
tech2023-06-22  123


In last month’s browser trends report, US Internet Explorer 8.0 usage appeared to return to normal. Let’s check the latest figures from StatCounter…

在上个月的浏览器趋势报告中 ,美国Internet Explorer 8.0的使用似乎恢复了正常。 让我们查看StatCounter的最新数据 ...

2015年1月至2015年2月全球台式机和平板电脑浏览器统计 (Worldwide Desktop & Tablet Browser Statistics, January to February 2015)

The following table shows browser usage movements during the past month.


BrowserJanuaryFebruarychangerelativeIE (all)19.26%18.89%-0.37%-1.90%IE1110.74%10.53%-0.21%-2.00%IE101.94%1.90%-0.04%-2.10%IE92.53%2.39%-0.14%-5.50%IE6/7/84.05%4.07%+0.02%+0.50%Chrome48.26%48.83%+0.57%+1.20%Firefox16.96%16.53%-0.43%-2.50%Safari4.45%4.46%+0.01%+0.20%iPad Safari5.82%5.75%-0.07%-1.20%Opera1.52%1.60%+0.08%+5.30%Others3.73%3.94%+0.21%+5.60% 浏览器 一月 二月 更改 相对的 IE浏览器(全部) 19.26% 18.89% -0.37% -1.90% IE11 10.74% 10.53% -0.21% -2.00% IE10 1.94% 1.90% -0.04% -2.10% IE9 2.53% 2.39% -0.14% -5.50% IE6 / 7/8 4.05% 4.07% + 0.02% + 0.50% Chrome 48.26% 48.83% + 0.57% + 1.20% 火狐浏览器 16.96% 16.53% -0.43% -2.50% 苹果浏览器 4.45% 4.46% + 0.01% + 0.20% iPad Safari 5.82% 5.75% -0.07% -1.20% 歌剧 1.52% 1.60% + 0.08% + 5.30% 其他 3.73% 3.94% + 0.21% + 5.60%

2014年2月至2015年2月全球台式机和平板电脑浏览器统计 (Worldwide Desktop & Tablet Browser Statistics, February 2014 to February 2015)

The following table shows browser usage movements during the past twelve months:


BrowserFebruary 2014February 2015changerelativeIE (all)22.47%18.89%-3.58%-15.90%IE117.97%10.53%+2.56%+32.10%IE104.21%1.90%-2.31%-54.90%IE93.59%2.39%-1.20%-33.40%IE6/7/86.70%4.07%-2.63%-39.30%Chrome43.96%48.83%+4.87%+11.10%Firefox19.19%16.53%-2.66%-13.90%Safari9.73%10.21%+0.48%+4.90%Opera1.30%1.60%+0.30%+23.10%Others3.35%3.94%+0.59%+17.60% 浏览器 2014年2月 2015年2月 更改 相对的 IE浏览器(全部) 22.47% 18.89% -3.58% -15.90% IE11 7.97% 10.53% + 2.56% + 32.10% IE10 4.21% 1.90% -2.31% -54.90% IE9 3.59% 2.39% -1.20% -33.40% IE6 / 7/8 6.70% 4.07% -2.63% -39.30% Chrome 43.96% 48.83% + 4.87% + 11.10% 火狐浏览器 19.19% 16.53% -2.66% -13.90% 苹果浏览器 9.73% 10.21% + 0.48% + 4.90% 歌剧 1.30% 1.60% + 0.30% + 23.10% 其他 3.35% 3.94% + 0.59% + 17.60%

(The tables show market share estimates for desktop browsers. The ‘change’ column is the absolute increase or decrease in market share. The ‘relative’ column indicates the proportional change, i.e. 5.5% of IE9 users switched browsers last month. There are several caveats so I recommend you read How Browser Market Share is Calculated.)

(下表显示了桌面浏览器的市场份额估计值。“更改”列是市场份额的绝对增加或减少。“相对”列表示成比例的变化,即,上个月IE9用户切换浏览器的比例为5.5%。注意事项,所以我建议您阅读如何计算浏览器市场份额 。)

It’s the same old story: Chrome usage grows at the expense of other browsers. There haven’t been any 1% monthly surges for a while but the browser rarely drops. February’s biggest loser was Firefox which lost almost half a point. I don’t think Mozilla is doing anything particularly wrong — it’s just difficult to entice users back once they’ve switched to Chrome.

