
tech2023-06-29  137


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It’s 2015, so it feels like it’s pretty safe to say that email sucks.


For communication, for collaboration, for task-management, for organization — in every potential useful avenue, it has serious drawbacks.


Email isn’t geared for real-time communication or collaboration, and it lacks advanced functionality like screen- or file-sharing. If you want to do anything with the information contained in your inbox, you usually need to move it to another app or service.

电子邮件不适用于实时通信或协作,并且缺少诸如屏幕共享或文件共享之类的高级功能。 如果您想对收件箱中包含的信息做任何事情,通常需要将其移至另一个应用程序或服务。

As well as technical drawbacks, the way we use email brings its own issues. Particularly in professional contexts, email can function more as a way to shift responsibility than a way to share information. Everyone has been CCed on an email referencing a vaguely related project, with the intent of the sender unclear. Everyone has CCed a boss or co-worker on an email to make sure they are aware of some potential problem (or at least, so they can say they made them aware of some potential problem).

除技术缺陷外, 我们使用电子邮件的方式也带来了自己的问题。 特别是在专业环境中,电子邮件可以更多地充当转移责任的方式,而不是共享信息的方式。 每个人都被引用了模糊不清的相关项目的电子邮件抄送,发件人的意图还不清楚。 每个人都在电子邮件中抄送了一位老板或同事,以确保他们知道某些潜在问题(或者至少可以说他们使他们知道某些潜在问题)。

Developers are ahead of the curve in trying to avoid these problems. They’ve brought a collaborative spirit to their teams using DevOps principles and used existing tools to make this collaboration easier. One of the most important tools to making this work is a solid chat app.

开发人员在尝试避免这些问题方面处于领先地位。 他们使用DevOps原理为团队带来了协作精神,并使用现有工具使协作更加轻松 。 可靠的聊天应用程序是完成这项工作的最重要工具之一。

An essential aspect of working smarter and more collaboratively is the ability to communicate quickly – in real-time if necessary – with people who may be physically far away. Chat makes asynchronous (and synchronous) communication simple, and it allows multiple people to weigh in on an issue or project at the same time, while seeing other contributions and even the status of other participants. Properly configured, a chat app can receive updates and information from any app your company uses: devs use this to keep track of uptime or server errors, but there are so many other ways to use it.

更智能,更协作地工作的一个基本方面是能够与可能在物理上相距遥远的人们进行快速通信(如有必要,可以进行实时通信)。 聊天使异步(和同步)通信变得简单,并允许多个人同时考虑一个问题或项目,同时查看其他贡献,甚至查看其他参与者的状态。 正确配置的聊天应用程序可以从您公司使用的任何应用程序中接收更新和信息:开发人员使用它来跟踪正常运行时间或服务器错误,但是还有很多其他使用方式。

One of the most well-known, popular chat apps is HipChat.

HipChat是最著名 ,最受欢迎的聊天应用程序之一 。

It offers instant messaging, group chat, screen sharing, file sharing, link sharing, video and voice calling. You can discuss projects and issues in a collaborative environment, brainstorm, discuss work, or share files, wherever you are in the world. You can @mention co-workers to bring them into a given discussion, and everything is archived and searchable. It also offers integrations with apps like GitHub, Google Hangouts and Heroku.

它提供即时消息,群组聊天,屏幕共享,文件共享,链接共享,视频和语音呼叫。 无论您身在何处,都可以在协作环境中讨论项目和问题,集思广益,讨论工作或共享文件。 您可以@mention同事将他们带入给定的讨论中,并且所有内容都可以存档和搜索。 它还提供与GitHub,Google Hangouts和Heroku等应用程序的集成 。

HipChat’s secure conversations are transferred in 256-bit SSL encryption, the same security protocol as online banks. You can also deploy it on your own server if you’d prefer. HipChat runs on everything: Mac, Windows, iOS, Android, and even Linux. There’s also a web app.

HipChat的安全对话以256位SSL加密传输,与在线银行的安全协议相同。 如果愿意,也可以将其部署在自己的服务器上 。 HipChat可以在所有操作系统上运行:Mac,Windows,iOS,Android甚至Linux。 还有一个网络应用程序。

If you opt for a free plan, with unlimited users, you get: group chat, IM, file sharing, unlimited users and integrations. But then if you opt for HipChat Plus ($2/user per month) you’ll get everything on the free plan as well as: video chat and screen sharing. Have a look at their plans here.

如果您选择免费计划且用户数量不受限制,您将获得:群聊,IM,文件共享,无限用户和集成。 但是,如果您选择了HipChat Plus(每月每用户2美元),您将获得免费计划中的所有内容以及:视频聊天和屏幕共享。 在这里看看他们的计划。

Chat used to be for time-wasting, but now it can save you hours of time you used to spend navigating your inbox. Check out HipChat and get back to work!

聊天曾经是浪费时间,但是现在它可以节省您过去用于浏览收件箱的时间。 退房HipChat ,然后重新开始工作!

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/empty-email-inbox-improve-teams-collaboration-hipchat/


相关资源:HipChat Server 破解