
tech2023-06-30  121


Technology has changed the modern world greatly in recent years and, in particular, it has changed the way we seek and receive information.


People simply have less time for the deep and thorough reading our parents might have done a generation ago. Most of us deal with many input sources — the web, email, twitter, SMS, and IM to name a few — so we naturally tend to favor any information that can be grasped in seconds, if not instantaneously.

人们只是很少的时间去花很多时间来深入了解我们父母在一代人之前所做的事情。 我们大多数人都处理许多输入源-网络,电子邮件,推特,SMS和IM,仅举几例-因此,我们自然倾向于支持即使不是瞬间即可在几秒钟内掌握的任何信息。

Our brain is hard-wired to process the world in a visual form. It’s part of our ‘native OS’. For at least 40,000 years, humans have been transferring information from one person to another with the help of images, pictograms and graphic symbols.

我们的大脑很难以视觉形式处理世界。 它是我们“本机操作系统”的一部分。 在至少40 , 000年的时间里 ,人类已经借助图像,象形图和图形符号将信息从一个人转移到另一个人。

Photo : goforchris


Text information is a ‘kid brother’ by comparison. The first evidence we have for written communication appears in Sumeria around 2600 BC — an evolutionary blink of the eye.

相比之下,文本信息是个“兄弟”。 我们拥有书面交流的第一个证据出现在公元前2600年左右的苏美利亚(Sumeria),这是进化的眨眼。

Small children start their learning process with the use of picture books and are much more likely to engage with a book that has pictures than text-heavy book. Even older children (and, many adults for that matter) often only become engaged with a book after they’ve watched the movie that was based on it.

幼儿通过使用图画书开始学习过程,并且比带有大量文字的书本更喜欢带有图画书。 即使是大一点的孩子(以及很多成人),也只有在看过基于该书的电影后才开始看书。

为什么视觉如此吸引人? (Why Are Visuals So Engaging?)

It’s generally agreed upon that people in don’t read on the Internet. A recent study claims that most users endorse and share posts after scanning only a few first lines, or even just a headline.

人们普遍同意不要阅读Internet。 最近的一项研究声称,大多数用户仅扫描几行第一行,甚至只是标题,就可以认可和分享帖子。

So, if your well-considered and wordy Facebook rant of yours gets a batch of likes, don’t assume your tribe actually read it. The endorsement may be more of a high five for effort — especially if you have a cool image there.

因此,如果您考虑周到且冗长的Facebook咆哮得到了很多赞,请不要以为您的部落真的读过它。 背书可能需要付出较高的努力才能获得五分-特别是如果您的形象很不错。

Another recent Twitter study shows that tweets with photos and images are more engaging for users than text-only tweets. The key reason for this trend is that images speak directly to our emotions. Images get fed straight into our subconscious, unlike text symbols which need to go through a ‘decoding step’.

Twitter的另一项最新研究表明,带有照片和图像的推文比纯文本的推文更吸引用户。 这种趋势的主要原因是图像直接表达了我们的情感 。 图像直接进入我们的潜意识,这与文本符号不同,文本符号需要经过“解码步骤”。

Color, size and shape of a visual element evoke various feelings — anything from warmth to anger to joy — and can even push us to engage with a brand, share a post or buy a product.


Credit :NeoMam Studios

图片提供: NeoMam Studios

Another part of the explanation is that visual images appeal to both the left and right sides of our brains, engaging our logic and imagination at the same time. Actually, the growing success of infographics is a plain evidence of this idea.

解释的另一部分是视觉图像既吸引我们大脑的左右两侧,又吸引我们的逻辑和想象力。 实际上,信息图表的日益成功是这一想法的明证。

文字呢? (What About Text?)

It’s hard to imagine a world without text. It borders our roads, adorns our buildings, buses and books. A picture may well be worth a thousand words, but it’s likely a different thousand words for each of us. Text gives our ideas a precision that we can rarely approach with images alone.

很难想象没有文字的世界。 它毗邻我们的道路,装饰着我们的建筑物,公共汽车和书籍。 一幅图片可能值一千个单词,但对于我们每个人来说却可能是一千个单词。 文本使我们的想法更精确,而我们很少单独使用图像。

Text also plays the central role in SEO, being the only data we can say with certainty that search engines understand perfectly.

文本在SEO中也扮演着核心角色 ,是我们可以肯定地说的唯一数据,搜索引擎可以完全理解。

Of course, this may seem like a situation of tail wagging the dog: surely it’s not us who should be serving search engines’ needs, but vice versa. The truth is, we need them as well and that won’t change anytime soon. The fact is – the internet is a big place, and few will find your beautiful photos or cute cat videos without the useful tags and keywords you add to them.

当然,这似乎是尾巴摇狗的情况:服务搜索引擎需求的当然不是我们,反之亦然。 事实是,我们也需要它们,并且这种情况不会很快改变。 事实是–互联网是一个很大的地方,没有您添加的有用标签和关键字的人很少会找到您的漂亮照片或可爱的猫咪视频。

Web typography is the area where pure text and visualization overlaps.


