
tech2023-06-26  115


It’s no surprise or secret that ecommerce has gained popularity and expanded in the last ten years or so. Companies like Amazon and Alibaba are now global monoliths and it seems that there’s a new eBay-like site popping up every other day.

电子商务在过去十年左右的时间内得到普及和扩展,这不足为奇或秘密。 像亚马逊和阿里巴巴这样的公司现在已经成为了全球巨头,似乎每隔一天就会出现一个新的类似eBay的网站。

Sadly remarkably few of these sites take the time to consider the very different UX needs that ecommerce sites present though.

遗憾的是,这些网站中很少有时间花时间考虑电子商务网站所呈现的非常不同的 UX需求。

So, if you’re in the process of developing an ecommerce site for a client or company, read on and discover some of the considerations you may need to take to make its UX seamless and awesome.


产品 (The Product)

Let’s start with what must be the most important aspect of any ecommerce site: the products. They’re the site’s selling points (literally), so making sure that their part in the user experience is spot on will be key.

让我们从任何电子商务网站中最重要的方面开始: 产品 。 从字面上看,它们是网站的卖点,因此确保它们在用户体验中的地位是关键。

Making your product images bigger is one trend that has been gaining traction, and for good reason. People shop with their eyes, and the web is no different; big, detailed images allow customers to peruse your wares before committing to them, which means you deepen the level of trust between your site and user.

有充分的理由,使您的产品图像变大是一种趋势,这一趋势已越来越受到关注。 人们用眼睛购物,网络也一样。 大而详细的图像使客户可以在提交商品之前仔细阅读商品,这意味着您可以加深站点与用户之间的信任度。

Interestingly, though, this only seems to be the case when looking at products for which the physical condition or appearance can influence the buying decision.


The eye-tracking study done by the Nielsen Norman Group above shows how users react differently to images on two different sites. When viewing book shelves on the site on the left, users’ attention is focused largely on the images, whereas those considering a new flat screen TV were less concerned with what it looks like and focused more on the technical specs of the product.

上面的尼尔森·诺曼小组(Nielsen Norman Group)进行的眼动研究显示,用户如何对两个不同站点上的图像做出不同React。 在左侧站点上查看书架时,用户的注意力主要集中在图像上,而考虑使用新的平板电视的用户则较少关注其外观,而更多地关注产品的技术规格。

Here, it’s a good idea to make sure that the technical specifications are front and centre, and easy to scan, giving the user an easy way to differentiate and make their choice.


评论 (The Reviews)

Review are another key factor of your product pages, and I think it goes without saying that this is an important part of any ecommerce UX.


As people we tend to distrust faceless corporations, especially when we’re interacting with them in a non-physical manner like the web, because it makes us feel less in control. The opinions of others like ourselves, though, helps give us confidence in our purchase decision.

作为人们,我们倾向于不信任面面俱到的公司,尤其是当我们以非物理方式(例如网络)与他们互动时,因为它会使我们感到不受控制。 但是,其他人(如我们自己)的意见有助于使我们对购买决定充满信心。

So, user reviews give us that extra sense of security when it comes to buying something. The effect is even more pronounced if the site has high traffic and a “X number of people found this review helpful” type ranking system, such as Amazon. Remember, the key in every ecommerce system is to build trust with the user.

因此,用户评论给我们带来了额外的购买安全感。 如果该网站的流量很高,并且有“ X人认为此评论有用 ”类型排名系统(例如Amazon),则效果会更加明显。 请记住,每个电子商务系统中的关键是建立与用户的信任。

购物车 (The Cart)

Another one of the most vital aspects of any ecommerce experience, the shopping cart is often neglected or thought about in the wrong way when it comes to UX.


The act of adding something to my cart, a very important action, is often seamlessly integrated into the experience (a process increasingly referred to as ‘slippy’ UX).

向购物车中添加东西的行为,这是非常重要的动作,通常被无缝地集成到体验中(这个过程逐渐被称为“活泼的” UX)。

This sounds like a good thing, until you think about the fact that I’m potentially spending a large amount of my hard-earned money on a product, and have no idea whether it’s actually gone into my shopping cart or not.


