jotform 设计器

tech2023-06-28  132

jotform 设计器

This post was sponsored by JotForm. Thank you for supporting the sponsors who make SitePoint possible!

这篇文章是由JotForm赞助的。 感谢您支持使SitePoint成为可能的赞助商!

It’s our fault. We were the ones who opened Pandora’s box. The proliferation of good, open source Content Management Systems such as WordPress mean clients can edit their website content without our assistance. Until they attempt to modify a form.

是我们的错 我们是打开潘朵拉盒子的人。 优质的开放源代码内容管理系统(如WordPress)的出现意味着客户无需我们的帮助即可编辑其网站内容。 直到他们尝试修改表单。

Forms are an integral part of content. You can understand why a client asks, “If I can add a heading, why can’t I add an email request box?” The reality is more difficult. Even the most basic form requires development expertise:

形式是内容的组成部分。 您可以理解为什么客户会问: “如果可以添加标题,为什么不能添加电子邮件请求框?” 现实更加困难。 即使是最基本的形式也需要开发专业知识:

Create the form using HTML5 fields.

使用HTML5字段创建表单。 Develop fallback code for older browsers, e.g. IE9 doesn’t support new HTML5 field types or built-in validation.

为较旧的浏览器开发后备代码,例如IE9不支持新HTML5字段类型或内置验证。 Develop validation code both client-side and server-side.

开发客户端和服务器端的验证代码。 Perhaps create or use custom fields such as map pickers, date handlers, file uploaders, etc.

也许创建或使用自定义字段,例如地图选择器,日期处理程序,文件上传器等。 Implement security measures to ensure spammers cannot hack or use the system.

实施安全措施以确保垃圾邮件发送者无法入侵或使用该系统。 Send the inquiry data in an email, or submit it to the server.

通过电子邮件发送查询数据,或将其提交到服务器。 Log the inquiry in a repository such as a database.

将查询记录在诸如数据库之类的存储库中。 Test the form on a variety of desktop, tablet and mobile devices.

在各种台式机,平板电脑和移动设备上测试表格。 Create custom reports to summarize the inquiry data.

创建自定义报告以汇总查询数据。 Integrate the system with monitoring, analytics and/or sales systems.


Ironically, the slicker and simpler the user experience, the more development effort is required. If you’re happy to proceed, the client will inevitably contact you 30 seconds after deployment…

具有讽刺意味的是,用户体验更流畅,更简单,需要更多的开发工作。 如果您乐于继续,客户端将不可避免地在部署后30秒与您联系...

“Can we add just one more field?”


“Can you send our CEO a weekly PDF summary of response statistics?”, or

“您能每周给我们的首席执行官发送一份PDF的回复统计摘要吗?” , 要么

“Can we output all this data to our CRM system for marketing analysis?”


The simplest forms rapidly mutate into mission-critical monsters.


Even if you find a reasonable form builder plug-in for your CMS, they’re rarely suited to non-technical end users. Some custom code will always be required to handle data flows and logging.

即使您为CMS找到了一个合理的表单生成器插件,它们也很少适合非技术性最终用户。 始终需要一些自定义代码来处理数据流和日志记录。

Fortunately, there’s an easier option…


输入JotForm (Enter JotForm)

JotForm allows you or non-developers to build and edit forms with an easy WYSIWYG interface. You can define forms for your clients or hand the whole system over. The basic workflow:

JotForm允许您或非开发人员使用简单的WYSIWYG界面来构建和编辑表单。 您可以为客户定义表格或移交给整个系统。 基本工作流程:

1. Create your form structure The initial screen allows you to add form fields, labels and titles. There are almost 400 pre-built custom widgets available including captchas, referral trackers, tabs, photo capture and even voice recorders.

1.创建表单结构初始屏幕允许您添加表单字段,标签和标题。 几乎有400种预制的自定义小部件可用,包括验证码,引荐跟踪器,标签,照片捕获甚至录音机。

You can also define response email addresses, submission actions and set up integration with applications such as Dropbox, SalesForce and payment systems including PayPal. More than 100 apps are available.

您还可以定义响应电子邮件地址,提交操作,并设置与Dropbox,SalesForce等应用程序以及包括PayPal在内的支付系统的集成。 超过100个应用程序可用。

2. Use the Form Designer JotForm’s new Form Designer then allows you to style the form’s color and layout. As well as standard graphical and responsive design tools, it includes a point-and-click CSS Helper. This highly-touted feature makes building CSS easier than ever. Selecting the field on the screen builds the CSS selector and presents a list of available properties to choose from. All that’s left for the user is to enter the values.

2.使用表单设计器 JotForm的新表单设计器然后允许您设置表单的颜色和布局样式。 除标准的图形和响应式设计工具外,它还包含一个点击式CSS Helper。 这个备受吹捧的功能使CSS的构建比以往更加轻松。 选择屏幕上的字段将构建CSS选择器,并显示可供选择的属性列表。 用户剩下的就是输入值。

3. Publish your form Finally, your form can be used within a standalone page, an iframe or embedded using a script — all the code is provided. It can be readily integrated with WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, or even a Facebook page:

3.发布表单最后,可以在独立页面,iframe中使用表单,也可以使用脚本嵌入表单-提供了所有代码。 它可以很容易地与WordPress,Drupal,Joomla甚至Facebook页面集成:

JotForm主题商店 (The JotForm Theme Store)

JotForm’s recently released Theme Store makes form building even easier. In fact, the Theme Store eliminates the need for form building so you can immediately start customizing a ready-made theme. A range of award-winning free and commercial themes are provided which can instantly style your form without you having to define color schemes, images and CSS.

JotForm最近发布的主题商店使表单构建更加容易。 实际上,主题商店消除了表单构建的需要,因此您可以立即开始自定义现成的主题。 提供了一系列屡获殊荣的免费和商业主题,这些主题可以立即为您的表单添加样式,而无需定义配色方案,图像和CSS。

Topically, there are seasonal snow and santa themes should your clients wish to style their forms for various calendar events during the year.

通常,如果您的客户希望为一年中的各种日历活动设计其样式,则有季节性的雪和圣诞老人​​主题 。

As a bonus, when you do create your form-based masterpiece, it can be submitted to the JotForm Theme Store. Once it’s submitted you can opt to earn a commission every time someone chooses it, or you can share it for free.

另外,当您创建基于表单的杰作时,可以将其提交到JotForm Theme Store 。 提交后,您可以选择每次有人选择时赚取佣金,也可以免费分享。

JotForm empowers your clients and frees you from the daily development drudgery of form building. There’s a free starter account so you can try JotForm without registration then upgrade as your submissions and storage space requirements grow.

JotForm为您的客户提供支持,并使您从表单构建的日常开发工作中解放出来。 有一个免费的入门帐户,因此您无需注册即可尝试JotForm ,然后随着提交和存储空间需求的增长进行升级。


jotform 设计器
