
tech2023-06-25  126

Much was discussed this week on the SitePoint Forums. The most important of our weekly discoveries is that the software we write never has bugs, it simply develops exciting and random new features.

本周在SitePoint论坛上讨论了很多内容。 我们每周发现的最重要的事情是,我们编写的软件永远不会有错误,它只会开发出令人兴奋且随机的新功能。

在我们的雷达上: (On our radar:)

We compare JavaScript Linting tools and discover the tabs vs spaces rule was silently added without warning. This may be purely subjective and it’s pointed out this could be the next great dogs vs cats debate.

我们比较了JavaScript Linting工具 ,发现在没有警告的情况下静默添加了tabs vs space规则。 这可能纯粹是主观的,并指出这可能是下一场关于猫狗大战的话题。

Ralphm posted “The Internet and the Throwaway Society,” which sounds like a really good Margaret Atwood novel you can cosy up to next to a fireplace, but actually causes one to question their mortality and the shelf-life of digital products. It asks important questions: how will society thousands of years from now understand how we lived? What happens to our data when we’re no longer here?

拉尔姆(Ralphm)发表了《 互联网与抛弃式社会 》,听起来像是一部非常好的玛格丽特·阿特伍德小说,您可以在壁炉旁舒适地睡着,但实际上却引起人们质疑它们的死亡率和数字产品的保质期。 它提出了重要的问题:从现在起几千年来,社会将如何理解我们的生活? 当我们不再在这里时,我们的数据会怎样?

The Forums then put on our Ruby-coloured glasses and tried to solve a mystery, Clue-style: for pdxSherpa, Sass works in codepen but not on their desktop.

然后,论坛戴上了我们的Ruby色眼镜,并试图解决一个神秘的线索风格:对于pdxSherpa, Sass在Codepen中工作,但不在其桌面上工作 。

Learnable released v2.0 of HTML5 and CSS3 For The Real World which you should download right now because it covers basically everything you could want to know about websites for these modern times we live in.

可学习的发布版HTML5和CSS3 For the Real World v2.0,您现在应该下载,因为它基本涵盖了我们所生活的当今社会有关网站的所有知识。

简而言之: (In short:)

wh33t wants to know about javascript caching and javascript newbie hello2 discovers how to create cool circle images for websites.

想要了解javascript缓存和javascript新手hello2发现了如何为网站创建酷圈图像 。

Inquisitive minds want to know, do you call this great infobahn of ours the “Internet” or “internet”?

好奇的人想知道,您将我们这个伟大的信息高速公路称为“互联网”还是“互联网” ?

Cpradio rounds up this week in .NET with exciting updates on the Lambda method, backwards compatibility, and a discussion on why frameworks are evil. Meanwhile, Pullo brings us this week in JavaScript with updates on AngularJS 2.0 and React among others.

Cpradio 本周在.NET中对Lambda方法进行了令人兴奋的更新,向后兼容,并讨论了框架为何有害的讨论。 同时,Pullo 本周在JavaScript中为我们带来了AngularJS 2.0和React等方面的更新。

您的两个比特币: (Your two bitcoins:)

Don’t forget to check out the forums as we head into yet another week. Who knows, you might befriend the Steve Wozniak to your Steve Jobs. If you do create the next software monolith, be sure to blog about it on our forums.

进入下一个星期,别忘了查看论坛。 谁知道,您可能将Steve Wozniak与Steve Jobs成为朋友。 如果确实要创建下一个软件整体,请确保在我们的论坛上发布有关该软件的博客 。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/radar-linting-shelf-life-sass-css3/
