
tech2023-06-18  126

Last month’s browser trends article reported a renewed interest in Opera. Is it continuing to rise in the latest figures from StatCounter?…

上个月的浏览器趋势文章报道了对Opera的重新兴趣。 StatCounter的最新数据是否还在继续增长?…

2015年2月至2015年3月全球台式机和平板电脑浏览器统计 (Worldwide Desktop & Tablet Browser Statistics, February to March 2015)

The following table shows browser usage movements during the past month.


BrowserFebruaryMarchchangerelativeIE (all)18.89%17.88%-1.01%-5.30%IE1110.53%10.63%+0.10%+0.90%IE101.90%1.74%-0.16%-8.40%IE92.39%2.18%-0.21%-8.80%IE6/7/84.07%3.33%-0.74%-18.20%Chrome48.83%49.07%+0.24%+0.50%Firefox16.53%16.81%+0.28%+1.70%Safari4.46%5.51%+1.05%+23.50%iPad Safari5.75%5.42%-0.33%-5.70%Opera1.60%1.62%+0.02%+1.30%Others3.94%3.69%-0.25%-6.30% 浏览器 二月 游行 更改 相对的 IE浏览器(全部) 18.89% 17.88% -1.01% -5.30% IE11 10.53% 10.63% + 0.10% + 0.90% IE10 1.90% 1.74% -0.16% -8.40% IE9 2.39% 2.18% -0.21% -8.80% IE6 / 7/8 4.07% 3.33% -0.74% -18.20% Chrome 48.83% 49.07% + 0.24% + 0.50% 火狐浏览器 16.53% 16.81% + 0.28% + 1.70% 苹果浏览器 4.46% 5.51% + 1.05% + 23.50% iPad Safari 5.75% 5.42% -0.33% -5.70% 歌剧 1.60% 1.62% + 0.02% + 1.30% 其他 3.94% 3.69% -0.25% -6.30%

2014年3月至2015年3月全球台式机和平板电脑浏览器统计 (Worldwide Desktop & Tablet Browser Statistics, March 2014 to March 2015)

The following table shows browser usage movements during the past twelve months:


BrowserMarch 2014March 2015changerelativeIE (all)22.53%17.88%-4.65%-20.60%IE118.27%10.63%+2.36%+28.50%IE103.83%1.74%-2.09%-54.60%IE93.49%2.18%-1.31%-37.50%IE6/7/86.94%3.33%-3.61%-52.00%Chrome43.75%49.07%+5.32%+12.20%Firefox18.76%16.81%-1.95%-10.40%Safari9.92%10.93%+1.01%+10.20%Opera1.35%1.62%+0.27%+20.00%Others3.69%3.69%+0.00%+0.00% 浏览器 2014年3月 2015年3月 更改 相对的 IE浏览器(全部) 22.53% 17.88% -4.65% -20.60% IE11 8.27% 10.63% + 2.36% + 28.50% IE10 3.83% 1.74% -2.09% -54.60% IE9 3.49% 2.18% -1.31% -37.50% IE6 / 7/8 6.94% 3.33% -3.61% -52.00% Chrome 43.75% 49.07% + 5.32% + 12.20% 火狐浏览器 18.76% 16.81% -1.95% -10.40% 苹果浏览器 9.92% 10.93% + 1.01% + 10.20% 歌剧 1.35% 1.62% + 0.27% + 20.00% 其他 3.69% 3.69% + 0.00% + 0.00%

(The tables show market share estimates for desktop browsers. The ‘change’ column is the absolute increase or decrease in market share. The ‘relative’ column indicates the proportional change, i.e. 8.8% of IE9 users switched browsers last month. There are several caveats so I recommend you read How Browser Market Share is Calculated.)

(下表显示了桌面浏览器的市场份额估计值。“更改”列是市场份额的绝对增加或减少。“相对”列表示成比例的变化,即,上个月IE9用户切换浏览器的比例为8.8%。注意事项,所以我建议您阅读如何计算浏览器市场份额 。)

There’s no significant news. All browsers gained a little at the expense of Internet Explorer. Perhaps that’s not surprising given Microsoft has publicly announced IE’s demise and Spartan will be the future. IE is within a point of dropping below Firefox — a prediction I made earlier this year.

