
tech2023-07-05  103

Part of the fun of being a web developer is the need to keep up with the industry. For me, that means a lot of time listening to podcasts, looking at Github repositories, and reading blogs.

成为Web开发人员的乐趣之一就是需要与行业保持同步。 对我来说,这意味着很多时间在收听播客,查看Github存储库以及阅读博客。

Sometimes this will lead to a night of lost sleep over articles that make one or more of the following points:


We’re in a tech bubble


Google, Facebook, and other tech giants are hurting the web


Our Internet Service Providers are evil


The web is too centralized


Advertising is ruining the internet


There’s too much data on the web, and only harm can come from this


Recently I’ve noticed an increase in the number of these articles, while a voice in opposition to these ideas can be hard to find. I’d like to take a look at a few common themes to see if there really is reason to worry about the current state of the web.

最近,我注意到这些文章的数量有所增加,但是很难找到反对这些想法的声音。 我想看看几个常见的主题,以查看是否确实有理由担心网络的当前状态。

我们真的正在经历技术泡沫吗? (Are We Really Going Through a Tech Bubble?)

Short Answer: No.


Recently, web analyst and venture capitalist Mary Meeker published an exhaustive report focusing on internet trends in 2014. Part of the report focuses on IPO data showing that in 2013, the number of tech companies going public was 87 per cent less than the number of companies going public in 1999, around the height of the Dot-com bubble. The total value of all technology IPOs is 73 per cent lower in 2013 than it was in 1999 and 2000.

最近,网络分析师和风险投资家Mary Meeker发表了一份详尽的报告,重点介绍了2014年的互联网趋势 。 该报告的一部分侧重于IPO数据,该数据显示2013年,在Dot-com泡沫最严重的时候,科技公司的上市数量比1999年的上市公司数量减少了87%。 2013年,所有技术IPO的总价值比1999年和2000年低73%。

The report reaches a similar conclusion about the amount of venture capital funding in the current technology market. In short, this is all great news: the data shows a steady increase in the value of tech companies, but no sign of a bubble. Investors have apparently been a lot more careful than they were during the Dot-com era.

该报告对当前技术市场中的风险投资金额也得出了类似的结论。 简而言之,这都是个好消息:数据显示科技公司的价值稳步上升,但没有泡沫迹象。 显然,与Dot.com时代相比,投资者要谨慎得多。

It could be argued that speculation has caused certain sectors of the global technology market to be overvalued. But a correction in those sub-markets wouldn’t necessarily lead to a deflation of the entire tech industry.

可以说,投机行为已导致全球技术市场的某些领域被高估。 但是,这些子市场的调整并不一定会导致整个科技产业的萎缩。

Meeker’s data shows us that the web is still experiencing steady growth at a healthy and profitable pace. That’s great to hear if you’re a web developer or designer looking for a job. Overall, there’s no cause for worry.

米克尔(Meeker)的数据向我们显示,网络仍在以健康且有利可图的速度稳定增长。 如果您是正在寻找工作的Web开发人员或设计师,那真是太好了。 总体而言,无需担心。

Google / Facebook / Amazon是否不利于互联网? (Is Google/Facebook/Amazon Bad for the Internet?)

Short Answer: Absolutely not.


I’ve read more than one article concluding that internet giants like Facebook, Google, and Amazon are doing more harm than good for the web. I’d like to make the case that most of them have been fighting for the good of the web since day one. Consider the millions of dollars spent by these companies (who are often at odds with each other) to defeat SOPA and PIPA.

我已经读了不止一篇文章,得出结论,像Facebook,Google和Amazon这样的互联网巨头对网络的危害大于弊。 我想证明,从第一天开始,他们中的大多数人就一直在为网络的利益而奋斗。 考虑一下这些公司(常常彼此冲突 )花费的数百万美元来击败SOPA和PIPA 。

Many of these companies also promote a variety of open-sourced technologies, and employ developer advocates who have built libraries that many of our projects depend on. The ad revenue generated by these internet giants also allows for most of the free products and services we depend on (see below). I don’t know about you, but without Gmail, for example, I’d be a lot less productive.

