As users visit your website while you sleep, do you ever get a slight gnawing feeling – like you’ve left a small child alone while you went for milk?
Let’s face it – you really have no idea how they’re behaving. Are they wandering lost? Are they stuck somewhere? Are they doing their chores?
面对现实吧–您真的不知道他们的行为方式。 他们迷路了吗? 他们被卡在某个地方吗? 他们在做家务吗?
That’s how I feel sometimes. Your users often get misdirected, lost or simply don’t know what they are doing at your site. What’s more, they may break something or get hurt themselves by making bad decisions (e.g. delete some important data of theirs).
有时候我就是这样。 您的用户经常会被误导,迷路,或者根本不知道他们在您网站上的工作。 而且,他们可能会因做出错误的决定(例如删除他们的一些重要数据)而破坏某些东西或使自己受伤。
I’m part of the Dragdis build team, a tool designed specifically to help creative professionals collect and organize their inspirations. If you’re designing for seasoned creative pros, you need to think especially carefully about interactions, and make every usage scenario perfect.
我是Dragdis构建团队的成员,该团队专门设计用于帮助创意专业人士收集和整理灵感的工具。 如果您是为经验丰富的创意专业人士设计的,则需要特别考虑交互性,并使每种使用情况都完美无缺。
We like to say “Your path has to have flow”
我们喜欢说“ 您的道路必须畅通无阻 ”
The truth is, no matter how well-researched your UX decisions may be, it’s impossible to predict all possible use cases. So, we need to obtain user behavior feedback as early as possible to make the appropriate design adjustments.
事实是,无论您对用户体验决策的研究多么深入,都不可能预测所有可能的用例。 因此,我们需要尽早获得用户行为反馈,以进行适当的设计调整。
Furthermore, if you’re involved with a startup, your goal is to close that feedback loop for Lean UX as rapidly as you can.
So, in this article I will cover basics how to get feedback (statistical data) about your UX from the moment you roll out your design.
Though Google Analytics is widely considered a tool for marketing purposes, it offers a powerful feature set that may well be a salvation for any UX researcher needing immediate insights without adding a new layer of tools.
尽管Google Analytics(分析)被广泛认为是用于营销目的的工具,但它提供了强大的功能集,对于任何需要即时洞察而无需添加新工具的UX研究人员来说,这可能都是救命的。
Here’s why we ultimately selected GA as our main UX research tool:
While most UX tools gouge your budget, a basic GA account is free of charge. There’s no need to go Premium, as the free data is more than enough for what we need. 虽然大多数UX工具消耗您的预算,但基本的GA帐户是免费的。 无需购买高级版,因为免费数据已足够满足我们的需求。 The flexibility GA provides is almost limitless. You can set it up to observe usage trends, actions, track errors… too many to list here. It’s really up to you to extract answers need. GA提供的灵活性几乎是无限的。 您可以对其进行设置以观察使用趋势,操作,跟踪错误……在此列出的太多了。 真正由您来提取需要的答案。 Visualization of your data is one of best ways to understand it. GA allows to you slice and dice your data in multiple ways and then display it in a wide range of charts. 数据的可视化是理解数据的最佳方法之一。 GA可让您以多种方式对数据进行切片和切块,然后将其显示在各种图表中。 It’s simple to deploy. Paste in a small snippet of JavaScript and you are ready to go. 部署很简单。 粘贴一小段JavaScript,就可以开始了。Of course, GA can’t do everything. Tasks that require off-site data such as eye tracking or observations during usability testing will need be conducted with other UX tools.
当然,GA不能做所有事情。 需要在可用性测试期间进行诸如眼动追踪或观察之类的异地数据的任务,将需要与其他UX工具一起执行。
Before you begin with your user analysis with GA, you should be familiar with basic levels of GA tracking. In your GA, you can have multiple Accounts, Properties and Views:
在开始使用GA进行用户分析之前,您应该熟悉GA跟踪的基本级别。 在您的Google Analytics(分析)中,您可以有多个“帐户”,“属性”和“视图”:
The Top level is ‘Account’. You should use this to separate individual projects or websites you want to track, such as or
最高级别是“帐户” 。 您应该使用它来分隔要跟踪的单个项目或网站,例如example.com或
‘Properties’ offer you a way to separate concerns in a single project. Let’s say that has some public pages for user acquisition and internal pages for already registered users. These should become separate properties since they have different purposes. In that way your user flow and metrics will be kept clear and distinct.
“ 属性 ”为您提供了一种在单个项目中分离关注点的方法。 假设example.com有一些用于吸引用户的公共页面 ,以及一些已注册用户的内部页面 。 由于它们具有不同的用途,因此它们应成为单独的属性。 这样,您的用户流和指标将保持清晰明确。
‘View’ is just another level of your data separation. It is useful if you want filter and additionally process incoming data from your website to see different contexts.
