
tech2023-06-22  137


Web design and development is a long, iterative process. It can span a few weeks or a few months. And as you get immersed in the details, it is quite easy to lose track. Have you met the original goals of the website? Or did you get so engrossed in creating a fine work of art that you forgot about the viewer, and the revenue? It may sound blasé, but I’ve seen it happen often enough. We just lose sight of the big picture.

Web设计和开发是一个漫长的迭代过程。 它可能会持续数周或数月。 当您沉浸在细节中时,很容易迷失方向。 您是否达到了网站的最初目标? 还是您全神贯注于创作精美的艺术品而忘记了观众和收入? 听起来很怪,但我已经看到它经常发生。 我们只是忽略了全局。

To make sure I’m on track, I ask someone who hasn’t seen the site before (preferably someone that matches the target audience of the site), to take a look and answer the following for me:


Who is this site for?

该网站适用于谁? What would they come here to find? Can they find it easily?

他们会来这里找到什么? 他们可以轻松找到它吗? What do they have to give in return?


If an unbiased third person third person can answer those clearly, your website has done its job. If not, it’s time for some changes.

如果公正的第三方第三者可以清楚地回答这些问题,则说明您的网站已完成工作。 如果没有,是时候进行一些更改了。

I sit down and ask a few hard questions. Here is a checklist I use before signing off on a website project. It’s helped keep me accountable, and at times, saved me from embarrassment. Do you have a checklist too? If not, feel free to try this one.

我坐下来,问了几个难题。 这是我在退出网站项目之前使用的清单。 它帮助我保持责任心,有时使我免于尴尬。 您也有清单吗? 如果没有,请随意尝试。

1.网站的最终目标是什么? (1. What’s the End Goal of the Website?)

Like I said earlier, don’t forget the end goal for the website. A “visiting card” or “brochure” site that merely tells people about the client should have a very different feel from a site whose main purpose is lead generation or selling a product.

就像我之前说的,不要忘记网站的最终目标。 仅向人们介绍客户的“访问卡”或“小册子”网站应与主要目的是产生潜在客户或销售产品的网站有很大的不同。

Make sure the content on your website provides real value to the visitor. If they don’t find what they’re looking for, they’ll leave. And for the visitors who do linger on, drive them to strong call to actions that help you achieve the end goals of the site, whether it’s building an email list or selling a product.

确保您网站上的内容为访问者带来了真正的价值。 如果他们找不到他们想要的东西,他们会离开。 对于愿意留下来的访问者,无论是建立电子邮件列表还是销售产品,都可以带动他们强烈呼吁采取行动,以帮助您实现网站的最终目标。

2.复制:它说什么,意味着什么? (2. Copy: What Does It Say and What Does It Mean?)

Though the web copy is often the most neglected part of a web project by designers and developers, it can make or break the website. Review your copy.

尽管网络副本通常是设计人员和开发人员最经常忽略的Web项目部分,但它可以建立或破坏网站 。 查看您的副本。

Again, asking a neutral third party (preferably from the target audience) helps. If it doesn’t get your message across, hire a good copywriter to re-write it, before you send it off to the client. Unless you’ve actually worked on improving your copy writing skills, you’re probably better off leaving it to the experts – actual copywriters skilled in the art of persuasion. If you’re still feeling adventurous, check out this guide to writing copy that converts from the folks at KISSmetrics.

同样,要求中立的第三方(最好是来自目标受众)会有所帮助。 如果无法传达您的信息,请在发送给客户之前聘请好的文案作家来重写它。 除非您实际致力于提高文案写作技巧,否则最好将其交给专家-具有说服力的实际文案写作专家。 如果您仍然喜欢冒险,请查看本指南 ,撰写由KISSmetrics的工作人员改写而来的副本。

The design and copy should complement each other. They should both work together to draw in the reader, engage them, provide value and achieve the desired goal.

设计和复制应相互补充。 他们应该共同努力吸引读者,吸引他们,提供价值并实现期望的目标。

3.用户体验愉快而直观吗? (3. Is the User Experience Pleasant and Intuitive?)

