Ultimate Email Toolkit:16种出色的电子邮件工具

tech2023-06-18  135

Now, more than ever, the easiest way to reach someone is by email. After all, 95 percent of online consumers use email, and 91 percent of consumers reported checking their email at least once a day.

现在,与以往任何时候相比,最简单的联系方式是通过电子邮件。 毕竟,有95%的在线消费者使用电子邮件,而91%的消费者报告每天至少检查一次电子邮件。

What’s more, survey respondents spent more time per week with email than any other digital activity – an hour more than popular digital diversions such as Facebook and texting.


In other words, if you haven’t been focusing on improving your email marketing, you better prioritize it now, or your business may suffer.


We know cold emailing can be a drag, which is why we compiled the ultimate email toolkit – a list of 16 fantastic email tools that will make emailing fun – or at least a breeze.


16种出色的电子邮件工具 (16 Fantastic Email Tools )

1. Wisestamp – $ 4 / mo (1. Wisestamp – $4/mo )

Do you have multiple email addresses? Are you sick of Gmail’s ugly email signature options that do not let you attach an image? I was, and so I purchased WiseStamp, which is the prettiest email signature solution. Not only is it a better looking option but it is also easy to switch signatures between email accounts.

您有多个电子邮件地址吗? 您是否对Gmail难看的电子邮件签名选项感到厌倦,而这些签名选项不允许您附加图像? 我曾经是,所以我购买了WiseStamp,这是最漂亮的电子邮件签名解决方案。 这不仅是一个更好看的选择,而且在电子邮件帐户之间切换签名也很容易。

2. Yesware – $ 12 / mo (2. Yesware – $12/mo)

I don’t know how I lived without Yesware. Ever wonder if that important lead or client opened your email? Wonder if they clicked on your link or opened your file attachment? Yesware tracks all of that information for you, and let’s you know as soon they click, open or download. Another cool feature of Yesware is that it lets you create email templates for emails you send on the reg.

我不知道没有Yesware怎么过。 有没有想过那个重要的潜在客户或客户打开了您的电子邮件? 想知道他们是单击您的链接还是打开您的文件附件? Yesware会为您跟踪所有这些信息,并在它们单击,打开或下载后立即通知您。 Yesware的另一个很酷的功能是,它允许您为在reg上发送的电子邮件创建电子邮件模板。

3. 主题行测试器 –免费 (3. Subject Line Tester – FREE)

This is a simple tool that grades your subject line before you hit send — for free! It gives you a score as high as 100, and it tells you specifically why you received that score.

这是一个简单的工具,可在您点击发送之前对主题行进行评分-免费! 它为您提供高达100的分数,并具体告诉您您为什么获得该分数。

4. Voila Norbert –免费 (4. Voila Norbert – FREE)

Voila Norbert is my go-to resource for finding an important person’s email address that isn’t listed on a website. I simply type in the person’s first and last name along with the domain name without the “http” in the beginning and “/“ at the end. Finally, it pumps out the email address I wanted 99.9 percent of time.

Voila Norbert是我的首选资源,用于查找网站上未列出的重要人物的电子邮件地址。 我只输入该人的名字和姓氏以及域名,开头不带“ http”,结尾不带“ /”。 最终,它抽出了我想要99.9%的时间的电子邮件地址。

5. 水晶 –免费 (5. Crystal – FREE)

Crystal isn’t kidding when it claims to be the biggest improvement to email since spell check. I discovered Crystal the other day on Product Hunt, and I’ve been obsessed since. This handy email extension creates unique personality profiles for every person with an online presence, preparing you to speak or write in someone else’s natural, communication style.

自称拼写检查以来,Crystal自称对电子邮件的最大改进时,它并没有开玩笑。 前几天,我在Product Hunt上发现了Crystal,从那以后我就一直着迷。 这个方便的电子邮件扩展程序为每个具有在线状态的人创建了独特的个性配置文件,使您能够以他人的自然交流风格进行演讲或写作。

6. 回报率高 -免费 (6. Rapportive – FREE)

Rapportive is a popular gmail extension that brings LinkedIn to your inbox. It shows you everything about your contacts right inside of gmail.

Rapportive是一个受欢迎的gmail扩展程序,可将LinkedIn引入您的收件箱。 它会在gmail内部向您显示有关联系人的所有信息。

7. 丑陋的电子邮件 -免费 (7. Ugly Email – FREE)

Are you sick of people being creepy and tracking your emails? Me too (even though I do it too), which is why I downloaded this Chrome extension. It tells you before you open the email if the specific email is being tracked.

您是否讨厌别人令人毛骨悚然并跟踪您的电子邮件? 我也是(即使我也这样做),这就是为什么我下载了此Chrome扩展程序。 它会在打开电子邮件之前告诉您是否正在跟踪特定的电子邮件。

8. 罐装电子邮件 -免费 (8. Canned Emails – FREE)

Are you unsure what to type? That’s okay because there’s a solution for that – Canned Emails. Canned Emails is a minimal site with prewritten emails. It has everything from apologies to thanks and more.