Wise font choices improve text readability, but it also changes the voice that delivers your message. Set Rhianna’s lyric ‘I want you to stay‘ in Didot and it will seem like a heartfelt plea. Set the same text in Bank Gothic and it turns into a direct order.

明智的字体选择可以提高文本的可读性,但同时也可以改变传递消息的声音。 在Didot中设置Rhianna的歌词“ 我想让你留下 ”,这似乎是一种衷心的恳求。 在Bank Gothic中设置相同的文本,它将变成直接顺序。

Didot vs. Bank Gothic


Additionally, typography color and size increases its psychological and emotional impact. Thus, typographical elements attract visitors attention as images do, and carry all necessary information the text provides.

此外,字体的颜色和大小会增加其心理和情感影响。 因此,印刷元素就像图像一样吸引了访问者的注意力,并带有文本提供的所有必要信息。

如何在网页设计中明智地使用文本和视觉效果 (How to Wisely Use Text and Visuals in Web Design)

Your website needs a proper balance between textual and visual content. Awesome images or videos without text will give your visitor little to no useful data. On the other hand, you may find it hard to engage users with large slabs of plain text.

您的网站需要在文字和视觉内容之间保持适当的平衡。 不含文字的超赞图片或视频将给您的访问者几乎没有有用的数据。 另一方面,您可能会发现很难吸引大量纯文本用户。

Images are the main visual hook for websites that appears in logos, backgrounds, sliders and many more. They draw users into reading the text, illustrate the information provided in articles and blog posts and sometimes just entertain.

图片是出现在徽标,背景,滑块等中的网站的主要视觉挂钩。 他们吸引用户阅读文本,说明文章和博客文章中提供的信息,有时只是娱乐。

Images are a perfect way to guide the eye through the text information.


Jacob de Boer


One of today’s big trends — large background images — is used on many websites as an central organizing element. Among those who often get the biggest advantage from full-size background photos are:

当今的大趋势之一-大背景图像-在许多网站上被用作组织的主要内容。 在那些经常从全尺寸背景照片中获得最大好处的人包括:

Photographers – to show up their best portfolio photos to potential clients;

摄影师 -向潜在客户展示他们最好的作品集照片;

Decor and design studios – to showcase their greatest projects and products;

装饰和设计工作室 –展示他们最出色的项目和产品;

Travel agencies – to provide visual info about places they offered to visit.

旅行社 –提供有关他们要参观的地方的视觉信息。

Audrey Azoura

奥黛丽·阿祖拉(Audrey Azoura)

Today we’re also commonly seeing videos used as a website background. They often serve a purpose of drawing attention to the website content, and usually offer a playful element for a user.

今天,我们也经常看到视频被用作网站背景。 它们通常用于引起人们对网站内容的注意,并且通常为用户提供一个有趣的元素。

Bienville Capital Management


Infographics are one of the most engaging and in-demand element among website owners and Internet users that combines text and images.


As a format, they’ve evolved from often dry, technical diagrams to informative, powerful, and even fun story-telling devices. That help simplifying things for all types of users. Typically infographics allow users to grasp a complicated ideas and data with limited amounts of text and tons of catchy visuals.

作为一种格式,它们已经从通常干燥的技术图表演变为内容丰富,功能强大甚至有趣的讲故事设备。 这有助于简化所有类型用户的工作。 通常,信息图表允许用户使用数量有限的文本和大量吸引人的视觉效果来掌握复杂的想法和数据。

Today even text may be presented in a form of a beautiful and creative imagery. With a great variety of cool fonts and typefaces you may release your imagination. Always keep an eye out for unique typography solutions that support your imagery.

今天,甚至文字也可以以精美而富有创意的图像形式呈现。 各种各样的炫酷字体和字体可以释放您的想象力。 始终注意支持您图像的独特排版解决方案。

Infographic Credit :Lish-55

信息图信用: Lish-55

There is just one limitation to consider: user experience! Never use fancy or fussy typefaces for body text. Users won’t spend the effort to work through it, and your design will look overloaded. Save unconventional fonts for titles, subheadings and other design elements that are used for drawing users to the content — not deliver it.

仅需考虑一个限制:用户体验! 切勿在正文中使用花哨或挑剔的字体。 用户将不会花费精力来完成它,并且您的设计看起来会过载。 保存用于将用户吸引到内容的标题,副标题和其他设计元素的非常规字体,而不是提供它。

When it comes to UX, the main thing to strive for is balance! Sometimes a design can begin too text-heavy, but swing too far towards towards imagery. Without both aspects harmoniously combined it won’t reach its goals.

当谈到UX时,要努力争取的主要是平衡! 有时,设计可能开始时文字过于繁琐,但朝图像的方向摆动得太远。 没有两个方面的和谐结合,就无法实现其目标。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/images-text-important/