This is where we cross check to make sure the visitor’s experience on the website is pleasant and hassle free. A large part of this depends on how the website is organized. Is the page navigation intuitive? Can the visitor easily find what they need? Does the search function work correctly? Are the blog categories meaningful?

这是我们进行交叉检查的地方,以确保访问者在网站上的体验愉快且轻松自如。 这在很大程度上取决于网站的组织方式。 页面导航直观吗? 访客可以轻松找到他们需要的东西吗? 搜索功能是否正常工作? 博客类别有意义吗?

Look at it from the client’s perspective – the copy, design and navigation should all be geared to driving visitors through the client’s sales funnel.


4.是否可以跨设备和浏览器访问网站? (4. Is the Website Accessible Across Devices and Browsers?)

Though developers hate this part of things, we still have to make sure the website works on the major browsers and devices in the market today. StatCounter data for Jan 2014 to Jan 2015 clearly shows browser usage is quite fragmented. If the website works only on Chrome, about 55% of desktop users won’t be able to experience it properly.

尽管开发人员讨厌这部分内容,但我们仍然必须确保该网站可以在当今市场上的主要浏览器和设备上运行。 2014年1月至2015年1月的StatCounter数据清楚地表明浏览器的使用非常分散。 如果该网站只能在Chrome上运行,则大约55%的桌面用户将无法正常使用它。

And of course, with mobile web access on the rise, we can’t forget mobile devices, which come in just about any form factor these days. It can be a challenge to make a responsive site that works well across all devices, however you can use tools such as BrowserLing, Cross Browser Testing, Responsive Test and Browsershots to test against various browsers and device sizes.

当然,随着移动Web访问量的增加,我们不能忘记移动设备,这些设备如今几乎以任何形式出现。 要使响应式网站在所有设备上都能正常工作可能是一个挑战,但是您可以使用BrowserLing , 跨浏览器测试 , 响应式测试和Browsershots之类的工具针对各种浏览器和设备尺寸进行测试。

5.所有功能都正常吗? (5. Are All the Features Working?)

This is a no brainer really. Make sure you tick off each of the features listed in the spec. This could include the blog set up, security, integrations with other services such as MailChimp, Aweber, Infusionsoft or the client’s CRM. Walk through each of these, step by step, both as a user and as an admin. If the site has a free or paid membership, do an end-to-end trial run to make sure the on-boarding and later usage experience is set up just right for users.

这真的是没有道理的。 确保选中规范中列出的每个功能。 这可能包括博客设置,安全性,与其他服务(例如MailChimp,Aweber,Infusionsoft或客户的CRM)的集成。 以用户和管理员的身份逐步介绍所有这些内容。 如果该网站具有免费或付费会员资格,请进行端到端试用,以确保正确设置了用户的入门和以后使用体验。

Oh, and though technically it’s not much of a feature, make sure all the links work. Especially internal ones!

哦,尽管从技术上讲,它并不是一个很大的功能,但请确保所有链接都能正常工作。 特别是内部的!

6.您是否仔细检查了基础知识? (关于页面,联系信息和表格) (6. Have You Double Checked the Basics? (About Page, Contact Info and Form))

After the blog, or main product offering, the About page and the Contact page are normally the two most viewed pages. Double, even triple check the information on these. Make sure the contact information clearly includes postal address, phone numbers, generic email and preferably links to the client’s social media profiles.

在博客或主要产品之后,“关于”页面和“联系”页面通常是访问量最高的两个页面。 两次甚至三次检查这些信息。 确保联系信息清楚地包括邮政地址,电话号码,通用电子邮件,并且最好是指向客户的社交媒体资料的链接。

Fill out the contact form yourself and make sure it’s smooth. I’ve landed on quite a few sites where the form/page just goes blank after you hit submit. There’s no way to know whether or not my form was sent. All your design and coding effort is worth naught if prospective buyers cannot reach out to your client.

