spartan iddr

tech2023-06-18  129

spartan iddr

Following several months of rumors, Microsoft officially revealed Project Spartan — their new web browser — during the Windows 10 announcement on January 21, 2015. Spartan is the reason the Internet Explorer team went quiet during the past fifteen months after IE11 was released.

经过数月的谣言,微软在2015年1月21 日发布Windows 10期间正式发布了Project Spartan (他们的新Web浏览器)。Spartan是Internet Explorer团队在IE11发布后的过去15个月中保持安静的原因。

Spartan started life as a fork of IE’s Trident engine but has evolved significantly. Baggage such as versioned document modes, VBScript and ActiveX have been removed, while new HTML5 features have been added to create a lighter, sleeker, more advanced browser. Spartan’s engine, edgehtml.dll, is designed for interoperability and will be the default browser on Windows 10.

Spartan最初是IE的Trident引擎的分支,但已经有了长足的发展。 诸如版本化文档模式,VBScript和ActiveX之类的行李已被删除,同时添加了新HTML5功能以创建一个更轻巧,更高级的浏览器。 Spartan的引擎edgehtml.dll是为实现互操作性而设计的,它将成为Windows 10上的默认浏览器。

IE11’s engine, mshtml.dll, will remain on the OS for compatibility reasons. It will be hidden from most users but available to enterprises should they require it for legacy applications or websites requesting one of IE’s many version modes or quirks rendering.

出于兼容性原因,IE11的引擎mshtml.dll将保留在操作系统上。 对于大多数用户而言,它将是隐藏的,但如果企业需要旧版应用程序或要求IE的多种版本模式之一或古怪的呈现方式的网站需要它,则可供企业使用。

Microsoft is unlikely to release Spartan for older versions of the OS, but Windows 10 will be a free upgrade for anyone using Windows 7, 8 or 8.1 during the first year of release. That should help it achieve critical mass relatively quickly.

微软不太可能为较早版本的操作系统发布Spartan,但在发布的第一年内, Windows 10将是使用Windows 7、8或8.1的任何人的免费升级 。 这应该有助于它相对Swift地达到临界质量。

为什么现在? (Why Now?)

Internet Explorer is the oldest surviving mainstream browser with a 20-year history. The early days were good and IE matured into the best, most standards-compliant application at the time.

Internet Explorer是现存最古老的主流浏览器,已有20年的历史。 早期的日子很好,IE当时已发展成为最好,最符合标准的应用程序。

Then IE6 lay dormant for half a decade. IE7 was a rushed abomination. IE8 improved but failed to adopt the newest standards when other vendors had started to move to HTML5. By the end of last decade, Internet Explorer attracted derisory venom from even the most placid web developers.

然后,IE6处于Hibernate状态了五年。 IE7实在令人讨厌。 当其他供应商开始转向HTML5时,IE8有所改进,但未能采用最新标准。 到上个十年末,Internet Explorer甚至吸引了最平静的Web开发人员。

IE9 was released in 2011 and showed potential. By IE10, Microsoft had a fast, capable browser that improved further in IE11. IE could finally compete on a reasonably level playing ground.

IE9于2011年发布,并显示出潜力。 通过IE10,Microsoft拥有了一个快速,功能强大的浏览器,该浏览器在IE11中得到了进一步改进。 IE最终可以在合理的竞争环境中竞争。

But few people cared.


There’s one thing worse than having a browser everyone hates: having a browser no one uses.

比所有人都讨厌的浏览器还糟糕的是: 没有人使用浏览器 。

According to StatCounter, Internet Explorer is the world’s second most-dominant browser but few web developers consider it and many end users have migrated elsewhere.

根据StatCounter的说法,Internet Explorer是世界第二大浏览器,但很少有Web开发人员考虑使用它,并且许多最终用户已迁移到其他地方。

The EU browser ballot had some impact. In 2009, rivals complained that IE’s bundling with Windows gave the application an unfair advantage. The European Commission agreed and forced Microsoft to implement a browser choice screen following a fresh OS installation. The company complied (although it was later hit with a €561 million fine after failing to show the screen on Window 7 SP1).

欧盟浏览器投票产生了一些影响。 2009年,竞争对手抱怨IE与Windows捆绑在一起给该应用程序带来了不公平的优势。 欧盟委员会同意并强迫Microsoft在重新安装操作系统之后实施浏览器选择屏幕。 该公司遵照执行(尽管后来由于未能在Window 7 SP1上显示屏幕而被罚款5.61亿欧元 ) 。

I remain skeptical. Perhaps the ballot screen educated a few users but the legislation arrived several years too late at a time when browser competition had improved. Whatever your opinion, the ballot ends soon.

