
tech2023-06-26  108

At the start of the decade, the total storage required for every web file was estimated to have reached five zettabytes. Within a few years, the world will be generating fifty zettabytes of data every year. A zettabyte is one billion terabytes — or 1021 bytes. It’s a lot, and hard disk manufacturers cannot keep pace with demand.

在本世纪初,每个Web文件所需的总存储量估计已达到5 ZB。 几年之内,全球将产生每八五泽字节的数据。 兆字节为10亿兆字节,即10 21字节。 数量很多,硬盘制造商无法跟上需求的步伐。

The numbers are not surprising when you consider more than four people are born every second. This is significantly higher than disk drive production. The 50Zb estimate would be exceeded if everyone on the planet uploaded just two photographs annually.

当您考虑到每秒出生四个以上的人时,这些数字就不足为奇了。 这大大高于磁盘驱动器的产量。 如果地球上每个人每年仅上传两张照片,则将超过50Zb的估算值。

I interviewed Prof. Ali Lo who heads the Taskforce Utilizing Redundant Disk Space:

我采访了利用冗余磁盘空间工作组的负责人Ali Lo教授:

The web is at crisis point. It cannot cope with the sustained influx of new data. We have deleted temporary files, backed-up to the cloud, archived to DVDs and defragmented several times. Nothing helps: every byte is used the moment it’s freed.

网络正处于危机时刻。 它无法应付不断涌入的新数据。 我们已经删除了临时文件,备份到云中,存档到DVD中并进行了几次碎片整理。 没有任何帮助:释放字节后立即使用每个字节。

网站使用情况明细 (Web Usage Breakdown)

Sir Tim Berners-Lee devised the web to share research information in hyper-linked documents. Within twenty-five years, it now consists:

Tim Berners-Lee爵士设计了网络,以便在超链接文档中共享研究信息。 在二十五年内,它现在包括:

28.65% pictures of cats

猫的28.65%的图片 16.80% vain selfies

16.80%徒劳的自拍照 14.82% pointless social media chatter

14.82%毫无意义的社交媒体chat不休 12.73% inane vlogger videos

Inane vlogger视频的12.73% 9.76% advertising/clickbait pages

9.76%广告/点击诱饵页面 8.70% scams and cons

8.70%骗局 4.79% articles soliciting spurious statistics

4.79%的文章要求虚假统计 3.79% new JavaScript tools/libraries

3.79%的新JavaScript工具/库 0.76% documents for the betterment of human knowledge


Prof. Ali Lo stated:


There are now more pictures of cats on the web than there are cats.


社交媒体库存 (Social Media Stockpile)

The success of social media has exponentially increased data usage. People are expected to document their daily routine with comments, photographs and videos. Much of this content is never viewed by anyone but it remains stored forever. If a post does go viral, the same data is replicated thousands of times by different people across different networks.

社交媒体的成功成倍地增加了数据使用量。 人们应该用评论,照片和视频记录他们的日常活动。 许多内容从未被任何人查看过,但会永久存储。 如果帖子确实传播开来,同一数据将由不同人跨不同网络复制数千次。

The situation will worsen when Facebook’s Fetus project is launched. The ambitious service will automatically open an account, record a timeline and send status updates before you are born.

当Facebook的胎儿计划启动时,情况将会恶化。 这项雄心勃勃的服务将在您出生之前自动开设一个帐户,记录时间轴并发送状态更新。

重量级网页 (Weighty Web Pages)

Web developers must share the blame. The average page reached 2Mb at the end of 2014. The problem is exacerbated by new fonts, high-resolution images and large client-side libraries. Prof. Ali Lo commented:

Web开发人员必须对此负责。 到 2014年底, 平均页面达到2Mb 。新字体,高分辨率图像和大型客户端库使问题更加严重。 卢阿里教授评论:

By the end of the decade, the code required for a single web page will exceed the size of the browser application used to render it.


The only solution is to legally enforce a 100Kb page weight limit and resort to OS fonts such as Comic Sans.

唯一的解决方案是依法强制执行100Kb的页面重量限制,并诉诸于诸如Comic Sans之类的OS字体。

我们有多久? (How Long do we Have?)

Current estimates indicate that one more viral post will push the web into a storage abyss. According to Prof. Ali Lo:

当前的估计表明,另一个病毒式传播将把网络推入一个存储深渊。 卢阿里教授说:

The web is on a precipice. All it needs is another photo of a blue/brown — not white/gold — dress to go global. We will be plunged into chaos.

网络在悬崖上。 它所需要的只是另一张蓝色/棕色( 而不是白色/金色)的照片以走向全球。 我们将陷入混乱。

Please spread the word and send this article to everyone you know before it’s too late.


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/web-runs-disk-space/
