
tech2023-07-02  147


Welcome to the latest edition of On Our Radar. I’m your new host, navigating the depths of our SitePoint Forums to bring you the latest and greatest discussions this week. There are some things web devs were never meant to know. For everything else, there’s the SitePoint forums.

欢迎使用最新版本的《我们的雷达》。 我是您的新主持人,它将深入我们的SitePoint论坛,为您带来本周最新,最精彩的讨论。 Web开发人员有些事情从来都不是要知道的。 对于其他所有内容,都有SitePoint论坛。

在我们的雷达上: (On our radar:)

Do you sometimes find yourself staring at the screen in frustration wanting nothing more than to slam your fist through it? While we hope your burnouts are never that extreme (think of the hard work that went into creating those monitors) we do have some tips to help you prevent burning out.

您有时会发现自己沮丧地凝视着屏幕,只希望用拳头猛击它吗? 尽管我们希望您的倦怠绝不会那么极端(考虑创建这些显示器所付出的辛勤工作), 但我们确实提供了一些技巧来帮助您防止倦怠。

We’re on a bit of a health roll this week so we examined the hazards of sitting down (or standing up) for long periods of time. I love sitting down. I would sit down all day if I could, so all the health issues associated with it (organ damage! soft brain!) hit home.

这周我们的健康状况有些差,因此我们检查了长时间坐下来(或站起来)的危害 。 我喜欢坐下。 如果可以的话,我会整天坐下,所以所有与之相关的健康问题(器官损伤!软脑!)都到家了。

If that’s not enough, Forums user Noppy takes us to the beach with a website re-design that’s sure to create serenity for new users. Join the discussion and learn more about mobile responsiveness, user experience and whether Google favours http or https (if you don’t click you’ll never know.)

如果这还不够,那么论坛用户Noppy会通过重新设计网站的方式带我们进入海滩,该网站一定会为新用户带来宁静。 加入讨论并了解有关移动响应能力,用户体验以及Google是否偏爱http或https的更多信息(如果您不单击,将永远不会知道。)

简而言之: (In short:)

Forums user dRyW unveils a possible browser conspiracy by asking us why browsers are so picky. There’s some fantastic insights on mobile responsiveness.

论坛用户dRyW通过询问我们为什么浏览器如此挑剔来揭示可能的浏览器阴谋。 关于移动响应能力,有一些很棒的见解。

Does buying traffic have horrible consequences? We hope not. Here’s how to avoid them.

购买流量会带来可怕的后果吗? 我们希望不会。 这是避免它们的方法。

Paul Boag causes the forums to question everything by asking the hard stuff: do you really need an app for that?

Paul Boag通过询问一些棘手的问题使论坛对所有问题提出质疑: 您真的需要一个应用程序吗?

你的想法: (Your thoughts:)

If at first you don’t succeed, call it v1.0 and head to the SitePoint forums, we’ll help you out. Comment, comment, comment on threads and maybe we’ll showcase you in next week’s edition.

如果一开始您没有成功,请将其称为v1.0,然后前往SitePoint论坛,我们将为您提供帮助。 对线程进行评论,评论和评论,也许我们将在下周的版本中向您展示。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/radar-burnout-sitting-picky-browsers/