没有重大新闻。 所有浏览器的收益有所增加,但以Internet Explorer为代价。 鉴于微软已经公开宣布IE的灭亡,而Spartan将是未来 ,这也许并不奇怪。 IE即将跌破Firefox,这是我今年早些时候做出的预测 。

Opera made another small step forward but I suspect Vivali could cannibalize some of the user base once a stable release is available.


2015年2月至2015年3月全球移动浏览器统计 (Worldwide Mobile Browser Statistics, February to March 2015)

Mobile usage regained some lost ground and now stands at 33.44% of all web activity. It’s the first rise in 2015 but won’t be the last.

移动设备使用率有所恢复,目前占所有网络活动的33.44% 。 这是2015年的首次上升,但不会是最后一次。

The top mobile browsing applications:


Mobile BrowserFebruaryMarchchangerelativeChrome30.68%31.50%+0.82%+2.70%iPhone21.35%20.65%-0.70%-3.30%Android19.08%18.48%-0.60%-3.10%UC Browser11.65%12.71%+1.06%+9.10%Opera Mini/Mobile8.66%8.41%-0.25%-2.90%Nokia Browser2.57%2.40%-0.17%-6.60%IEMobile2.13%2.13%+0.00%+0.00%Others3.88%3.72%-0.16%-4.10% 手机浏览器 二月 游行 更改 相对的 Chrome 30.68% 31.50% + 0.82% + 2.70% 苹果手机 21.35% 20.65% -0.70% -3.30% 安卓系统 19.08% 18.48% -0.60% -3.10% UC浏览器 11.65% 12.71% + 1.06% + 9.10% Opera Mini /手机 8.66% 8.41% -0.25% -2.90% 诺基亚浏览器 2.57% 2.40% -0.17% -6.60% IEMobile 2.13% 2.13% + 0.00% + 0.00% 其他 3.88% 3.72% -0.16% -4.10%

There were few surprises other than a 1% jump for UC Browser which is popular in China. Chrome was the only other winner.

除了在中国流行的UC Browser跳升1%之外,没有什么其他惊喜。 Chrome是唯一的赢家。

StatCounter与NetMarketShare (StatCounter vs NetMarketShare)

Last month, rkellogg commented:


I’m continually surprised at the extreme differences in browser statistics from StatCounter and NetMarketShare.


StatCounter and NetMarketShare are two of the most popular browser usage analysis companies but their figures differ wildly:


Browser usage March 2015StatCounterNetMarketShareChrome49.07%24.99%Internet Explorer17.88%56.54%Firefox16.81%11.89%Safari10.93%5.00%Opera1.62%1.15% 浏览器使用情况2015年3月 StatCounter 网络市场份额 Chrome 49.07% 24.99% IE浏览器 17.88% 56.54% 火狐浏览器 16.81% 11.89% 苹果浏览器 10.93% 5.00% 歌剧 1.62% 1.15%

Which is correct?


The answer: neither. It’s impossible to accurately gather browser statistics. The results are based on an unstable tower of assumptions. Changing a single variable or the data collection method can skew the numbers.

答案: 都不是 。 准确收集浏览器统计信息是不可能的。 结果基于不稳定的假设塔。 更改单个变量或数据收集方法可能会使数字倾斜。

That’s a cop out! Which is more accurate?

那是个警察! 哪个更准确?

The answer: it depends what you’re looking for. The companies use different data collection and analysis techniques…

答案: 这取决于您要寻找的东西 。 这些公司使用不同的数据收集和分析技术……

StatCounterNetMarketSharerecords data from 3 million websitesanalyzes data from 40 thousand websitesanalyzes 17.5 billion page views per monthanalyzes 160 million unique visits per monthmake no adjustments or weightings other than removing bot activity and pre-renderingapplies country weightings according to CIA Internet Traffic data. For example, if Brazil accounts for 4% of global traffic but only 2% of NetMarketShare data, the results are doubledis independent and has no commercial partnersis a commercial company with partners paying for datareports are based on page viewsreports are based on daily unique visitors StatCounter 网络市场份额 记录来自300万个网站的数据 分析来自4万个网站的数据 每月分析175亿页面浏览量 每月分析1.6亿次独立访问 除了移除漫游器活动和预渲染外,不进行任何调整或加权 根据CIA互联网流量数据应用国家/地区权重。 例如,如果巴西占全球流量的4%,但仅占NetMarketShare数据的2%,则结果翻倍 是独立的,没有商业伙伴 是一家商业公司,合作伙伴为数据付费 报告基于页面浏览量 报告基于每日唯一身份访问者

The key difference is StatCounter records visits while NetMarketShare records users. Consider the following scenarios:

关键区别在于StatCounter记录访问,而NetMarketShare记录用户 。 请考虑以下情形:

You visit 1,000 pages using Chrome then a single page with Internet Explorer.