这些公司中的许多公司还推广了各种开源技术,并聘请了开发人员拥护者,他们建立了许多项目所依赖的库。 这些互联网巨头产生的广告收入还提供了我们所依赖的大多数免费产品和服务(见下文)。 我不了解您,但是例如,如果没有Gmail,我的工作效率就会大大降低。

Google revolutionized the web with its search engine and Android platform. Facebook is transforming the way people communicate. Amazon continues to improve the way in which we buy goods, consume media and run web services. It’s not wrong to keep an eye on these companies and their practices, and call out their mistakes, but let’s also remember how much good they do.

Google通过其搜索引擎和Android平台彻底改变了网络。 Facebook正在改变人们的交流方式。 亚马逊继续改善我们购买商品,消费媒体和运行网络服务的方式。 密切关注这些公司及其做法,并指出他们的错误并没有错,但我们还要记住他们的业绩如何。

ISP是邪恶的吗? (Are ISPs Evil?)

Short Answer: It’s our job to make sure they aren’t.


I don’t like my internet service provider. They charge me a lot of money, they’ve monopolized the market in my area, and they send their bills out on the wrong day of the month. If they could create internet fast lanes, I’m sure they would. I’ve called my senators and state representatives, and will continue to do everything I can to ensure my ISP treats me fairly.

我不喜欢我的互联网服务提供商。 他们向我收取很多钱,他们垄断了我所在地区的市场,并在每月的错误日期发送了帐单。 如果他们可以创建互联网快速通道 ,我相信他们会的。 我已致电参议员和州代表,并将继续竭尽所能,以确保ISP公平对待我。

But I do many of those things because I believe it is my responsibility to do so. My ISP has laid the cables, hired the support staff, and pretty much done all they can to make sure I can use the internet if I give them money. They’re of course allowed to ask for more money, but I don’t believe they should, which is why I’m doing my part to stand in their way.

但是我做很多这样的事情,因为我相信这样做是我的责任。 我的ISP铺设了电缆,雇用了支持人员,并尽了最大的努力来确保如果我给他们钱,我就可以使用互联网。 他们当然可以要求更多的钱,但是我不相信他们应该这样做,这就是为什么我要尽我所能来阻止他们。

If we don’t want our ISPs to be evil, it’s our job to stop them. I believe that if we all did our part, we could solve this problem quickly. If you haven’t yet, and you’re in the US, set aside some time to contact your senator.

如果我们不希望我们的ISP变得邪恶,那么制止它们就是我们的工作。 我相信,如果我们都尽我们所能,我们可以Swift解决这个问题。 如果您还没有,并且您在美国,请留出一些时间与参议员联系 。

网络是否过于集中? (Is the web too centralized?)

Short Answer: Centralization isn’t that bad.


云计算 (Cloud computing)

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is one of the most popular data storage platforms in the market. Recently, a single AWS outage took down Vine, Instagram, and several others for nearly 30 minutes. With so many companies depending on the same cloud, is there a reason to worry about large amounts of data disappearing from the web? Could a single point of failure cause half of the internet to shut down?

Amazon Web Services(AWS)是市场上最受欢迎的数据存储平台之一。 最近,一次AWS停机使Vine,Instagram和其他几个停机发生了近30分钟 。 这么多公司依赖同一云,是否有理由担心大量数据从网络上消失? 单点故障会导致一半的Internet关闭吗?

While no cloud computing service is perfect, the ones you and I depend on to access Google, Amazon, Facebook, and Drobpox, are arguably the most secure platforms ever built. These services are housed in fortresses which undergo annual audits, ISO certifications, and a host of other third party evaluations. AWS has even been cleared for moderate use by federal government systems.

尽管没有哪种云计算服务是完美的,但是您和我用来访问Google,Amazon,Facebook和Drobpox的服务无疑是有史以来最安全的平台。 这些服务位于要塞内,要塞接受年度审核,ISO认证和许多其他第三方评估。 AWS甚至已获得联邦政府系统的中等使用许可 。

Outages do occur, but I would argue that they lead to improvements in policy and infrastructure, instead of helplessness and panic. The most common types of outages last for a few hours at most, and are typically caused by nothing more than occasional spikes in demand or environmental factors.

