
tech2023-07-04  120


Cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Litecoin and Dogecoin have been one of the most controversial topics in recent times. However, despite being popular in the media, few professionals fully understand the mechanics of these systems. Fortunately, when viewed at a high level, the concepts are simple to understand for almost any business owner.

诸如比特币,Litecoin和Dogecoin之类的加密货币一直是最近争议最大的话题之一。 但是,尽管在媒体上很流行,但很少有专业人员完全了解这些系统的原理。 幸运的是,从高层次上看,几乎所有企业所有者都易于理解这些概念。

比特币力学概述 (A Brief Overview of Bitcoin Mechanics)

Thanks to haven’t the slightest for the photo.


Cryptocurrency has an extensive history that dates back to before Bitcoin made its debut in 2007, however the focus here is on Bitcoin due to it being the dominant cryptocurrency in the digital world. Unlike traditional currencies that are backed by governments or gold, Bitcoin is entirely independent of government involvement. Rather than being stored in banks, Bitcoin transfers occur entirely from person to person resulting in much lower transaction fees than traditional systems. Transaction fees are optional on the Bitcoin network, although if a user chooses to pay, the amount is almost negligible.

加密货币的历史可以追溯到2007年比特币首次亮相之前,但是由于它是数字世界中占主导地位的加密货币,这里的重点是比特币。 与政府或黄金支持的传统货币不同,比特币完全独立于政府的介入。 而不是存储在银行中,比特币转移完全是人与人之间发生的,因此交易费用比传统系统低得多。 交易费在比特币网络上是可选的,尽管如果用户选择付款,该金额几乎可以忽略不计。

The Bitcoin algorithm is set to only allow 20 million Bitcoins to be created. As a way to keep the value of Bitcoin at acceptable levels, Bitcoins have to be “mined” in order to be added to the general pool. Mining simply involves having a computer run a Bitcoin client to solve complex math problems. Bitcoins are awarded to the user who is first to solve the equations. While the logistics of Bitcoin are quite extensive, one thing you need to remember is that governments tend to frown on Bitcoin as it’s completely decentralized.

比特币算法设置为仅允许创建2000万比特币。 作为将比特币的价值保持在可接受水平的一种方法,必须“开采”比特币才能将其添加到普通池中。 挖掘仅涉及让计算机运行比特币客户端来解决复杂的数学问题。 比特币被授予首先解决方程式的用户。 尽管比特币的物流非常广泛 ,但您需要记住的一件事是,由于比特币已完全去中心化,因此各国政府倾向于不赞成比特币。

比特币的缺点 (The Disadvantages of Bitcoin)

Bitcoin is a fairly new currency, and there are a few reasons why you shouldn’t replace your native currency just yet.


监管问题 (Regulatory issues)

In almost every major country, the taxation rules of Bitcoin have yet to be written and in some cases where rules exist, they tend to penalize Bitcoin holders. Some nations such as Norway and China have banned Bitcoin entirely. As Bitcoin falls primarily under financial scrutiny you should check with your country’s tax authority or tax professional to ensure that accepting Bitcoin as payment is going to be beneficial for your business.

在几乎每个主要国家/地区,尚未制定比特币的征税规则,在某些情况下,如果存在规则,则往往会对比特币持有人造成不利影响。 挪威和中国等一些国家已完全禁止比特币。 由于比特币主要受到财务审查,因此您应与您所在国家的税务机关或税务专家进行核对,以确保接受比特币作为付款将对您的业务有利。

欺诈与混乱 (Fraud and Chaos)

Since traditional banks will not touch Bitcoin due to it being a major competitor, Bitcoin users have been forced to store their wealth in a digital wallets (the virtual equivalent of stashing it under a mattress), or in a third-party entity. Unfortunately, storing money in a local wallet often is risky since malware can be used to steal a user’s Bitcoins, or if the file is corrupted or lost, they are lost for good.

