
tech2023-06-19  113

May’s Microsoft Misfortune saw IE and Edge plunge further behind the competition. Does June provide a more optimistic outlook in the latest StatCounter browser statistics? Er, no…

May的Microsoft不幸经历使IE和Edge进一步落后于竞争对手。 June在最新的StatCounter浏览器统计数据中是否提供了更为乐观的前景? 呃没有…

2016年5月至2016年6月全球台式机和平板电脑浏览器统计 (Worldwide Desktop & Tablet Browser Statistics, May to June 2016)

The following table shows browser usage movements during the past month.


BrowserMayJunechangerelativeChrome57.07%57.99%+0.92%+1.60%Firefox14.50%14.14%-0.36%-2.50%IE118.65%8.18%-0.47%-5.40%oldIE2.73%2.59%-0.14%-5.10%Edge2.29%2.55%+0.26%+11.40%Safari4.32%4.28%-0.04%-0.90%iPad Safari5.35%5.33%-0.02%-0.40%Opera1.80%1.68%-0.12%-6.70%Others3.29%3.26%-0.03%-0.90% 浏览器 可能 六月 更改 相对的 Chrome 57.07% 57.99% + 0.92% + 1.60% 火狐浏览器 14.50% 14.14% -0.36% -2.50% IE11 8.65% 8.18% -0.47% -5.40% 老IE 2.73% 2.59% -0.14% -5.10% 边缘 2.29% 2.55% + 0.26% + 11.40% 苹果浏览器 4.32% 4.28% -0.04% -0.90% iPad Safari 5.35% 5.33% -0.02% -0.40% 歌剧 1.80% 1.68% -0.12% -6.70% 其他 3.29% 3.26% -0.03% -0.90%

2015年6月至2016年6月全球台式机和平板电脑浏览器统计 (Worldwide Desktop & Tablet Browser Statistics, June 2015 to June 2016)

The following table shows browser usage movements during the past twelve months:


BrowserJune 2015June 2016changerelativeChrome49.77%57.99%+8.22%+16.50%Firefox16.09%14.14%-1.95%-12.10%IE1111.33%8.18%-3.15%-27.80%oldIE7.16%2.59%-4.57%-63.80%Safari10.55%9.61%-0.94%-8.90%Opera1.62%1.68%+0.06%+3.70%Others3.48%5.81%+2.33%+67.00% 浏览器 2015年6月 2016年六月 更改 相对的 Chrome 49.77% 57.99% + 8.22% + 16.50% 火狐浏览器 16.09% 14.14% -1.95% -12.10% IE11 11.33% 8.18% -3.15% -27.80% 老IE 7.16% 2.59% -4.57% -63.80% 苹果浏览器 10.55% 9.61% -0.94% -8.90% 歌剧 1.62% 1.68% + 0.06% + 3.70% 其他 3.48% 5.81% + 2.33% + 67.00%

(The tables show market share estimates for desktop browsers. The ‘change’ column is the absolute increase or decrease in market share. The ‘relative’ column indicates the proportional change, i.e. Edge’s user base grew 11.4% last month. There are several caveats so I recommend you read How Browser Market Share is Calculated and StatCounter vs NetMarketShare.)

(下表显示了桌面浏览器的市场份额估计值。“更改”列是市场份额的绝对增加或减少。“相对”列表示成比例的变化,即Edge的用户群上个月增长了11.4%。有几点警告因此,我建议您阅读如何计算浏览器市场份额以及StatCounter与NetMarketShare 。)

Other than Edge edging up, Chrome was the only browser to make gains during June 2016. The 12-month chart illustrates the chasm which has formed between Chrome and its competitors:


You should also note Opera, Vivaldi, Brave and a range of lesser-used browsers are based on the same Blink rendering engine which is developed for Chrome and Chromium. Are we heading uncontrollably toward another monoculture?

您还应注意,Opera,Vivaldi,Brave和一系列较少使用的浏览器均基于为Chrome和Chromium开发的同一个Blink渲染引擎。 我们正在不受控制地走向另一种单一文化吗?

I’ve been an outspoken critic of browser monocultures (note this article refers to WebKit since it was written prior to Google’s fork of the engine into Blink.) Like others who developed web sites and applications during the dark days of IE6 domination, I remain concerned about the rise of any browser monopoly:

我一直是直言不讳的批评浏览器单一文化的人 (请注意,本文是指WebKit,因为它是在Google将引擎分叉到Blink之前编写的。)和其他在IE6统治时期处于黑暗状态的网站和应用程序的开发者一样,我仍然关注任何浏览器垄断的兴起:

The monopolistic vendor has less incentive to innovate.

垄断厂商对创新的动力较小。 The vendor becomes too powerful and can dictate web standards. Their refusal or lethargy for implementation can kill a technology.

供应商变得过于强大,可以决定Web标准。 他们拒绝或嗜睡会杀死一项技术。 A monoculture makes it harder for others to compete. Those vendors may abandon their own efforts or go out of business.

单一文化使其他人难以竞争。 这些供应商可能会放弃自己的努力或倒闭。

However, the IE6 days were different.


