
tech2023-06-27  118


Welcome to the all-new On Our Radar — a weekly round-up of interesting, thought-provoking and downright entertaining conversations from the far-flung corners of the SitePoint forums.


科技界的女性 (Women in Tech)

It’s widely acknowledged that women are underrepresented in the technology sector. Thankfully, there are many initiatives attempting to address this imbalance.

众所周知, 女性在科技领域的代表人数不足 。 值得庆幸的是,有许多举措试图解决这种不平衡。

One such initiative was launched by SitePoint member sarahfrantz, who is currently seeking female developers for a women’s web developer association. She wrote:

SitePoint成员sarahfrantz发起了一项这样的计划,他目前正在为女性网络开发者协会寻找女性开发者。 她写道 :

I’m looking for female web developers (any background) who might be interested in being on an advisory board for a Women’s Web Developer Association – or those who might want to be involved in some way. This has somewhat been an idea of mine to create now for the past 4 or 5 years, and I finally have some time to sit down and make it happen.

我正在寻找女性Web开发人员(任何背景),他们可能对成为女性Web开发人员协会的顾问委员会感兴趣,或者可能希望以某种方式参与其中。 在过去的4到5年中,这一直是我的想法,现在我终于有时间坐下来实现它。

There followed a discussion about why it’s a good thing to have a body composed entirely of women and how important role models are when you are starting out in any industry. This sentiment was eloquently summarized by ralphm:

随后讨论了为什么一个完全由女性组成的机构是一件好事,以及在任何行业起步时榜样的重要性。 拉尔夫姆雄辩地概括了这一观点:

I had an experience of it in my “last life”—when I was training to be a primary school teacher. It’s a heavily female-dominated profession, and I was lucky to have a lot of brilliant teachers to learn from during my training … except that I felt pretty inferior to them, as I couldn’t imagine being able to do what they were doing. I just didn’t fit in. It wasn’t until I got to spend some time with a male teacher that I realized there was another way to do things—one that I understood and could relate to.

当我接受培训成为一名小学老师时,我在“前世”中经历了这一经历。 这是一个以女性为主的职业,我很幸运能在培训期间学习很多才华横溢的老师……只是我觉得自己不如他们,因为我无法想象能够做到他们正在做的事情。 我只是不适应。直到我花了一段时间与男老师在一起时,我才意识到有另一种做事的方式-一种我理解并且可以联系的方式。

Do you agree? Do you disagree? Maybe you want to apply? You can join the discussion here.

你同意吗? 你不同意吗? 也许你想申请? 您可以在此处加入讨论 。

太晚学习了吗? (Too Late to Learn?)

Elsewhere, the latest episode of Reddit’s podcast — aptly entitled Three Female Computer Scientists Walk into an AMA — prompted Tom to ask:

在其他地方,Reddit播客的最新一集-恰当地标题为“ 三名女性计算机科学家走进AMA” -促使汤姆问:

Does it matter how old you are when you begin to learn to code?


There have been some really good answers to this question already, with a couple of our older members admitting to learning with a CS64 (if you remember those).


One popular line of thought was summarized by mawburn:


Some people can’t draw and never will be able to. Some people can’t cook and will never be able to. Some people can’t program and will never be able to.

有些人不会画画,也永远不会画画。 有些人不会做饭,也永远做不到。 有些人不能编程,永远也不能。

Whilst antonella states:

安东内拉说 :

Being young helps, being older with the right baggage can have its advantages too.


What about you? Do you think age matters? Why not have your say?

你呢? 您认为年龄重要吗? 为什么不说?

从周围的地方 (From Around the Place)

In Design & UX, jeffreyless wants your opinions on a flashy website, that is actually so far over the top, it’s borderline unusable.

在Design&UX中, jeffreyless希望您在一个华而不实的网站上发表您的意见 ,而实际上这是最重要的,这是无法使用的。

In the JavaScript category, an excellent article on Meteor.js spawned a discussion on whether developers should cater for users who have disabled JavaScript. As you might expect, there are quite a few differences of opinion in that one!

在JavaScript类别中,有关Meteor.js的精彩文章引发了关于开发人员是否应迎合禁用JavaScript的用户的讨论 。 如您所料,在那方面有很多不同意见!

On a more technical note, there’s an interesting discussion going on in the PHP category as to the state of trees as a content organization structure in modern CMSs.

在更多的技术说明上,PHP类别中正在进行有趣的讨论, 涉及树木的状态作为现代CMS中的内容组织结构 。

In Community, OzRamos wants to know how you deal with (and hopefully avoid) burnout.

在社区中,OzRamos想知道您如何应对(并希望避免)倦怠 。

In General Web Dev, Craig Buckler (our resident stats guy) looks at the best programming language to learn in 2015 (it’s gotta be JavaScript, right?).

在General Web Dev中,Craig Buckler(我们的常驻统计人员)着眼于2015年学习的最佳编程语言 (必须使用JavaScript,对吗?)。

In Get Started, contentreach asks “What security measures should one adopt to safely handle the web design and development outsourcing?” A good question indeed, contentreach.

在“入门”中,contentreach问“ 应采取哪些安全措施来安全地处理Web设计和开发外包? 确实,这是一个好问题,contentreach。

And finally, be sure to check out our Showcase category. It’s the perfect place to show off a creation you’re proud of, such as a JavaScript library or a shiny new web app.

最后,请务必查看我们的Showcase类别 。 在这里,您可以炫耀您引以为傲的作品,例如JavaScript库或崭新的Web应用程序。

你的想法 (Your Thoughts)

So, that’s all for this week. Did I miss anything? Have you noticed any discussions that are worthy of featuring? What were your highlights from the week? You can let me know in the comments.

所以,这就是本周的全部。 我有想念吗? 您是否注意到任何值得关注的讨论? 本周的亮点是什么? 您可以在评论中让我知道。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/on-our-radar-this-week-women-in-tech-and-late-learners/

