
tech2023-06-21  124


The Internet of Things (IoT) is often portrayed as a seamless environment where you and the objects around you fluidly communicate with one another with ease.

物联网( IoT )通常被描述为一种无缝环境,您和周围的对象可以轻松地彼此流畅地进行通信。

From the surface, these technologies are working to effortlessly brew tea, set treadmill speeds, and — if it's feeling less than friendly — refusing to open the pod bay doors.

从表面上看,这些技术正在努力地毫不费力地冲泡茶 , 设定跑步机的速度 ,并且(如果感觉不太友好)拒绝打开吊舱门 。

Unfortunately, reality offers a much less harmonious experience. The 'thing space' is a battleground and competing standards from various companies like Apple, Cisco, and Google make intercommunication between smart devices difficult. No one has settled on a standard UI.

不幸的是,现实提供的和谐体验要差得多。 “事物空间”是战场,苹果,思科和谷歌等多家公司的竞争标准使智能设备之间的互通变得困难。 没有人愿意采用标准的UI。

This presents a few questions for user experience designers:


How do we design for smart versions of devices that have been in our lives for decades

我们如何设计已经存在数十年的设备的智能版本 And if there are no prescribed standards, how will users know what to do with a new smart product?


While the Internet of Things is still evolving and users are still adjusting to the idea of a world full of connected devices, we're not completely lost.


There are three major factors that go into creating an exceptional UX in the IoT. And while not all the specifics are set in stone, following these steps is a good way to stay on the right path:

在物联网中创建出色的用户体验需要考虑三个主要因素。 尽管并非所有细节都一成不变,但遵循以下步骤是保持正确道路的好方法:

1.使用适当的硬件。 (1. Utilize proper hardware.)

The IoT presents a unique challenge in UX because, in many cases, the hardware is the user experience. The sensors, processors, and communication modules inside the device determine its purpose and how the user will interact with it. If a device fails to have the right sensors, no amount of pretty design or software will save it.

IoT在UX中提出了独特的挑战,因为在许多情况下,硬件就是用户体验。 设备内部的传感器,处理器和通信模块确定其用途以及用户与之交互的方式。 如果设备无法安装正确的传感器,则没有任何精美的设计或软件可以节省下来。

In many cases, software compatibility also plays a role in hardware choice. To develop products and software for HomeKit, for instance, companies must be part of Apple's MFi program, which requires developers to incorporate an exclusive wireless chip and software package.

在许多情况下,软件兼容性在硬件选择中也起着作用。 例如,要开发用于HomeKit的产品和软件,公司必须加入Apple的MFi计划,该计划要求开发人员整合独家的无线芯片和软件包。

Consequently, developers must listen closely to the needs of their target audience before rushing into the market. They must determine which operating system users prefer, as well as the type of smart home experience they want.

因此,开发人员在进入市场之前必须认真听取目标受众的需求。 他们必须确定用户喜欢哪种操作系统,以及他们想要的智能家居体验的类型。

They must also consider what kind of data they'll collect, how to communicate it, and how to process it into usable information. Whether their devices use Wi-Fi, Ethernet, or a cellular network, its hardware should fulfill the requirements.

他们还必须考虑将收集哪种数据,如何进行通信以及如何将其处理为可用信息。 无论其设备使用Wi-Fi,以太网还是蜂窝网络,其硬件都应满足要求。

Those who design an experience around these desires will gain a competitive edge and reap the long-term benefits of a connected home ecosystem.


2.设计应用程序 (2. Design the application)

A key thing to remember when it comes to IoT products is that dumb versions of these devices are already a part of the user's life, so a smart device has to present a compelling argument for adoption right from the start. This argument is often made within the application.

物联网产品时要记住的关键是,这些设备的笨拙版本已经成为用户生活的一部分,因此,智能设备必须从一开始就提出令人信服的论点。 该参数通常在应用程序内进行。

The Up Coffee App


For some devices — like fitness trackers, for example — applications will simply act as ways to read the data that's being collected. In these cases, the goal is simple: Make the data clear, concise, and easy to read. Developers can (and should) have fun displaying the data — like in the case of the Jawbone's UP Coffee app — but they can't sacrifice clarity in the process.

对于某些设备(例如健身跟踪器),应用程序将仅充当读取所收集数据的方式。 在这些情况下,目标很简单:使数据清晰,简洁且易于阅读。 开发人员可以(并且应该)很有趣地显示数据(就像Jawbone的UP Coffee应用程序一样) ,但是他们不能在过程中牺牲清晰度。

For more interactive applications, the name of the game is usability. The basic purpose of a device should nearly always be the main focal point of an application.