The early web threatened Microsoft’s shrink-wrapped software model, especially since Netscape claimed to be building a web-based OS (the reality was more than a decade away). Microsoft entered the browser war and killed competition with a free browser which was significantly better than others available. The result: IE6 gained a 95% market share. Microsoft halted further development and retreated to web-enabled Windows and Office software.

早期的Web威胁了Microsoft的精简软件模型,尤其是自Netscape声称要构建基于Web的OS以来(现实已经有十多年了) 。 微软进入了浏览器大战,并用免费的浏览器打败了竞争,该浏览器明显优于其他可用的浏览器。 结果:IE6获得了95%的市场份额。 微软停止了进一步的开发,转而使用支持Web的Windows和Office软件。

Today, Google’s primary revenue stream is web-based services. The company has no reason to abandon browser development, because they depend on the web. A better browser permits better web applications, which compete better against Apple and Microsoft products. Google has an incentive to work with other vendors and support standards, because it allows their services to work everywhere regardless of browser or device. Web developers then benefit from increased cross-browser compatibility.

如今,Google的主要收入来源是基于Web的服务。 该公司没有理由放弃浏览器开发,因为它们依赖于网络。 更好的浏览器允许更好的Web应用程序,这些应用程序可以与Apple和Microsoft产品更好地竞争。 Google鼓励与其他供应商和支持标准合作,因为它允许他们的服务在任何地方都可以使用,而不管浏览器或设备如何。 然后,Web开发人员可以从增强的跨浏览器兼容性中受益。

So is the Chrome monoculture harmless? I’m yet to be convinced. Competition is good, and Google’s influence could be considered too powerful. Fortunately, there is a wide range of browsers available, and newer vendors have not been dissuaded from entering the market.

那么,Chrome单一文化无害吗? 我尚未被说服。 竞争很好,可以认为Google的影响力太大。 幸运的是,可以使用各种各样的浏览器,并且也没有劝阻新的供应商进入市场。

That said, I urge you to look beyond Chrome and consider alternatives. All the mainstream browsers are excellent. Don’t believe Chrome is always ahead or accept the monoculture, because it makes your life a little easier.

就是说,我敦促您不要只使用Chrome,而应考虑其他选择。 所有主流浏览器都很出色。 不要相信Chrome永远领先或接受单一文化,因为它会使您的生活变得更轻松。

So, wondering what you could switch to? Perhaps Blisk is your next web development browser? Or perhaps Vivaldi?

所以,想知道您可以切换到什么? 也许Blisk是您的下一个Web开发浏览器 ? 还是维瓦尔第(Vivaldi) ?

2016年5月至2016年6月全球移动浏览器统计 (Worldwide Mobile Browser Statistics, May to June 2016)

After a huge 2.25% jump in mobile traffic last month, usage dropped 1.95% in June and now accounts for 43.86% of all web activity.

在上个月移动流量猛增2.25%之后,6月的使用量下降了1.95%,现在占所有网络活动的43.86% 。

The top mobile browsing applications for the month were:


Mobile BrowserMayJunechangerelativeChrome34.44%38.23%+3.79%+11.00%iPhone17.36%18.95%+1.59%+9.20%UC Browser20.49%14.24%-6.25%-30.50%Opera Mini/Mobile10.98%10.77%-0.21%-1.90%Android7.68%7.83%+0.15%+2.00%Samsung Internet5.46%6.30%+0.84%+15.40%IEMobile1.52%1.61%+0.09%+5.90%Others2.07%2.07%+0.00%+0.00% 手机浏览器 可能 六月 更改 相对的 Chrome 34.44% 38.23% + 3.79% + 11.00% 苹果手机 17.36% 18.95% + 1.59% + 9.20% UC浏览器 20.49% 14.24% -6.25% -30.50% Opera Mini /手机 10.98% 10.77% -0.21% -1.90% 安卓系统 7.68% 7.83% + 0.15% + 2.00% 三星上网 5.46% 6.30% + 0.84% + 15.40% IEMobile 1.52% 1.61% + 0.09% + 5.90% 其他 2.07% 2.07% + 0.00% + 0.00%

UC Browser appears to have dropped by an unprecedented 6.25%. There is an explanation: some versions of the browser were incorrectly sending an additional page view for every valid request. StatCounter has adjusted for the double-counting, which explains why Chrome and the iPhone increased while the mobile/desktop ratio decreased. That’s the sort of nonsense you need to deal with when collating browser statistics!

UC浏览器似乎下降了史无前例的6.25%。 有一个解释:某些版本的浏览器针对每个有效请求错误地发送了额外的页面视图。 StatCounter已针对重复计算进行了调整,这解释了为什么Chrome和iPhone有所增加而移动/台式机比率却有所下降。 这是在整理浏览器统计信息时需要处理的废话!

The rest of the chart saw few dramatic changes although Samsung Internet continues to make good gains. See you next month.

图表的其余部分几乎没有发生重大变化,尽管三星互联网继续取得不错的成绩。 下个月见。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/browser-trends-july-2016-chrome-monoculture-harmless/