确实发生了中断,但是我认为这会导致政策和基础架构的改善,而不是无助和恐慌。 最常见的中断类型最多可持续几个小时,通常仅是由于需求或环境因素偶发而造成的。

After these kinds of outages occur, we most often find that systems are repaired and relevant threats are eliminated. The consumer can still lose data after outages like these, but the hardship caused can serve as a valuable wakeup call. Cloud services aren’t liable for your lost data. If it’s important, make sure it’s accessible from more than one location.

在发生此类中断之后,我们通常会发现系统已得到修复,相关威胁得以消除。 在此类中断之后,消费者仍然可以丢失数据,但是造成的困难可以作为宝贵的唤醒电话。 云服务不对您丢失的数据负责。 如果重要,请确保可以从多个位置访问它。

We have never seen a catastrophic internet blackout, and while we know that massive security breaches and data center outages are possible, the fact that none have gone on to break the internet is comforting.

我们从未见过灾难性的互联网中断,虽然我们知道可能发生大规模的安全漏洞和数据中心中断 ,但事实证明,没有人继续破坏互联网是令人欣慰的。

大公司,大问题? (Big companies, big problem?)

We may not need to worry about large scale data blackouts, but what about the stability of the technology companies responsible for all of the data?


Almost everyone uses the same search engine, Google, usually on a device built on one of two different mobile platforms, iOS and Android, one of which is built by Google. The worry here is that if, say, Google collapses, so does the mobile platform. That’s a big reason to worry, because big companies that create lots of products could take out half the internet if they fail.

几乎每个人都使用相同的搜索引擎Google,通常是在基于两种不同的移动平台iOS和Android之一构建的设备上使用,其中一种是由Google构建的。 这里令人担心的是,如果说Google崩溃了,那么移动平台也会崩溃。 这是一个令人担忧的重要原因,因为制造大量产品的大公司如果失败,可能会占用一半的互联网资源。

Again, I’m not too worried about this. Companies large enough to host half of the internet don’t just fail overnight. A lot would have to go wrong for those companies to fail in the first place. If one of them did happen to fail, it’s unlikely your data would disappear instantly. Realistically, you’d be able to export it and carry it over to whatever new service takes its place. Last year Google Reader announced it would be shutting down, and I barely noticed, because Feedly showed up to save the day.

同样,我不太担心这一点。 足以容纳一半互联网的大型公司不会一夜之间失败。 首先,那些公司要倒闭就必须犯很多错误。 如果其中之一确实发生故障,则您的数据不太可能立即消失。 实际上,您将能够将其导出并将其转移到新服务所代替的地方。 去年Google Reader宣布将关闭,而我几乎没有注意到,因为Feedly出现是为了节省时间。

In general, I don’t believe centralization is fundamentally bad. Cloud services do have vulnerabilities and internet giants do have large market shares, but the disadvantages do not (yet) outweigh the positive aspects of a centralized industry.

总的来说,我不认为集中化从根本上是不利的。 云服务确实存在漏洞,互联网巨头确实拥有很大的市场份额,但是缺点(尚未)超过集中式行业的积极方面。

广告破坏了互联网吗? (Is advertising ruining the internet?)

Short Answer: Advertising is keeping the web free.


In general, I believe advertising is good, which is why I’m against using tools like Adblock. Without advertising, I wouldn’t be able to read many of the helpful articles on sites like this one, for example. This in turn means that I wouldn’t be writing this article, because a z-index bug I encountered this morning would still be unsolved.

总的来说,我认为广告是好的,这就是为什么我反对使用Adblock之类的工具。 没有广告,我将无法阅读诸如此类网站上的许多有用文章。 反过来,这意味着我不会写这篇文章,因为我今天早上遇到的Z-index错误仍然无法解决。

Let’s not fool ourselves here. Services are free because they pull in revenue through some other means, and that’s usually achieved through advertising. Sure there are some shady practices out there, but that doesn’t mean the whole system is broken. Most of us will choose a free service over a paid service as long as the quality is comparable, and often we are able to do that because the free service has advertising.

