
tech2023-06-29  124

In last month’s browser trends report, Internet Explorer slipped below 20% for the first time since the mid 1990s. Let’s see if there’s any drama in the latest figures from StatCounter…

在上个月的浏览器趋势报告中 ,Internet Explorer自1990年代中期以来首次跌破20%。 让我们看看StatCounter的最新数据中是否有任何戏剧……

2014年10月至2014年11月全球台式机和平板电脑浏览器统计 (Worldwide Desktop & Tablet Browser Statistics, October to November 2014)

The following table shows browser usage movements during the past month.


BrowserOctoberNovemberchangerelativeIE (all)19.29%19.60%+0.31%+1.60%IE119.52%10.79%+1.27%+13.30%IE102.62%2.38%-0.24%-9.20%IE92.76%2.80%+0.04%+1.40%IE6/7/84.39%3.63%-0.76%-17.30%Chrome47.71%48.15%+0.44%+0.90%Firefox17.04%16.76%-0.28%-1.60%Safari4.64%4.45%-0.19%-4.10%iPad Safari6.35%6.13%-0.22%-3.50%Opera1.29%1.39%+0.10%+7.80%Others3.68%3.52%-0.16%-4.30% 浏览器 十月 十一月 更改 相对的 IE浏览器(全部) 19.29% 19.60% + 0.31% + 1.60% IE11 9.52% 10.79% + 1.27% + 13.30% IE10 2.62% 2.38% -0.24% -9.20% IE9 2.76% 2.80% + 0.04% + 1.40% IE6 / 7/8 4.39% 3.63% -0.76% -17.30% Chrome 47.71% 48.15% + 0.44% + 0.90% 火狐浏览器 17.04% 16.76% -0.28% -1.60% 苹果浏览器 4.64% 4.45% -0.19% -4.10% iPad Safari 6.35% 6.13% -0.22% -3.50% 歌剧 1.29% 1.39% + 0.10% + 7.80% 其他 3.68% 3.52% -0.16% -4.30%

2013年11月至2014年11月全球台式机和平板电脑浏览器统计 (Worldwide Desktop & Tablet Browser Statistics, November 2013 to November 2014)

The following table shows browser usage movements during the past twelve months:


BrowserNovember 2013November 2014changerelativeIE (all)27.29%19.60%-7.69%-28.20%IE111.47%10.79%+9.32%+634.00%IE1011.10%2.38%-8.72%-78.60%IE95.29%2.80%-2.49%-47.10%IE6/7/89.43%3.63%-5.80%-61.50%Chrome41.95%48.15%+6.20%+14.80%Firefox18.13%16.76%-1.37%-7.60%Safari8.48%10.58%+2.10%+24.80%Opera1.14%1.39%+0.25%+21.90%Others3.01%3.52%+0.51%+16.90% 浏览器 2013年11月 2014年11月 更改 相对的 IE浏览器(全部) 27.29% 19.60% -7.69% -28.20% IE11 1.47% 10.79% + 9.32% + 634.00% IE10 11.10% 2.38% -8.72% -78.60% IE9 5.29% 2.80% -2.49% -47.10% IE6 / 7/8 9.43% 3.63% -5.80% -61.50% Chrome 41.95% 48.15% + 6.20% + 14.80% 火狐浏览器 18.13% 16.76% -1.37% -7.60% 苹果浏览器 8.48% 10.58% + 2.10% + 24.80% 歌剧 1.14% 1.39% + 0.25% + 21.90% 其他 3.01% 3.52% + 0.51% + 16.90%

The tables show market share estimates for desktop browsers. The ‘change’ column is the absolute increase or decrease in market share. The ‘relative’ column indicates the proportional change, i.e. 17.3% of IE6/7/8 users switched browsers last month. There are several caveats so I recommend you read How Browser Market Share is Calculated.

下表显示了桌面浏览器的市场份额估计值。 “更改”列是市场份额的绝对增加或减少。 “相对”列表示比例变化,即上个月IE6 / 7/8用户切换浏览器的17.3%。 有几个警告,所以我建议您阅读如何计算浏览器市场份额 。

It’s business as usual. Chrome jumped almost half a percentage point which is nothing special for the browser but a leap other vendors can only dream about.

照常营业。 Chrome跃升了将近0.5个百分点,这对浏览器而言并不特殊,但其他供应商只能梦dream以求。

Internet Explorer gained a little market share thanks to a rise of almost 1.3% for IE11. Unfortunately, the simultaneous drop for earlier versions dragged that market increase back by 1%. Bizarrely, IE9 now has more users than IE10. There’s not much in it, but I suspect there are a reasonable proportion of Windows Vista users who cannot upgrade further.

由于IE11的增长近1.3%,Internet Explorer的市场份额有所增加。 不幸的是,早期版本的同步下降使市场增长回落了1%。 奇怪的是,现在IE9的用户数量超过了IE10。 里面没有太多东西,但是我怀疑有相当一部分无法进一步升级的Windows Vista用户。

IE6/7/8 usage is dropping faster than ever which is great news for developers. Personally, I rarely worry about the ancient browsers but there are still projects where support is essential. Online stores and sites serving large organisations or government departments are prime examples.

