一个邪恶的Genius Glitter交付网站获得了金奖

tech2023-06-30  110

Apparently all that glitters is gold, if you’re clever enough to tap into the darkest impulses of man.


ShipYourEnemiesGlitter.com is a service that does exactly what it sounds like it does: anonymously deliver an envelope chock-full of glitter to someone you hate (or who just really likes glitter, possibly), poised to explode when opened and ruin their day, and their near future.


It’s truly a product for these turbulent, untrustworthy times.


The concept is amusing, and so is the website itself, which offers an excellent FAQ section including. Example: “Q: My recipient got glitter in both eyeballs, is now blind & would like to file charges. Help?” “A: Heh.”

这个概念很有趣,网站本身也很有趣,它提供了一个很好的FAQ部分,其中包括。 示例:“问:我的接收者的双眼都闪闪发光,现在是盲人,想提出指控。 救命?” “ A:嘿。”

Just like the envelopes it delivers, interest in the service has been explosive. The service launched on January 12, and in the first 24 hours saw more than 2,500,000 visitors, more than 400,000 social media mentions, and took in just over $20,000 in sales off about 200 orders.

就像它提供的信封一样,对服务的兴趣也爆发了。 该服务于1月12日启动,在最初的24小时内,吸引了超过2,500,000位访问者,提及了超过40万个社交媒体,并从大约200个订单中获得了略高于20,000美元的销售额。

Pretty much every tech site picked up on the phenomenon, and news of the service then spread to more mainstream sources, such as Slate, ABC News, The Guardian, TIME and even The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon.

几乎每个科技网站都注意到了这一现象,然后该服务的新闻传播到了更多主流来源,例如Slate,ABC新闻,《卫报》,《时代》,甚至还有Jimmy Fallon的《今夜秀》 。

The 22-year-old entrepreneur/evil genius Mathew Carpenter, said the popularity for his “side-project” (his main focus is SEO) caught him off guard. He quickly posted on Product Hunt, where he announced the site, pleading with people to stop ordering, as he was sick of dealing with it.

这位22岁的企业家/邪恶的天才马修·卡彭特(Mathew Carpenter)说,他的“附带项目”(他的主要重点是SEO)的受欢迎程度使他措手不及。 他Swift发布在Product Hunt上 ,在那里他宣布了该站点,恳求人们停止订购,因为他厌倦了处理它。

He decided to take down the order form and put the site up for sale on website marketplace Flippa (which, full disclosure, is part of the SitePoint Group).

他决定取下订单并将该网站在网站市场Flippa上出售 (完全公开,该网站属于SitePoint集团)。

This is the most popular auction ever placed on Flippa. At the time of writing the is $70,100, from 333 total bidders. More than 100,000 people have viewed the auction page in the last 48 hours. For context, the previous all-time most-popular auction received just 247 bids.

这是有史以来在Flippa上最受欢迎的拍卖。 在撰写本文时,总出价为333美元,为70,100美元。 在过去48小时内,超过100,000人浏览了拍卖页面。 就上下文而言,之前的历来最受欢迎的拍卖仅收到247个竞标。

Given it’s a hugely popular site which took $20,000 in sales in the one day it was operating, the bids probably aren’t unreasonable.


Check out the Flippa listing and place a bid, otherwise go to literally any news website to read more.

查看Flippa列表并出价 ,否则可以直接访问任何新闻网站以了解更多信息。

While you’re reading, have a think about whether you may have offended anyone recently. Checked the mail yet? Be careful.

在阅读时,请考虑一下您最近是否冒犯了任何人。 查看邮件了吗? 小心。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/glitter-delivery-site-goes-gold/