由于传统银行不会因为其主要竞争对手而接触到比特币,因此比特币用户被迫将其财富存储在数字钱包(实际上相当于将其藏在床垫下)或第三方实体中。 不幸的是,将钱存放在本地钱包中通常会带来风险,因为恶意软件可用于窃取用户的比特币,或者如果文件损坏或丢失,它们将永远丢失。

Cloud based wallets emerged as a way to provide portability and piece of mind to users, however in the absence of regulations to keep these exchanges accountable, storing Bitcoin within these exchanges is a recipe for disaster. The recent collapse of Mt. Gox, formerly the largest Bitcoin exchange in the world illustrates the significant risks when it comes to using any cryptocurrency.

基于云的钱包作为一种向用户提供可移植性和思想的方式出现,但是,由于缺乏法规来确保这些交易所负责,在这些交易所中存储比特币是灾难的根源。 富士山最近倒塌 Gox是世界上最大的比特币交易所,它说明了使用任何加密货币时的重大风险。

挥发性 (Volatility)

Since Bitcoin has yet to achieve mass adoption, chances are that once you get paid by a client in Bitcoin, you’ll want to convert it to your native currency. Unfortunately, unlike traditional currencies which typically fluctuate by 0.5% to 1.0%, Bitcoin has a volatility rating of 7.63% (at latest estimate). According to the Bitcoin Volatility Index, volatility ratings of 8%-15% are far from a rarity.

由于比特币尚未获得大规模采用,因此一旦您获得比特币客户的付款,您就可能希望将其转换为您的本币。 不幸的是,与通常在0.5%至1.0%之间波动的传统货币不同,比特币的波动率额定值为7.63%(最新估计)。 根据比特币波动率指数 ,8%-15%的波动率评级远非罕见。

The many reasons for these swings are beyond the scope of this article, but in a nutshell they revolve around the fact Bitcoin is only used by a small amount of individuals.


比特币的优势 (The Advantages of Bitcoin)

Despite the numerous disadvantages of Bitcoin, if you’re doing business with countries where the currency is unstable, or if you’re looking to save money on transaction fees, then Bitcoin can be a practical alternative to your native currency if done properly. For professionals involved in businesses where chargebacks are a concern, you’ll be happy to know that Bitcoin doesn’t allow for such actions.

尽管比特币有很多缺点,但是如果您与货币不稳定的国家开展业务,或者希望节省交易费用,那么如果做得正确,比特币可以替代您的本币。 对于涉及退款问题的业务专业人士,您会很高兴知道比特币不允许采取此类行动。

Since Bitcoin goes directly from person to person, once it goes to the merchant, the customer has no protections, similar to cash.


比特币网关 (Bitcoin Gateways)

The best way to minimize risk when it comes to accepting Bitcoin is to use a payment gateway specifically built to adjust pricing based on the current exchange rate of Bitcoin against your native currency. While there are many solutions on the market, Bitpay is one of the leading platforms available to businesses.

降低接受比特币风险的最佳方法是使用专门设计的支付网关来根据比特币对您本币的当前汇率调整价格。 尽管市场上有许多解决方案,但Bitpay是企业可使用的领先平台之一。

Keep in mind that depending on your country, you may face tax implications which is why you should consult an expert to make sure this method is safe for your business.


可能不是目前最好的 (Probably Not the Best for Now)

Today, cryptocurrency is in its infancy making it a less than ideal solution for the day to day operations of your business. Although you shouldn’t switch from your existing payment systems just yet, as time goes on, adopting cryptocurrenies can be a great way to save on transaction costs while also protecting yourself against payment disputes.

如今,加密货币尚处于起步阶段,因此对于企业的日常运营而言,它已不是理想的解决方案。 尽管您不应该暂时退出现有的支付系统 ,但随着时间的流逝,采用加密货币可能是节省交易成本并保护自己免受支付纠纷的一种好方法。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/should-you-accept-bitcoin/