对于更具交互性的应用程序,游戏的名称是可用性。 设备的基本目的几乎应该始终是应用程序的重点。

For example, Nest has a lot of nifty smart features, but the simple ability to change the thermostat's temperature is still front and center. That intuitive usability coupled with beautiful design makes the application exciting for users.

例如,Nest具有许多漂亮的智能功能,但更改恒温器温度的简单功能仍然处于中心位置。 直观的可用性和精美的设计使该应用程序对用户而言令人兴奋。

If users have difficulty completing the basic tasks that they can easily do with their dumb devices, then the UI of the application has failed.


3.连接设备 (3. Connect the devices)

Strong connectivity is crucial. Without it, the device can't communicate what it knows.But while connectivity in the home may be on its way to being solved with Wi- Fi and Bluetooth, low-energy, mobile IoT products still face major UX challenges.

强大的连接至关重要。 没有它,设备将无法传达其所知道的信息。但是,尽管家庭连接性可能正在通过Wi-Fi和蓝牙解决,但是低能耗的移动物联网产品仍然面临着主要的用户体验挑战。

For some things, this can be a minor inconvenience (e.g., losing a GPS signal in the car), but for others (e.g., personal emergency response systems for the elderly), the consequences can be life threatening.


In particular, consumer-facing devices should be lightning-fast. LTE is gaining ground in the U.S. at a fairly rapid pace, but it's far from ubiquitous. In fact, other parts of the world have adopted different high-speed solutions, such as HSPA+ or even WiMAX. The more developers can do to support these various network possibilities, the more effective and accessible their solutions will be.

特别是,面向消费者的设备应具有闪电般的速度。 LTE在美国的发展步伐相当快,但远非普及。 实际上,世界其他地区已经采用了不同的高速解决方案,例如HSPA +甚至WiMAX。 开发人员为支持各种网络可能性所付出的努力越多,他们的解决方案就会越有效和容易获得。

For example, a smart car system might need LTE or HSPA+ to communicate with the outside world and Wi-Fi to communicate with tablets or phones.

例如,智能汽车系统可能需要LTE或HSPA +与外界通信,而Wi-Fi则需要与平板电脑或电话通信。

4. UX应该优先 (4. UX Should Be a Priority)

The IoT presents a unique challenge in the UX world because nearly every aspect of a product directly affects it. These products are a part of people's homes, cars, and everyday lives, and if even one facet of these products is substandard, it could ruin the experience altogether.

物联网在UX世界中提出了一个独特的挑战,因为产品的几乎每个方面都直接影响到它。 这些产品是人们家庭,汽车和日常生活的一部分,即使这些产品的一个方面都不合格,也可能完全破坏体验。

That being said, here are four things developers can do to create the best UX for products:


Make it work. Getting different devices and programming languages on the same page is no easy feat. But developers can make it a little easier on themselves by choosing tools early on that will allow them to remain flexible as customers' needs change.

让它起作用。 在同一页面上获得不同的设备和编程语言绝非易事。 但是,开发人员可以通过尽早选择工具来使自己更轻松一些,这些工具将使他们能够随着客户需求的变化而保持灵活性。

Make it efficient. There are several data protocol options (e.g., TCP, UDP, etc.). Developers need to determine which option is the most appropriate for their app and business model.

提高效率。 有几种数据协议选项(例如,TCP,UDP等)。 开发人员需要确定哪个选项最适合其应用程序和业务模型。

Make it secure. Security is justifiably a hot topic right now, so developers should design with security top of mind and make sure their solutions are built on enterprise-grade infrastructure.

确保安全。 目前,安全性理所当然是一个热门话题,因此开发人员应高度重视安全性设计,并确保其解决方案基于企业级基础架构。

Make it creative. People are always interested in new ideas and innovative ways to make their lives easier. Think about it this way: The iPhone would be just another phone if it weren't for the applications.

发挥创意。 人们始终对使生活更轻松的新想法和创新方式感兴趣。 这样考虑:如果iPhone不适合这些应用程序,它将只是另一部手机。

There's one underlying goal throughout every step of development: A smart device must present a compelling reason to be chosen over a traditional one. If the hardware is incompatible with the user's preferred operating system or the connectivity is spotty, then the UX won't measure up.

在开发的每个步骤中都有一个基本目标:智能设备必须具有令人信服的理由,而不是传统的设备。 如果硬件与用户的首选操作系统不兼容,或者连接性参差不齐,那么UX将无法正常使用。

As of now, there's no beaten path to success in the IoT, but if developers keep these elements in mind during every step of the process, they'll stand a fighting chance.


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/unique-ux-challenges-internet-of-things/