我仍然持怀疑态度 。 选票屏幕可能使一些用户受了教育,但是在浏览器竞争有所改善的时候,这项立法来得太晚了。 无论您有什么意见, 投票都将很快结束 。

In 2015, the name “Internet Explorer” remains tainted despite the considerable improvements. There are calls for Microsoft to abandon the browser but this has several flaws:

尽管有了很大的改进,但在2015年,“ Internet Explorer”这个名称仍然受到污染。 有人要求Microsoft放弃浏览器,但这有一些缺陷:

Like it or not, many people choose IE. Why should they be forced to switch?

不管喜欢与否,许多人选择IE。 为什么要强迫他们切换? The Windows OS and applications depend on IE APIs. Dropping them isn’t an option.

Windows操作系统和应用程序取决于IE API。 删除它们不是一种选择。 Competition in the browser market is a good thing. IE6 took so long to die because it had few competitors in the early years of its life — Microsoft had little reason to update the browser.

浏览器市场的竞争是一件好事。 IE6花了很长时间才死掉,因为它在生命的最初几年中竞争者很少-微软没有理由更新浏览器。

斯巴达人:全新的开始 (Spartan: a Fresh Start)

Spartan could help Microsoft break free from IE’s brand. Several new features have been revealed:

Spartan可以帮助微软摆脱IE品牌的束缚。 揭示了几个新功能 :

a clean, modern, distraction-free interface

干净,现代,无干扰的界面 web page annotation

网页注释 an off-line reading list and reading mode (like Safari)

离线阅读列表和阅读模式(例如Safari) Cortana voice recognition and assistance


CSS3 transform preserve-3d support (finally!)

CSS3 转换reserve-3d支持(最终!)

CSS interaction media queries that permit different styles depending on whether the page is controlled using touch or mouse


the Gamepad API

Gamepad API

further ECMAScript 6 support

进一步的ECMAScript 6支持 an about:flags control panel to enable experimental features

about:flags控制面板以启用实验功能 a new extensions system which is rumored to be similar to — or possibly compatible with — Google Chrome

据传新的扩展程序系统类似于或可能与Google Chrome浏览器兼容 F12 Developer Tool updates including a new network analyzer, source map support, asynchronous call stacks, improved search, and HTML and CSS pretty printing

F12开发人员工具更新,包括新的网络分析器,源地图支持,异步调用堆栈,改进的搜索以及HTML和CSS漂亮打印 as part of the Windows 10 overhaul, features to make devices work better together whether you’re on a PC, phone, tablet or Xbox.

作为Windows 10大修的一部分,无论您是在PC,手机,平板电脑还是Xbox上,这些功能都可以使设备更好地协同工作。

Above all, Microsoft promises interoperability. Even a little Blink/Webkit spoofing may occur to ensure stuff works.

最重要的是,Microsoft承诺互操作性。 甚至可能会发生一些Blink / Webkit欺骗,以确保工作正常。

IE死了! (Death to IE!)

The old IE code base will be maintained but, longer term, I expect it to be phased out. Spartan will update automatically like Chrome and Firefox. We’ll hopefully see an end to the problem of having to test multiple editions of the same browser on an OS that permits only one version.

将会保留旧的IE代码库,但从长远来看,我希望它会被淘汰。 Spartan将像Chrome和Firefox一样自动更新。 希望我们将看到必须在仅允许一个版本的OS上测试同一浏览器的多个版本的问题的终结。

The important news is the name change. “Spartan” may not be the final choice (although I like it) and Microsoft often fails dismally when renaming projects (who refers to “Metro” as anything else?)

重要的新闻是名称更改。 “ Spartan”可能不是最终选择(尽管我喜欢它),并且Microsoft在重命名项目时经常会失败(谁将“ Metro”称为其他名称)?

Whatever the name, Microsoft must take the opportunity to ditch “Internet Explorer”. Those who have spent the past two decades clicking a blue ‘e’ may be initially confused, but they’ll adapt. Your users, clients, and colleagues need to know that IE is dead and it’s time to upgrade their aging installations. Everyone wins: Microsoft, users and web developers everywhere.

无论名字是什么,微软都必须抓住机会放弃“ Internet Explorer”。 过去二十年来花了很多时间点击蓝色“ e”的人可能会感到困惑,但他们会适应。 您的用户,客户和同事需要知道IE已死,并且该升级其老化的安装了。 人人都有赢:微软,用户和Web开发人员无处不在。


spartan iddr