我们不要在这里愚弄自己。 服务是免费的,因为它们可以通过其他方式获得收入,而这通常是通过广告来实现的。 当然有一些可疑的做法,但这并不意味着整个系统都已崩溃。 只要质量是可比较的,我们大多数人都会选择免费服务而不是付费服务,而且由于免费服务带有广告,我们通常能够做到这一点。

我们发布的所有个人数据都会回来咬我们吗? (Is all that personal data we’re releasing going to come back to bite us?)

Short Answer: Yes, if you let it.


I’ve heard that Big Data is useful and effective, and I’ve heard that it’s pointless and misleading. I’ll leave those conclusions to the data scientists. What I’m concerned with is the amount of data stored online, who that data is shared with, and what type of data is shared. Apps like Snapchat, Facebook and Swarm (Foursquare’s new app) allow users to post sensitive information that can sometimes go on to cause harm when that information comes to light.

我听说大数据是有用和有效的,而且它毫无意义且具有误导性。 我将这些结论留给数据科学家。 我关心的是在线存储的数据量,与谁共享数据以及共享什么类型的数据。 诸如Snapchat,Facebook和Swarm(Foursquare的新应用程序)之类的应用程序允许用户发布敏感信息,这些敏感信息有时会在信息曝光后继续造成伤害。

To address the concerns of those who feel that the internet remembers too much about them, the European Union recently passed new legislation commonly referred to as the right to be forgotten. I agree with the EU’s idea that someone should be able to request that personal information be removed from a public forum.

为了解决那些认为互联网对他们记忆犹新的人们的关注,欧盟最近通过了新的立法,通常被称为被遗忘权 。 我同意欧盟的想法,即有人应该能够要求从公共论坛中删除个人信息。

But it is not the full responsibility of Facebook or Google to ensure that your personal information is protected. Barring extreme circumstances, people should be held accountable for what they post in public. It’s easy to forget that if the internet wasn’t around, a lot of the same information would be available via newspapers and public records. The internet just makes that information easier to find.

但是,确保您的个人信息受到保护不是Facebook或Google的全部责任。 除极端情况外,人们应对自己在公开场合发布的内容负责。 很容易忘记,如果没有互联网,很多相同的信息也可以通过报纸和公共记录获得。 互联网使这些信息更容易找到。

In the internet age, well-informed consumers should be cautious. We should all use common sense and good judgment to limit what we share on social networks and elsewhere.

在互联网时代,消息灵通的消费者应保持谨慎。 我们所有人都应使用常识和良好的判断力来限制我们在社交网络和其他地方共享的内容。

Future generations may not be so quick to judge others based on the results of a Google search. Maybe the problem isn’t with the data available online, but with the way we often react to it. If your government decides to tap into that data without reasonable cause, thats a different story, and I would again urge you to contact your senator.

基于Google搜索的结果,子孙后代可能无法很快地判断其他人。 也许问题不在于在线可用数据,而在于我们经常对此做出React的方式。 如果您的政府决定在没有合理原因的情况下使用该数据,那就另当别论了,我再次敦促您与参议员联系 。

结论 (Conclusion)

There are other articles that raise more questions about the internet: if it’s dying, and how safe we are, but there isn’t enough space here to address every single one of them. I think the best thing we can do is investigate every one of the claims made, and see for ourselves if there is reason for worry.

还有其他文章引发了有关互联网的更多问题:互联网是否将要消失,以及我们的安全性如何,但是这里没有足够的空间来解决其中的每一个问题。 我认为我们最好的办法是调查每一个提出的要求,并亲自检查是否有担心的理由。

As for me, I don’t think the web is dying, and I don’t think we all need to start panicking. I think the web has a lot more potential than we all realize. When it comes to growth, technology, and range of use, I think the web is just getting started.

对于我来说,我不认为网络快要死了,我也不认为我们都需要开始恐慌。 我认为网络的潜力比我们所有人都意识到的要大得多。 关于增长,技术和使用范围,我认为网络才刚刚起步。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/web-just-getting-started/