“ 视图 ”只是您数据分离的另一个层次。 如果要过滤并另外处理来自网站的传入数据以查看不同的上下文,这将很有用。
Hint: if your site has different sections for different user groups (e.g. registered users and the new visitors), you should always split them into different GA properties – otherwise you will see inaccurate conversion rates for your goals.
When you are setting up your GA or configuring a report, first you should have a clear idea of what you want to discover. Here are the 5 simplest tracking features you’ll need for basic UX analysis.
在设置GA或配置报告时,首先应该对要发现的内容有一个清晰的认识。 这是基本UX分析所需的5个最简单的跟踪功能。
By default GA provides you standard tracking code that observes how your user is navigating, along with some parallel data that tells some details about your users (i.e. the tech they use, how they arrived at your site). Basic tracking allows you to answer these simple questions:
默认情况下,GA为您提供标准的跟踪代码,该代码可观察用户的导航方式,并提供一些并行数据,这些数据可以告诉您有关用户的一些详细信息(例如,他们使用的技术,他们如何到达您的网站)。 基本跟踪使您能够回答以下简单问题:
Where did users enter and where do they leave your website? 用户在哪里进入,他们在哪里离开您的网站? What paths did they take through your site? 他们通过您的网站采取了什么路径?What technology did they use (mobile or desktop, screen resolution, OS, etc…) ?
他们使用了什么技术(移动或台式机,屏幕分辨率,操作系统等) ?
Since standard tracking is more oriented towards marketing, generally you will likely only receive superficial insights from it, as it tracks only actual pages, and not the user interactions WE want to know about.
由于标准跟踪更侧重于市场营销,通常您可能只会从中获得表面的见解,因为它仅跟踪实际页面, 而不跟踪我们想了解的用户交互 。
However, we can easily make it more powerful by pimping up your tracking code with virtual page hits to observe user behavior in more detail. ‘’Virtual page hits’ means you have to set GA up manually by calling a tracking function every time a user performs an action what you want to track.
但是,我们可以通过使用虚拟页面点击来完善您的跟踪代码来更详细地观察用户行为,从而轻松地使其功能更强大。 “虚拟页面点击”是指您必须在用户每次执行要跟踪的操作时,通过调用跟踪功能来手动设置GA。
For example, if you want to know if your users are opening a particular tab or loading another gallery item that does not reload your whole page, you can just add a single line of code in your JavaScript, that tells GA to track the particular interaction as a page hit.
例如,如果您想知道用户是在打开一个特定标签还是正在加载另一个画廊项目,而该项目没有重新加载整个页面 ,则只需在JavaScript中添加一行代码即可告诉GA跟踪特定的互动作为网页点击。
ga('send', 'pageview', '/your-custom-pageview');The shiny new pearl you get when you have your pages set up is the Behavior flow (Under Behavior section). This is a GA report that tells you exactly how your users are navigating your website.
设置页面后,您会获得闪亮的新珍珠,这就是“ 行为”流程 (“ 行为”部分)。 这是一份Google Analytics(分析)报告,可准确告诉您用户如何浏览您的网站。
This particular report is useful to:
Analyze how users behave at a particular point of your flow 分析用户在流程的特定点的行为 See what happens immediately before/after users take a particular step or visit a particular page 查看用户在执行特定步骤或访问特定页面之前/之后立即发生的情况 Investigate the precise sequence that users perform different interactions 调查用户执行不同交互的确切顺序 Isolate whether users are taking any unnecessary steps, or returning to previous states for any reason 隔离用户是否正在采取任何不必要的步骤,或者出于任何原因返回到先前的状态 Determine which steps in your scenario fail most often (when the users doesn’t behave as you intended) 确定方案中哪些步骤最常失败(当用户的行为与预期不符时)Once you get to this new report, select view type “Automatically grouped pages” and you will see all your user flow in visualization like the one below. If you click on a particular page (or step), you will be able to highlight the traffic through that page – or even set it as starting reference for all visualization (menu option Explore traffic through here)
转到此新报告后,选择视图类型“自动分组页面” ,您将在可视化视图中看到所有用户流,如下图所示。 如果单击特定页面(或步骤),则可以突出显示该页面上的流量-甚至可以将其设置为所有可视化的开始参考(菜单选项“浏览此处的流量”)
Funnels and Goals are features designed to observe your most sensitive data – the “if’s” and “how’s” your website fulfills its purpose.
Goals in GA usually represent your website objectives (sales conversions is a common objective) and Funnels are a predefined set of steps your users take to that goal.