您使用Chrome浏览器访问1,000页,然后使用Internet Explorer访问单个页面。

StatCounter records 1,000 “votes” for Chrome and one for IE. NetMarketShare scores one vote for both.

StatCounter为Chrome记录了1,000次“投票”,为IE记录了一次。 NetMarketShare对这两项都投一票。

You use Firefox all day visiting 500 pages. Your Gran visits one site using Safari.

您整天使用Firefox浏览500页。 您的Gran使用Safari访问了一个站点。

StatCounter records 500 votes for Firefox and one for Safari. NetMarketShare scores one vote for both.

StatCounter记录了Firefox的500票和Safari的1票。 NetMarketShare对这两项都投一票。

You use Chrome, IE, Firefox, Safari and Opera during the day.


Your usage is weighted on StatCounter, e.g. you used Opera twice as much as Chrome. NetMarketShare will rank each browser equally.

您的使用情况在StatCounter上加权,例如,您使用Opera的次数是Chrome的两倍。 NetMarketShare将为每个浏览器平均排名。

A vast number of people are light web users who access via their default browser (probably IE). A small minority are power users who visit thousands of pages daily with their preferred application (probably Chrome). NetMarketShare records people; both types of user are treated equally. StatCounter records usage patterns; a heavy web user will sway results more than others. Therefore:

大量的轻型Web用户通过其默认浏览器(可能是IE)进行访问。 极少数人是高级用户,他们每天使用他们喜欢的应用程序(可能是Chrome)访问数千页。 NetMarketShare记录人员; 两种类型的用户都受到同等对待。 StatCounter记录使用模式; 大量的网络用户会比其他人更能控制结果。 因此:

if you pick a random page visit on a random website, according to StatCounter there’s a 49.07% probability it will be from Chrome.

根据StatCounter的数据,如果您选择在随机网站上进行随机页面访问 ,则有49.07%的可能性来自Chrome。

if you pick a random Internet user from a random country, according to NetMarketShare there’s a 24.99% probability they’ll be a regular Chrome user.

如果您从随机国家/地区随机选择一个互联网用户 ,那么根据NetMarketShare的统计,他们将有24.99%的可能性成为常规的Chrome用户。

Both are “right” even though the figures appear incompatible.


So why do you use StatCounter for Browser Trends articles?


StatCounter has a large sample set, simpler methodology, does not manipulate the figures and reports browsing activity. This is an important factor for web developers.

StatCounter具有较大的样本集,方法更简单,不会操纵图形并报告浏览活动 。 这是Web开发人员的重要因素。

Reducing to a simple example: presume your application had two users — one who accessed continually with BrowserX and another who visited once per month with BrowserY. Your development and testing tasks should prioritize BrowserX first. The situation becomes more complex as traffic increases but page visits will remain a better indicator of browser usage than unique users or sessions.

简化为一个简单的示例:假设您的应用程序有两个用户-一个用BrowserX连续访问,另一个用每月用BrowserY访问一次。 您的开发和测试任务应首先确定BrowserX的优先级。 随着流量的增加,情况变得更加复杂,但与唯一身份用户或会话相比,页面访问将仍然是浏览器使用情况的更好指标。

Does any of this matter?


The reports are useful for spotting trends such as Chrome’s meteoric rise, IE’s downfall and the prevalence of smartphones and tablets. The information can help you plan future development tasks. However, your own website statistics are more indicative of real usage than average worldwide figures.

这些报告可用于发现趋势,例如Chrome的迅猛增长,IE的下降以及智能手机和平板电脑的普及。 这些信息可以帮助您计划未来的开发任务。 但是,您自己的网站统计信息比全球平均水平更能指示实际使用情况。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/browser-trends-april-2015-statcounter-vs-netmarketshare/
