
tech2023-06-24  128

Thanks to everyone who filled out our SitePoint Survey! A staggering 1,451 people took the time to reply. Your survey answers and comments are invaluable.

感谢所有填写我们的SitePoint调查的人! 惊人的1,451人花了时间回复。 您的调查答案和评论非常宝贵。

The winner of the iPad Air has been emailed, and the prize is on its way!

iPad Air的获胜者已通过电子邮件发送,奖品即将发放!

Now, let’s have a quick look at the survey results…


JavaScript获胜 (JavaScript Wins)

An overwhelming majority of SitePoint readers are interested in JavaScript — 78% of respondents said they wanted to read more JavaScript content on SitePoint, closely followed by CSS. Responsive design was another top topic of interest.

绝大多数SitePoint读者都对JavaScript感兴趣-78%的受访者表示,他们想在SitePoint上阅读更多JavaScript内容,紧随其后的是CSS。 响应式设计是另一个有趣的主题。

Most survey respondents want to see more tutorials on SitePoint. We’re happy to oblige, since tutorials have always been our top priority.

大多数调查对象希望在SitePoint上查看更多教程。 我们很乐意效劳,因为教程一直是我们的头等大事。

In second place, video content was the next popular request. While we’ve focused our video efforts on Learnable, our online learning platform, we’re also hard at work on producing more video content this year. Stay tuned!

其次,视频内容是下一个受欢迎的要求。 尽管我们将视频工作重点放在了在线学习平台Learnable上 ,但今年我们仍在努力制作更多的视频内容。 敬请关注!

通讯和论坛 (Newsletters and Forums)

The most popular SitePoint offering? Our newsletters, including Versioning our daily update for web developers.

最受欢迎的SitePoint产品? 我们的新闻通讯 ,包括为Web开发人员提供的每日更新版本 。

Keen to keep the discussion going? You might like to visit the all-new SitePoint Forums. This week, we’re talking about the difficulties of going from newbie developer to employable coder, and discussing the pros and cons of dependency injection.

渴望继续进行讨论? 您可能想访问全新的SitePoint论坛 。 本周,我们将讨论从新手开发人员过渡到可使用的编码器的困难,并讨论依赖注入的优缺点 。

