book was penned back in 2000, so as Steve points out, “the world has changed” and “technology got its hands on some steroids”.
阅读评论后,史蒂夫很友好地向我发送了2013年末编写的更新版本,该标题的名称也涵盖了移动网络和应用UX。 随着当今越来越多的人在各种设备上访问网络,移动对每个Web设计师来说都非常重要。 该书的第一版写于2000年,因此,正如史蒂夫(Steve)所指出的那样,“世界已经改变了”,“技术已经掌握了一些类固醇”。
Not only do we now access the web on substantially smaller screens, but the web has continued to improve in leaps and bounds, usability itself has gone mainstream and computers are now significantly faster. I could go on, we now have the cloud, for example, which allows us to be able to store files for access from any location.
现在,我们不仅可以在较小的屏幕上访问Web,而且Web还在不断改进,可用性本身已成为主流,计算机现在的运行速度也大大提高。 我可以继续,例如,现在有了云,它使我们能够存储文件以便从任何位置访问。
Timeline showing the release dates of Don’t Make Me Think’ and what’s occurred since.
While Don’t Make Me Think has remained hugely popular in the design community since it was first published, mobile has meant that the time was right for an updated version. As I mentioned in my first review, the book is quite timeless in the advice that it gives, but the additional information will ensure that it remains a firm favorite for many years still to come.
自《 Do n't Me Me Think》自首次发布以来在设计界一直非常受欢迎,但移动设备意味着该是发布更新版本的时机。 正如我在第一篇评论中提到的那样,本书提供的建议是非常永恒的,但是更多的信息将确保本书在未来的许多年中仍然是坚定的收藏。
For the most part, there’s one main change that you will find useful in the updated version of the book and that’s the additional of a chapter on mobile: Chapter 10 – Mobile: It’s not just a city in Alabama anymore – Welcome to the 21st Century – you may experience a slight sense of vertigo.
在大多数情况下,书的更新版本将对您进行一次主要更改,这是有关移动设备的一章的附加内容:第10章–移动设备:不再是阿拉巴马州的一座城市 – 欢迎来到21世纪世纪-您可能会感到轻微的眩晕感 。
Phones had been gradually getting smarter for years, gathering in desk drawers and plotting amongst themselves. But it wasn’t until the Great Leap Forward that they finally achieved conciousness.
多年来,电话一直在变得越来越智能,它们聚集在办公桌的抽屉里并在它们之间密谋。 但是直到大跃进他们才终于意识到了这一点。
He is, of course, referencing the introduction of the iPhone in June 2007 and this is relevant as he also points out several times in the book what impact Steve Jobs and Jonathan Ive had on UX. Thanks to them, it’s gone mainstream and now, even business people understand its relevance, even if they don’t really get the discipline itself.
当然,他指的是2007年6月推出的iPhone,这很重要,因为他还在书中多次指出了史蒂夫·乔布斯和乔纳森·艾夫对UX的影响。 多亏了他们,它才成为主流,现在,即使是商务人士本身并没有真正了解该学科,他们也明白了它的重要性。
With better smartphones, the mobile web and faster processing power came problems though, the first of which being the issue of trying to squeeze a web page onto a tiny screen. Apple came up with the idea of being able to pinch and scroll and a great browser interface, but it was essentially the ability for tiny computers to respond to requests quickly that made it all useful.
但是,有了更好的智能手机,移动网络和更快的处理能力就会出现问题,第一个问题就是试图将网页压缩到小屏幕上的问题。 苹果公司提出了能够捏合和滚动并具有出色的浏览器界面的想法,但是本质上,微型计算机能够快速响应请求的能力使这一切都变得有用。
According to Steve, when it comes to mobile UX, not much is actually that different to desktop. The basic principles remain, but there are some “significant differences” that make UX more of a challenge. In some respects, he says, web and app design are still in the “Wild West” phase and it’s unlikely that we’ve found the best ways to work with it just yet. The first thing to consider is that when it comes to mobile:
根据Steve的说法,在移动UX方面,与台式机实际上并没有太大区别。 基本原则仍然存在,但是存在一些“显着差异”,使UX更具挑战性。 他说,在某些方面,网络和应用程序设计仍处于“狂野西部”阶段,我们不太可能找到最佳的使用方式。 首先要考虑的是移动方面:
It’s all about tradeoffs
And …
Most of the challenges in creating good mobile usability boil down to making good tradeoffs
So it’s likely that the user will have to make more clicks to get to the content that they want and therefore a mobile site is going to be deeper, for example. As we know, another issue with mobile is how content is presented as compared to the full site. Do you offer a pared down version, get a separate mobile site made (at a large cost both in terms of cash and going ever so slightly mad) or work to the Mobile First ethos?