您不确定要输入什么吗? 没关系,因为有解决方案–罐装电子邮件。 罐装电子邮件是包含预写电子邮件的最小网站。 从道歉到感谢等等,它无所不包。

9. 非常好的电子邮件 -免费 (9. Really Good Emails – FREE)

Maybe you have a client you need to design onboarding emails for, and you’re stumped for inspiration. Where the heck are you going to find really good onboarding email inspiration? At Really Good Emails, of course. Check out the best emails on everything from onboarding to cart abandonment and more.

也许您有一个客户需要为其设计入职电子邮件,但您却一无所获。 您将在哪里找到真正不错的入门电子邮件灵感? 当然,在“真正的好电子邮件”中。 查看从入职到购物车遗弃等更多方面的最佳电子邮件。

10. 电子邮件报告卡 -免费 (10. Email Report Card – FREE)

Have you heard of Contactually? For those of you who haven’t, Contactually is a SaaS that helps you nurture your leads better. The company created a tool, called Email Report Card, that analyzes or grades your emailing over the past year – in 2014.

您听说过Contactually吗? 对于没有的人, Contactually是一种SaaS,可帮助您更好地培养潜在客户。 该公司创建了一个名为“电子邮件报告卡”的工具,该工具可在2014年对过去一年中的电子邮件进行分析或评分。

11. Unroll.Me –免费 (11. Unroll.Me – FREE)

I could not live without Unroll.me. As someone with more than 1000 newsletter subscriptions, this tool saves my inbox life. Unroll.me cleans up your inbox by allowing you to easily choose which emails wind up in your “rollup,” which is sent to your inbox on the basis you choose. It’s one email of all your subscriptions. It’s that easy.

没有Unroll.me,我无法生存。 作为拥有超过1000个新闻通讯订阅者的人,此工具可以节省我的收件箱寿命。 Unroll.me允许您轻松选择在“汇总”中结束的电子邮件,从而清理收件箱,该电子邮件将根据您选择的方式发送到收件箱。 这是您所有订阅的一封电子邮件。 就这么简单。

12. Assistant.to –免费 (12. Assistant.to – FREE)

Email scheduling can be a real pain, especially if you can’t afford a virtual assistant to schedule meetings for you. I surely can’t so I hired Assistant.to to help solve my scheduling headaches. This email extension inserts your availability into emails for your client to choose. Once your client clicks on the time good for them, Assistant.to automatically sends invites to both parties and schedules it on your calendar.

电子邮件安排可能是一个真正的难题,尤其是在您无法负担得起虚拟助手为您安排会议的情况下。 我当然不能,所以我聘请了Assistant。来帮助解决我的日程安排问题。 该电子邮件扩展名将您的空闲状态插入到电子邮件中,供客户选择。 一旦客户单击对他们有利的时间,Assistant.to就会自动向双方发送邀请并将其安排在您的日历上。

13. Revue –免费 (13. Revue – FREE)

Do you find amazing links daily? Instead of sending these goodies to people spontaneously, have them sign up for a weekly automated digest that Revue creates based on the links you curated that week. All you have to do is collect the stuff you want in your digest by clicking one button, and Revue handles the rest.

您每天都能找到惊人的链接吗? 不要让这些商品自动发送给人们,而是让他们注册每周一次的摘要,由Revue根据您在那一周策划的链接创建。 您所要做的就是通过单击一个按钮来收集摘要中所需的内容,然后Revue处理其余的内容。

14. 暂停收件箱 –免费 (14. Pause Inbox – FREE)

Take a break from your email, literally, with Pause Inbox. This Chrome extension allows you to put your inbox on pause so you’re not distracted by email when you need to get stuff done. It triggers an auto-responder, telling emailers you’ve paused your inbox so no one gets upset you’re not responding straight away.

实际上,使用“暂停收件箱”可以暂停您的电子邮件。 这款Chrome扩展程序可让您将收件箱置于暂停状态,这样当您需要完成工作时就不会被电子邮件分心。 它会触发自动回复,告诉电子邮件发送者您已暂停收件箱,因此没有人会生气,您不会立即回复。

15. Boomerang –免费 (15. Boomerang – FREE)

Boomerang is a gmail extension that you only need if you haven’t purchased Yesware. The tool allows you to write emails now but schedule them to be sent later. This is perfect if you’re a night owl but don’t want people to get creeped out that you’re sending emails so late in the evening or wee hours of the morning.

Boomerang是一个gmail扩展程序,只有在您尚未购买Yesware时才需要。 该工具允许您立即编写电子邮件,但计划将其稍后发送。 如果您是夜猫子,但又不想让别人感到毛骨悚然,以至于您在深夜或凌晨时分发送电子邮件,这是完美的选择。

16. 退订按钮 –免费 (16. Unsubscribe Button – FREE)

The Unsubscribe Button does exactly what it insinuates. It easily unsubscribes you from emails without having to hunt for the unsubscribe button. You must be in Chrome to utilize this button.

取消订阅按钮确实可以执行其所暗示的功能。 它可以轻松地从电子邮件中取消订阅您,而无需寻找取消订阅按钮。 您必须在Chrome中才能使用此按钮。

您最喜欢的电子邮件工具是什么? 在下面的评论中告诉我们。 我们希望了解您的秘密! (What are your favorite email tools? Tell us in the comments below. We want in on your secrets!)

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/email-tools/