Google Analytics(分析)中的目标通常代表您的网站目标(销售转化是一个常见目标), 渠道是用户为实现该目标而预先定义的一组步骤。
Goals are set up in the Admin section of GA for each view individually. In other words, you can have different goals in different context for same website. For instance, a newsletter subscription page has a different goal to your checkout.
在Google Analytics(分析)的“ 管理”部分为每个视图分别设置了目标。 换句话说,对于同一网站,您可以在不同的上下文中具有不同的目标。 例如,时事通讯订阅页面的结帐目标不同。
For the beginning you should set goals for every objective of your website, like “Order completed” or “User registered”. This will tell GA how to calculate conversions and will deliver fine performance reports.
首先,您应该为网站的每个目标设定目标,例如“完成订单”或“用户注册” 。 这将告诉Google Analytics(分析)如何计算转化并提供出色的效果报告。
Funnels, on the other hand, are the real treasure here. You can define up to 20 steps for each goal and later analyze the performance of each of these steps. This is some fine-grained control!
另一方面,漏斗才是真正的宝藏。 您最多可以为每个目标定义20个步骤,然后再分析每个步骤的效果。 这是一些细粒度的控制!
Each step represents a page hit or virtual page hit, it’s only limited by your imagination. But generally the best practice is to create a funnel step at any point that a users is able to abandon your scenario.
每个步骤代表一个页面点击或虚拟页面点击,仅受您的想象力限制。 但通常,最佳实践是在用户能够放弃方案的任何时候创建一个漏斗步骤。
You should use Goals and Funnels to:
Track how your well website is completing its objectives 跟踪您的网站如何完成其目标 Locate the points in your scenario where it fails 在您的方案中找到失败的要点 Monitor overall performance of your scenario 监控方案的整体性能One you set up your goals, you will be able to use reports in Conversions section. Goal flow report will offer you the same sort of insights as Behavior flow, though from the perspective of goal completion. Here you will be able analyze how users are jumping between funnel steps and see where they leave your funnel or jump back into it.
设定目标后,您就可以使用“ 转化”部分中的报告。 尽管从目标完成的角度来看, 目标流程报告将为您提供与行为流程相同的见解。 在这里,您将能够分析用户如何在渠道步骤之间跳转,并查看他们离开渠道或跳回渠道的位置。
This makes it much easier spot the flaws in your scenario logic and easily identify the breakpoints where your users get lost.
Another powerful report is Funnel visualization where you will see all your funnel performance in single view – it will show how much each step is effective (how many users pass it successfully towards a goal) and where users go if they leave your funnel at a particular step.
另一个功能强大的报告是渠道可视化 ,您可以在单个视图中查看所有渠道性能-它将显示每个步骤有效的程度(成功将多少用户传递给目标),以及如果用户将您的渠道留在特定位置,用户会去哪里步。
Funnel visualization differs from Goal flow in a way that Funnel visualization report “fills in” steps if users are skipping them and represents a Funnel as straight forward scenario. Goal flow reports show how users actually navigate between steps.
渠道可视化与目标流程的不同之处在于,如果用户跳过了渠道可视化报告,则“ 渠道”可视化报告将“填写”步骤,并将渠道表示为简单的方案。 目标流报告显示用户实际如何在步骤之间导航。
Hint: if your funnel step shows 0% (none users pass) or 100% (all users pass) conversion – probably there is something wrong with your funnel setup. There should be at least some passes and some turns at every step – and the steps with lowest conversions clearly indicates where you should improve your UX.
提示:如果您的渠道步骤显示了0%(无用户通过)或100%(所有用户通过)的转化-渠道设置可能有问题。 每个步骤至少应有一些通过和一些转弯–转换率最低的步骤清楚地表明了您应该改进UX的地方。
Details and micro-interactions matter a lot if you want to create a smooth user experience, though you cannot track them as a pageviews since it would interfere and scramble with data within behavior flow reports. Here GA Event tracking lends a hand.