At best, I have to search the screen for the often obscure cart icon (another thing that makes little sense) to check whether the product has actually been added or not. At worst, I’ll assume it wasn’t added and end up clicking ‘Add to Cart’ again, meaning I’ve now accidentally bought two of the same product.

充其量,我必须在屏幕上搜索经常模糊的购物车图标(这是没有意义的另一件事),以检查是否确实添加了该产品。 在最坏的情况下,我会假设未添加该产品,最后再次单击“添加到购物车”,这意味着我现在不小心购买了两个相同的产品。

Takealot.com, a leading ecommerce site in South Africa, has this exact issue. Adding a product to my cart gives no feedback, and I’m left having to search for the obscure cart icon somewhere in the top right of the page to make sure I’ve done something.

南非领先的电子商务网站Takealot.com确实存在此问题。 将产品添加到购物车没有任何反馈,因此我不得不在页面右上角的某个地方搜索晦涩的购物车图标,以确保已完成操作。

One thing Takealot does get right, though, is the cart itself. Research has found that many users use their cart less like a physical shopping cart and more like a ‘wish list’, using it to help make decisions before actual checkout.

Takealot确实做对的一件事是购物车本身。 研究发现,许多用户使用购物车的方式不像实际购物车那样,而更像是“愿望清单”,它可以在实际结帐之前帮助您做出决定。

Takealot’s cart helps with this process by giving the user a rundown of their products with applicable images (again, important for some products). It also gives you an easy way to remove items from your cart (handy, given their opaque add-to-cart process) and, perhaps most important of all, doesn’t require the user to login until actual checkout.

Takealot的购物车可通过向用户提供其产品的适用图片摘要(同样对某些产品很重要)来帮助完成此过程。 它还为您提供了一种从购物车中删除物品的简便方法(考虑到其不透明的添加到购物车流程,这一点很方便),而且也许最重要的是,不需要用户在实际结账之前登录。

Perhaps most impressively, the Takealot cart even warns you of any necessary dependencies a product might have — for instance, a Blu-Ray disc requiring a Blu-Ray player.


In that last case, one might even improve the UX by placing a link to Blu-Ray players available on the site, giving the opportunity for the user to add one to their cart immediately.


人工智能 (Artificial Intelligence)

This is a feature rarely seen so far in the world of ecommerce, but it’s gaining speed, with many larger ecommerce companies actually devoting teams to developing their AI systems.


Giants like Amazon use it frequently and it improves the UX drastically. By taking note of what users are looking at, what they’ve purchased in the past, and what similar users have been interested in, they’re able to build a system devoted to helping each user in their retail quests.

像亚马逊这样的巨头经常使用它,从而大大改善了用户体验。 通过记录用户的眼光,过去购买的商品以及类似用户的兴趣,他们能够构建一个致力于帮助每个用户完成零售任务的系统。

As a user, you’re given the impression that the site is tailor-made to suit your tastes and, in fact, increasingly it is.


Below is what greets me when I go to amazon.com, and I'd venture to say it's very revealing of my tastes as an individual:


Best of all, it does this even if you’re not logged in (which is also slightly creepy). I have a feeling that this type of UX will make its way to a more mainstream set of ecommerce sites in the future, though, so keep your eyes open for this one.

最棒的是,即使您未登录(也有些令人毛骨悚然),它也会执行此操作。 我有一种感觉,这种UX将来会进入更主流的电子商务站点集,因此请对此保持警惕。

结论 (Conclusion)

The UX of an ecommerce site is often more important than any other site because it is a direct interface with business and users’ money.


A carefully crafted system with a considered shopping cart, user reviews and product pages can go a long way to easing the user into making a buying decision.


If available, an AI designed to complement these considerations can take your ecommerce site from great to incredible, but even without it you can ensure an online shopping experience that ends up being beneficial for everybody.


进一步阅读 (Further Reading)

Photos As Web Content


Decision Making in the Ecommerce Shopping Cart: 4 Tips for Supporting Users


Marketing Automation is Only the Beginning


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/ecommerce-design-different/


相关资源:MATLAB R2016a完全自学一本通_刘浩_电子工业出版社