自己填写联系表,并确保它顺利。 我登陆了很多站点,在您单击“提交”后,表单/页面只是空白。 无法知道我的表格是否已发送。 如果潜在买家无法与您的客户联系,那么您所有的设计和编码工作都是不值得的。

7.您是否优化了页面加载时间? (7. Have You Optimized the Page Load Time?)

According to surveys done by Akamai and Gomez.com, nearly half of web users expect a site to load in 2 seconds or less, and they tend to abandon a site that isn’t loaded within 3 seconds – KISSmetrics

根据 Akamai和Gomez.com 进行的调查 ,将近一半的Web用户期望网站在2秒或更短的时间内加载,并且他们倾向于放弃3秒内未加载的网站– KISSmetrics

I don’t really need to say more, do I? If your site takes more than 3 seconds to load, go and fix it. Now.

我真的不需要多说什么,对吗? 如果您的网站加载时间超过3秒,请进行修复。 现在。

These insights, straight from Google, show how you can improve your page load time.


8.您是否专注于流量和转化? (8. Have You Focused on Traffic and Conversions?)

This is a pretty vast area. Before you take your site live, cross check as much as you can. Make sure the call to action on each page is clear and prominent, especially on landing pages. There shouldn’t be more than one on each page. Make sure the sales funnel is working right.

这是一个很大的区域。 在您上线站点之前,请尽可能多地进行交叉检查。 确保每个页面上的号召性文字清晰且醒目,尤其是在目标页面上。 每页上不应有多个。 确保销售漏斗工作正常。

This is also the right time to go over the SEO checklist – confirm that your tags are all in the right places, that titles and URLs reflect keywords and follow best practices. Cross check that your social media share buttons are working and make it super easy for readers to share your content.

这也是浏览SEO清单的正确时机–确认您的标签都在正确的位置,标题和URL反映关键字并遵循最佳做法。 交叉检查您的社交媒体共享按钮是否正常工作,并使读者非常轻松地共享您的内容。

9. 5秒后带走什么? (9. What’s the Take Away after 5 Seconds?)

This is probably the most important point on the checklist, and effectively sums up the website. Again, it helps to ask people who fit the ideal viewer profile to load the site and tell you their take away. People have very, very short attention spans these days. If viewers don’t find what they want – what they can connect to – within 5 seconds, they’ll leave the site. That’s including the 2-3 seconds it takes to load the site.

这可能是清单上最重要的一点,可以有效地总结网站。 同样,它可以帮助要求符合理想查看者个人资料的人们加载网站并告诉您他们的外卖。 这些天,人们的注意力非常短。 如果观众在5秒钟内找不到想要的东西-他们可以连接的东西,他们将离开网站。 这包括加载网站需要2-3秒的时间。

10.如何使它变得更好? (10. How Can I Make This Better?)

This is the last one on my list, and one that I need to be very careful with. There’s always room for improvement. Some improvements are low hanging fruit – the kind you can do quickly, and that shows clear value. But some improvements are more subjective and can suck up massive amounts of time, with no concrete results. While I like pushing myself, and constantly looking for ways to improve, it’s important to be pragmatic and know when to throw up my arms and announce – it’s done!

这是我列表中的最后一个,也是我需要非常小心的一个。 总有改进的余地。 有些改进是低落的果实–您可以快速完成的任务,并且显示出明显的价值。 但是某些改进比较主观,可能会占用大量时间,而没有具体结果。 尽管我喜欢自我推销,并不断寻找改善的方法,但务实并知道何时举起手臂并宣布-这已经完成很重要!

Well, that’s all from me. I hope you find this checklist as useful as I have, do let me know how it works out for you.

好吧,这些都是我的。 希望您发现此清单与我一样有用,请让我知道它对您的影响。

Do you have your own list? Is there anything I missed out? Let me know in the comments below.

您有自己的清单吗? 我有什么错过的吗? 在下面的评论中让我知道。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/10-important-questions-to-ask-about-your-website-project/

