
tech2023-06-17  154


We asked SitePoint authors what developer toys they would want for Christmas, then managed to source them — without relying on Santa.


If Hemingway Wrote JavaScript is exactly what it sounds like: A thought experiment as to how 25 well-known literary figures would tackle various JavaScript problems.


From the titular Ernest Hemingway (whose solution is terse and effective, as you’d expect), to post-postmodern darling David Foster Wallace (whose solution is long, discursive, and references his background in mathematics), pretty much everyone famous for writing in the last few centuries takes a stab at coding their way to a solution for a given problem.


The book is written by Angus Croll, on Twitter’s UI team, who knows a bit about JavaScript.

这本书是由Twitter的UI团队的Angus Croll撰写的, 他对JavaScript有一点了解 。

Angus Croll / No Starch Press


为什么我想要这本书 (Why I Wanted This Book)

Given I work on the content side of a technical publication like SitePoint, something that fell in the middle of those two worlds had an instant appeal. I know a bit about literature, and I like the idea of knowing a bit about JavaScript, although I haven’t quite gotten there yet. This seemed like a way to indirectly learn a bit more about the language while indulging my literary side.

鉴于我是在诸如SitePoint之类的技术出版物的内容方面工作的,落入这两个世界中间的某种事物立即具有吸引力。 我对文学有些了解,并且我喜欢对JavaScript有所了解的想法,尽管我还没有到达那里。 这似乎是一种让我沉迷于文学的同时间接学习更多语言的方法。

迄今为止的经验 (The Experience So Far)

I hadn’t expected to laugh so much at a bunch of code. This is a very clever, impressive book, full of amusing examples that show the versatile (or is it chaotic?) nature of both JavaScript and the English language. I haven’t covered every author yet, but some unexpected delights came from Tupac’s solution, incorporating rhyme and flow, and J.K. Rowling’s magical code.

我没想到会对一大堆代码笑那么多。 这是一本非常聪明,令人印象深刻的书,里面充满了有趣的示例,这些示例显示了JavaScript和英语的通用性(或者是混乱的?)。 我尚未涵盖所有作者,但是Tupac的解决方案带来了一些意想不到的乐趣,该解决方案融合了韵律和流畅性以及JK Rowling的神奇代码。

Unsurprisingly, Kafka’s solution leads (Metamorphizes?) to a crushing bug, leading his code to recur endlessly. As Croll says, “very Kafkaesque”. A fitting end to a worthwhile read.

毫不奇怪,Kafka的解决方案导致(变形吗?)严重的错误,导致他的代码不断重复出现。 正如克罗尔所说,“非常卡夫卡式”。 值得一读的结尾。

Which author, lyricist, stand-up comedian or orator would you want to see code? Answer in the comments, we’ll pick the best answer and send you a copy of the book!

您想看哪位作者,作词家,喜剧演员或演说家? 在评论中回答,我们将选择最佳答案,并向您发送该书的副本!

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/want-christmas-hemingway-wrote-javascript/

