
tech2023-06-25  127

We asked SitePoint authors what developer toys they would want for Christmas, then managed to source them — without relying on Santa.


TextExpander is an app which makes developers’ and writers’ lives easier, expanding custom shortcuts into commonly-used phrases or strings.


为什么我想要TextExpander许可证 (Why I wanted a TextExpander license)

People have been raving about TextExpander for years and, although I’ve played around with older versions in the past, I’ve never implemented any text substitution software into my workflow in a big way. It always felt like I was missing out though, since I do fit perfectly in the Venn diagram of who this software was made for — Mac automation nerds, writers, and web developers.

多年来,人们一直对TextExpander赞不绝口,尽管我过去一直在使用旧版本,但我从未在自己的工作流程中实现任何大的文本替换软件。 不过,总感觉像是我错过了,因为我确实很适合该软件的开发人员— Venn图,这些人是Mac自动化的书呆子,作家和Web开发人员。

到目前为止的经验 (The experience so far)

Quite simply, it lives up to the hype. My hands spend most of their time on the keyboard already, and I’ve always been a fast typer, and now that existing speed is simply multiplied by the amount of (surprisingly) common text and code that I no longer have to write out manually.

很简单,它不辜负炒作。 我的手已经把大部分时间都花在了键盘上,而且我一直是快速打字机,现在,现有的速度仅乘以(令人惊讶的)普通文本和代码的数量,而我不再需要手动编写这些代码和代码。

You’ll want to do some Googling to see how other people are using the software — it can be a little tricky to fathom all of the creative ways to make the most of it — but also know you’re able to add a range of “Predefined Snippets” right after installing the software. These provide instant access to handy snippets for symbols, HTML and CSS, and a few other categories you’ll find useful.

您将需要进行一些Google搜索,以了解其他人如何使用该软件-试图利用所有创造性方法来充分利用该软件可能有些棘手-但也知道您能够添加一系列安装软件后立即显示“预定义的代码片段”。 这些提供了对符号,HTML和CSS以及其他一些有用的类别的便捷摘录的即时访问。

Get 20% off a TextExpander license by following this link.


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/want-christmas-textexpander/
