
tech2023-06-21  130


Hello everybody and welcome to this week’s On Our Radar. It’s been a long week, thwarted by my recent understanding that the beginning of a programmer’s wisdom is knowing the difference between getting a program to run, and actually having a runnable program.

大家好,欢迎收看本周的“我们的雷达”。 经历了漫长的一周,我最近的理解使程序员的智慧受挫,这是一个漫长的一周,他开始了解运行程序与实际运行可运行程序之间的区别。

在我们的雷达上: (On Our Radar:)

That really seems to be at the heart of the SitePoint forums – sometimes things work, but we’re a little afraid to look under the hood in case it breaks. It’s why Best Practice (capitalised because it’s serious) is so important. It makes it easier to share and update code, makes it easier to make change, and generally, once we get the basics right, we can get onto more exciting things like taking over the world.

这似乎确实是SitePoint论坛的核心-有时事情会奏效,但我们有点害怕在不知不觉中发现问题。 这就是为什么最佳做法(因为它很严重而要大写)如此重要的原因。 它使共享和更新代码变得更容易,使更改变得更容易,并且通常,一旦掌握了正确的基础知识,我们就可以进行更激动人心的事情,例如接管世界。

it would be great to take over the world, personally, so I can force everyone to share my love of cats and apples. What’s stopping me is really good Project Management skills so I’ve been taking this Learnable course for freelance developers. I just started this morning and if you’re keen, let’s learn together. I can only do one lesson every few days, so right now I’ve learned different standardised methods of project management (they have funky names like Agile, Lean, Scrum and Waterfall). The best thing about it is it’s stuff I already DO, but it has a name so I can actually quantify it now.

亲自接管整个世界真是太好了,所以我可以强迫所有人分享我对猫和苹果的热爱。 使我停滞不前的是非常好的项目管理技能,所以我一直在为自由开发人员上这门可学习的课程 。 我今天早上才刚开始,如果您愿意的话,让我们一起学习。 我每隔几天只能上一堂课,所以现在我学会了不同的项目管理标准化方法(它们的名称很时髦,例如Agile,Lean,Scrum和Waterfall)。 最好的事情是我已经做过,但是它有一个名字,所以我现在可以对其进行量化。

When it comes to learning, I’m a firm believer that the best way to actually learn, to truly understand and grasp concepts, is to teach others. It’s a bit strange to say but practicing your knowledge to those with less experience gives you a chance to test your own skills and question the logic behind your reasoning. This week’s best articles on our Forum demonstrated how much better web devs are when they put their experience to good use by helping others.

在学习方面,我坚信真正学习,真正理解和掌握概念的最佳方法就是教别人。 这么说有点奇怪,但是向经验不足的人练习知识可以使您有机会测试自己的技能并质疑推理背后的逻辑。 本周我们论坛上的最佳文章展示了当Web开发人员通过帮助他人来充分利用自己的经验时,他们会变得更好。

In the spirit of best practice, Forums user qim wants to know how to link buttons two by two. RyanReese comes to the rescue but there’s still a bit of confusion, so if you’re a pro at HTML or CSS give the thread a go and help qim out. If you’re just starting out, it’s a great chance to learn from Ryan and others.

本着最佳实践的精神,论坛用户qim想知道如何将按钮两两链接 。 RyanReese进行了急救,但仍然存在一些混乱,因此,如果您是HTML或CSS的专业人士,请立即尝试解决该问题。 如果您刚刚起步,那么这是向Ryan和其他人学习的好机会。

In a similar thread, afridy’s sending strings to a JS tool tip, but keeps getting a SyntaxError: unterminated string literal. He’s not too sure what to do about it. At first Forum members thought it was the semicolon he used, but the error is persistent. How good are your bug hunting skills?

在类似的线程中,afridy将字符串发送到JS工具提示,但不断收到SyntaxError: unterminated stringliteral。 他不太确定该怎么办。 最初,论坛成员认为这是他使用的分号,但该错误一直存在。 您的bug搜寻技巧有多好?

Ryan then asks the community that he supports so strongly for a bit of help. Have you ever used a decent website builder? Let us know.

然后,瑞安(Ryan)向社区要求他大力支持,以寻求帮助。 您是否曾经使用过像样的网站构建器? 让我们知道

分享您的知识: (Share your knowledge:)

I want to know, how did you get started in Xamarin? Or how did you get started in any language or app or framework? How do you get over the initial learning curve?

我想知道, 您是如何开始使用Xamarin的 ? 或者您是如何开始使用任何语言,应用程序或框架的? 您如何克服最初的学习曲线?

PS. don’t forget this week in .NET and check our our weekly JavaScript roundup, too!

PS。 不要忘记本周的.NET ,也请查看我们每周的JavaScript汇总 !

最后的想法: (Final thoughts:)

.my-grass{ color: #90EE90; }

.my-grass{ color: #90EE90; }

.neighbours-grass{ color: #008000; }

.neighbours-grass {color:#008000; }

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/radar-teaching-learning-web-devs/