因此,用户可能必须进行更多点击才能获得所需的内容,因此,例如,移动网站的深度会更深。 众所周知,移动设备的另一个问题是与整个网站相比,内容的呈现方式如何。 您是否提供精简版,制作一个单独的移动网站(无论是现金还是疯狂的费用都很高)或按照Mobile First的精神工作?
Currently of course the tendency is to create a site built using Responsive Web Design (RWD) but Steve points out that:
If there are two things I can tell you about scalable design (a/k/a dynamic layout, fluid design, adaptive design, and responsive design), they’re these:
It tends to be a lot of work 这往往需要很多工作 It’s very hard to do it well 做好很难Despite this, the author believes that this will be ironed out in time, not least because it’s highly connected to revenue when it comes to business websites. He then goes on to give some suggestions as to what designers can do to overcome problems with scalable design and UX, including the clickable area issue that we’ve all seen many sites get wrong (and continue to).
尽管如此,作者认为这将得到及时解决,这不仅是因为它在涉及商务网站时与收入高度相关。 然后,他继续就设计人员如何解决可伸缩设计和UX问题提出了一些建议,包括可点击区域问题,我们都已经看到很多站点都出错了(并且继续如此)。
Of course, no modern discussion of mobile and UX would be complete without some talk of mobile apps. With apps like any other project that demands good UX, the key is simple, according to Steve:
当然,如果不谈论移动应用程序,那么关于移动和UX的现代讨论将是不完整的。 根据史蒂夫的说法,对于像任何其他需要良好UX的项目的应用程序,其关键很简单:
A person of average (or even below average) ability and experience can figure out how to use the thing [i.e., it’s learnable] to accomplish something [effective] without it being more trouble than it’s worth [efficient].
具有平均水平(或什至低于平均水平)的能力和经验的人可以弄清楚如何使用事物(即,是可以学习的 )来完成某事[ 有效 ],而不会遇到麻烦而不是值得[ 有效 ]的事情。
Apps need to be all of these things if they’re to be effective and enjoyed by the user. You shouldn’t have to have a degree in logic to find your way around an app, it should be a “delight” to use and should be learnable, as well as memorable.
如果要使应用有效并为用户所喜爱,则应用必须具备所有这些条件。 您不必在逻辑上有学位就可以找到围绕应用程序的方式,它应该是使用的“乐趣”,应该是易学且令人难忘的。
This section contains some great examples and points out that apps need to allow the user to invest as little time as possible in learning how to use them. This is because, as Steve points out, if you’re not hugely impressed by an app, enough to use it regularly, then you’ll abandon it and since that’s the fate of most apps, UX is fundamentally important to their design.
本节包含一些出色的示例,并指出应用程序需要允许用户花费最少的时间来学习如何使用它们。 正如Steve所指出的,这是因为,如果您对某个应用没有足够深刻的印象,可以定期使用它,那么您将放弃它,因为这是大多数应用的命运,UX对它们的设计至关重要。
The final section of the 20-page chapter talks about the logistics of usability testing for mobile. As well as some great suggestions on the best ways to carry this out (clue, it’s not by watching the users’ faces), there’s actionable tips on issues that can cause real problems.
在20页的最后一章中,我们将讨论移动设备可用性测试的内容。 除了关于实现此目标的最佳方法的一些很棒的建议(提示,这不是通过观察用户的脸部)之外,还有一些可能引起实际问题的可行技巧。
This section, for example, shows you how to make Steve’s proof of concept ‘Brundlefly camera’. I’m just going to leave that one there and not tell you any more about it, I found it to be entertaining, although I haven’t tried my hand at making one just yet.
例如,本部分向您展示如何制作史蒂夫的概念证明“ Brundlefly camera”。 我只是要把那个留在那儿,而不再告诉你它了,我发现它很有趣,尽管我还没有尝试过制作一个。
I was a big fan of the first book and I’m an even bigger fan of this one. The updated version addresses the issues that are relevant to readers now, with a good look at mobile and apps, it’s by far not a throwaway chapter just added to update the book and gather more sales (although it undoubtedly will).
我是第一本书的忠实拥护者,也是本书的忠实拥护者。 更新版本解决了与读者现在有关的问题,对移动设备和应用程序进行了很好的浏览,到目前为止,这并不是为更新本书和增加销量而增加的内容(尽管毫无疑问)。
The style remains too, which is undoubtedly one of the reasons the book has sold so well – it’s easy to understand, and it’s funny!
Personally, I keep the book in the office and refer to it over and over when it comes to things I’m writing about UX, it’s serves as a straightforward reminder of the main principles and helps to kickstart further research. It is, in fact, the most used print book in my office and rarely leaves my desk.
就个人而言,我将这本书留在办公室,一遍又一遍地提及我在编写关于UX的内容时,它可以直接提醒您主要原理,并有助于开展进一步的研究。 实际上,它是我办公室中使用最多的印刷书籍,很少离开我的办公桌。
So if you’re looking for a great book to help you get started in UX then this is definitely recommended.
翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/dont-make-think-revisited/