如果您想创建流畅的用户体验,则细节和微交互非常重要,尽管您无法将其作为网页浏览进行跟踪,因为它会干扰并扰乱行为流报告中的数据。 在这里,GA事件跟踪助了您一臂之力。
Events in GA represents a standalone action that your users are taking, so it is perfect to track such interactions as Context menu opening or List view change. All events are custom and each event have 4 properties, that you define yourself:
GA中的事件表示您的用户正在执行的独立操作,因此,它是跟踪Context菜单打开或List视图更改等交互的理想选择。 所有事件都是自定义的,每个事件都有4个属性,您可以自行定义:
Category is just a value for grouping events just for convenience (e.g. Index page events; Onboarding events) 类别只是为了方便而对事件进行分组的值(例如,索引页面事件;入职事件) Action is a short name that represents event itself – here you should be specific 动作是代表事件本身的简称-在这里您应该具体说明 Label (optional) user to track additional text data 标签(可选)用户以跟踪其他文本数据 Value (optional) user to track additional numeric data that can be used as a metric in custom reports 值(可选)用户,用于跟踪可在自定义报告中用作指标的其他数字数据Hint: Naming your event Action in past tense verb, helps you to create more intuitive and readable reports. E.g. “Settings icon clicked”, “Notification dismissed”
提示:使用过去式动词命名事件动作,可以帮助您创建更直观,更易读的报告。 例如,“单击了设置图标”,“已取消通知”
To track an event, you need to add different line of code, similar to pageview tracking. E.g.:
要跟踪事件,您需要添加不同的代码行,类似于综合浏览量跟踪。 例如:
ga('send', 'event', 'Category', 'Menu click', 'Menu item title', 100);All Event reports can be accessed under Behavior -> Events section. Most useful report here is Top Events where you can see what action your users performs most usually.
可以在“ 行为->事件”部分下访问所有事件报告。 这里最有用的报告是热门事件 ,您可以在其中查看用户最常执行的操作。
Hint: if you want to see all events listed in a single plain, just select Event Action as your secondary dimension and if you select view table by Performance to visually represent intensity of every action.
提示:如果要查看单个平原中列出的所有事件,只需选择“ 事件操作”作为您的次级维度,如果您选择“ 性能”查看表以直观地表示每个操作的强度。
Time is often overlooked in UX, but at some time there will be a time when you will need to track time. By measuring timing you can determine if users are hitting a sticking point in your path, or find themselves unable to complete a given task.
在UX中,时间通常被忽略,但是有时会需要跟踪时间。 通过测量时间,您可以确定用户是不是碰到了关键点,还是发现自己无法完成给定的任务。
This method will help you answer the following questions:
How quickly did users reach their goal in your website? 用户在您的网站中实现目标的速度有多快? How much time did a given operation or action takes? 给定的操作或动作花费了多少时间? What points of your website keep users waiting? 您网站的哪些方面使用户等待? Which micro-interactions are confusing or demand more time than others? 哪些微互动比其他微互动更令人困惑或需要更多时间?To provide you with answers to these questions GA has implemented a feature called User timings. It is another custom hit type designed to measure time – how long things take in your website.
为了向您提供这些问题的答案,GA实施了一项称为“ 用户计时”的功能。 这是另一种自定义匹配类型,旨在测量时间-网站中的内容需要花费多长时间。
Perhaps counter-intuitively, GA itself does not provide a timing function, so the trick is that you will need to measure time by any means you have (e.g. simple timestamp comparison in javascript) . After that just provide timing data in your custom hit tracking code, where you have to specify 4 parameters:
可能与直觉相反,GA本身不提供定时功能,使的伎俩是,你将需要你有任何方式(在JavaScript例如,简单的时间戳比较)来测量时间。 之后,只需在您的自定义匹配跟踪代码中提供计时数据,就必须在其中指定4个参数:
Category is just a value for grouping your timing events (same as simple Events) 类别只是将计时事件分组的值(与简单事件相同) A short name that represents event itself 代表事件本身的简称 Time in milliseconds 时间(以毫秒为单位) Label (optional) user to track additional text data 标签(可选)用户以跟踪其他文本数据 ga(‘send’, ‘timing’, ‘Category’, ‘Watched video for’, 1000, ‘Some custom text’);You will be able to analyze all your tracked timings in User Timings report under Behavior -> Site Speed section. Same as in Event report you will be able to see all your timing events in single view if you select Timing Variable as your secondary dimension.
您将能够在“ 行为->网站速度”部分下的“ 用户计时”报告中分析所有跟踪的计时。 如果您选择“ 计时变量”作为次级维度,则与“事件”报告中的内容相同,您将能够在单个视图中查看所有计时事件。
Collectively these 5 features basically can collect you a treasure trove of data, but it in the end it only matters how you are going to analyze it. You don’t have to implement all of these tracking features together just because you can
总的来说,这5个功能可以为您收集大量的数据,但最后只关系到如何分析数据。 您不必仅仅因为可以将所有这些跟踪功能一起实现
Just treat them as tools for answering questions and collecting feedback. Just start with a question that needs an answer and see what GA reports can teach you.
只需将它们视为回答问题和收集反馈的工具即可。 只需从需要答案的问题开始,然后看看Google Analytics(分析)报告可以教您什么。
相关资源:用户至上 用户研究方法与实践 第2版