IE6 / 7/8的使用率下降速度比以往更快,这对开发人员来说是个好消息。 就个人而言,我很少担心古老的浏览器,但仍有一些项目是必不可少的。 为大型组织或政府部门服务的在线商店和站点就是最好的例子。

Opera was the only other browser to rise but it’s been fluctuating around 1% to 1.5% for many years. The browser is still gaining users but only at the rate of general web user growth. I can’t see that situation changing but Opera continues to survive.

Opera是唯一一个上升的其他浏览器,但多年来一直在1%到1.5%之间波动。 浏览器仍在吸引用户,但仅以一般Web用户的增长速度增长。 我看不到情况会改变,但Opera仍然可以生存。

Both Firefox and Safari suffered accordingly. Firefox’s market share remains reasonably healthy but how viable is the desktop edition of Safari? The browser is undoubtedly popular on the iPhone and iPad (well, it’s arguably the only real option on those devices), but the desktop version has fallen below 4.5% and lost more than 4% of its user base last month.

Firefox和Safari均遭受相应损失。 Firefox的市场份额保持相当健康,但是桌面版Safari的可行性如何? 该浏览器无疑在iPhone和iPad上很受欢迎(嗯,可以说是这些设备上唯一的真正选择) ,但是台式机版本已跌至4.5%以下,上个月失去了4%以上的用户群。

The browser building business has high operating costs with little guarantee of profit. Vendors can make money with associated sales and affiliate advertising but a large number of users are required before a vendor can pay the bills. Technically, Safari is falling behind the competition especially since Google forked Webkit to Blink. New versions arrive with device and OS releases but is that schedule fast enough? It seems users aren’t convinced.

浏览器构建业务的运营成本很高,几乎没有利润保证。 供应商可以通过关联的销售和会员广告赚钱,但是在供应商支付账单之前,需要大量用户。 从技术上讲,Safari落后于竞争对手,特别是自Google将Webkit分支到Bl​​ink以来。 新版本随设备和OS版本一起发布,但是时间表是否足够快? 似乎用户并不相信。

Apple has to provide Safari for their mobile devices so building a desktop edition isn’t significant additional work. The company must provide something with Mac OS but Safari has become increasingly irrelevant.

苹果必须为其移动设备提供Safari,因此构建台式机版并不是重要的额外工作。 该公司必须提供某些 Mac OS操作系统,但Safari变得越来越无关紧要。

2014年10月至2014年11月全球移动浏览器统计 (Worldwide Mobile Browser Statistics, October to November 2014)

Mobile usage in November 2014 increased by almost 0.8% to reach 33.66% of all web activity. It may be later than predicted, but the mobile revolution has arrived — ignore it at your peril!

2014年11月,移动设备使用量增长了近0.8%,达到所有网络活动的33.66% 。 它可能比预期的要晚,但是移动革命已经到来 -忽略它,后果自负!

The top mobile browsing applications:


Mobile BrowserOctoberNovemberchangerelativeChrome27.73%29.55%+1.82%+6.60%iPhone24.33%21.48%-2.85%-11.70%Android20.93%20.47%-0.46%-2.20%UC Browser8.74%9.94%+1.20%+13.70%Opera Mini/Mobile8.72%8.96%+0.24%+2.80%Nokia Browser2.87%2.93%+0.06%+2.10%IEMobile2.29%2.39%+0.10%+4.40%Others4.39%4.28%-0.11%-2.50% 手机浏览器 十月 十一月 更改 相对的 Chrome 27.73% 29.55% + 1.82% + 6.60% 苹果手机 24.33% 21.48% -2.85% -11.70% 安卓系统 20.93% 20.47% -0.46% -2.20% UC浏览器 8.74% 9.94% + 1.20% + 13.70% Opera Mini /手机 8.72% 8.96% + 0.24% + 2.80% 诺基亚浏览器 2.87% 2.93% + 0.06% + 2.10% IEMobile 2.29% 2.39% + 0.10% + 4.40% 其他 4.39% 4.28% -0.11% -2.50%

Chrome has grabbed another large chunk of the mobile market. Only UC Browser came close to that growth but it’s possibly a statistical blip.

Chrome占领了移动市场的另一大部分。 只有UC Browser接近这个增长,但这可能是统计上的损失。

The biggest loser? Safari again. It dropped almost 3% and while that doesn’t indicate a long-term trend, it’s hovered around the low 20% mark for many months. Admittedly, that’s stunning figures for a single vendor and iPhone users remain passionate about the devices and platforms. However, Apple no longer enjoys a technical advantage and there are many other options — especially for the more price-conscious consumer.

最大的输家? 再次使用Safari。 它下跌了近3%,尽管这并不表示长期趋势,但已经在20%的低点徘徊了许多个月。 诚然,这对于单个供应商来说是惊人的数字,iPhone用户仍然对设备和平台充满热情。 但是,Apple不再享有技术优势,还有许多其他选择,尤其是对于价格意识更强的消费者。

While Safari’s success on iOS is more assured than the desktop edition, Apple cannot afford to lose too much market share. Users will notice software dropping behind the competition regardless of how good the hardware becomes.

尽管Safari在iOS上的成功远胜于台式机,但是Apple不能失去太多的市场份额。 无论硬件的性能如何,用户都会注意到软件落后于竞争对手。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/browser-trends-december-2014-safari-survival/