这是一个古老的故事:Chrome使用率的增长是以其他浏览器为代价的。 暂时没有任何1%的每月激增,但浏览器很少下降。 2月份最大的输家是Firefox,它损失了近半个百分点。 我认为Mozilla并没有做特别特别的事情-一旦吸引用户改用Chrome,就很难吸引他们。

Internet Explorer didn’t fare much better. IE6/7/8 stubbornly refused to move but a hardcore of users and corporations won’t upgrade for a few more years. Yes, years. It’s frustrating but, if your audience has a large proportion of oldIE users, it’s your job to support those browsers. Moaning won’t help. If you don’t like it, the easiest option is to switch to a job with a different user profile.

Internet Explorer的运行情况并不好。 IE6 / 7/8固执地拒绝迁移,但用户和公司的核心部分不会再升级了几年。 是的, 几年 。 令人沮丧的是,如果您的听众中有大量的oldIE用户,则支持这些浏览器是您的工作。 吟无济于事。 如果您不喜欢它,最简单的选择是切换到具有不同用户配置文件的作业。

The only other browser to make gains was Opera. It’s been steadily rising for the past year although a third of users have refused to migrate from version 12. Vivaldi could offer those people an upgrade path — more about that soon.

唯一获得收益的浏览器是Opera。 它一直稳步上升,在过去一年,尽管三分之一的用户都拒绝从12版迁移维瓦尔第可以提供那些人的升级路径- 很快更多解释 。

2015年1月至2015年2月全球移动浏览器统计 (Worldwide Mobile Browser Statistics, January to February 2015)

Mobile usage dipped by a quarter of a point during February and stands at 32.98% of all web activity. It’s the second monthly drop but I still think we could achieve 50% mobile/desktop parity by the end of 2015.

2月份,移动设备使用量下降了四分之一, 占所有网络活动的32.98% 。 这是连续第二个月下降,但我仍然认为到2015年底,我们可以实现50%的移动/桌面平价。

The top mobile browsing applications:


Mobile BrowserJanuaryFebruarychangerelativeChrome29.22%30.68%+1.46%+5.00%iPhone20.97%21.35%+0.38%+1.80%Android19.07%19.08%+0.01%+0.10%UC Browser12.07%11.65%-0.42%-3.50%Opera Mini/Mobile9.55%8.66%-0.89%-9.30%Nokia Browser2.84%2.57%-0.27%-9.50%IEMobile2.12%2.13%+0.01%+0.50%Others4.16%3.88%-0.28%-6.70% 手机浏览器 一月 二月 更改 相对的 Chrome 29.22% 30.68% + 1.46% + 5.00% 苹果手机 20.97% 21.35% + 0.38% + 1.80% 安卓系统 19.07% 19.08% + 0.01% + 0.10% UC浏览器 12.07% 11.65% -0.42% -3.50% Opera Mini /手机 9.55% 8.66% -0.89% -9.30% 诺基亚浏览器 2.84% 2.57% -0.27% -9.50% IEMobile 2.12% 2.13% + 0.01% + 0.50% 其他 4.16% 3.88% -0.28% -6.70%

Chrome had a great month with a 1.5% leap. Surprisingly, the stock Android browser remains just above 19% and doesn’t appear to be affected by Chrome’s growth. Perhaps people are keeping older phones for longer?

Chrome表现出色,增长了1.5%。 令人惊讶的是,现有的Android浏览器仍保持在19%以上,似乎不受Chrome增长的影响。 也许人们将旧手机保留更长的时间?

Safari on the iPhone is solid but the majority of older browsers fell. Beyond the bottom of the chart, Blackberry has fallen to a lowly 0.99% despite holding a third of the market a few years ago. The company has promised a come-back but it’s difficult to see how they can compete against the mighty iPhone and Android platforms.

iPhone上的Safari表现不错,但大多数较旧的浏览器都下降了。 除了图表底部之外,尽管黑莓在几年前占据了三分之一的市场,但它已跌至0.99%的低位。 该公司承诺会卷土重来,但很难看到它们如何与强大的iPhone和Android平台竞争。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/browser-trends-march-2015-renewed-interest-opera/

