SitePoint Smackdown:Atom,括号,Light Table,Sublime Text

tech2023-07-06  130

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A new breed of editor has arrived. It fills the gaping void between basic text applications (Notepad, TextEdit, gedit, etc.) and full Integrated Development Environments (VisualStudio, Eclipse, NetBeans etc.) Simpler applications lack basic development requirements such as multiple documents, line numbering and code coloring. IDEs tend to be monolithic applications which cater for a specific language, framework or platform.

新一代的编辑器已经到来。 它填补了基本文本应用程序(记事本,TextEdit,gedit等)与完整的集成开发环境(VisualStudio,Eclipse,NetBeans等)之间的空白。更简单的应用程序缺少基本的开发要求,例如多个文档,行编号和代码着色。 IDE往往是满足特定语言,框架或平台的整体应用程序。

This review considers sophisticated code editors with the following criteria. All must be:

这篇评论考虑具有以下条件的复杂代码编辑器。 全部必须是:

Suited to web development

适合网页开发 Cross-platform and work on Windows, Mac and Linux. Your preferences and settings should be available regardless of which OS you’re using.

跨平台,可在Windows,Mac和Linux上运行。 无论使用哪种操作系统,您的首选项和设置都应该可用。 General-purpose text editors which support typical web languages. You should be able to use the same application for HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Ruby, SQL, markdown and more.

支持典型Web语言的通用文本编辑器。 您应该能够将同一应用程序用于HTML,CSS,JavaScript,PHP,Ruby,SQL,markdown等。 Highly customizable with cross-platform plugins and themes.

高度可定制的跨平台插件和主题。 Fast and stable. Launching should never be a once-a-day dread like some IDEs.

快速稳定。 像某些IDE一样,启动绝不应该是一天一次的麻烦。 Immediately usable without a steep learning curve or having to remember numerous keyboard shortcuts.


Sorry Vim and Emacs fans — console-based applications have been excluded — but you were never going to consider an alternative editor anyway! I’ve also rejected browser-based editors such as Cloud9 and CodeEnvy because they tend to be a little too web-oriented and cannot be used offline. Finally, it’s not possible to cover every editor matching these criteria but let us know if there are any you’d like considered for a future review (such as the new Lime Text project).

对不起,Vim和Emacs爱好者-基于控制台的应用程序已被排除在外-但您永远也不会考虑使用替代编辑器! 我也拒绝了基于浏览器的编辑器,例如Cloud9和CodeEnvy,因为它们往往有点面向网络,并且不能脱机使用。 最后,不可能涵盖所有符合这些条件的编辑器,但请告知我们是否需要您考虑以供将来审查(例如新的Lime Text项目)。

关于SitePoint精简 (About SitePoint Smackdowns)

Developers spend many, many hours using their chosen editor. It’s a subjective decision and, once you have the perfect configuration, it’s difficult to switch to another application. That said, SitePoint Smack-downs are not “use whatever suits you, buddy” reviews; the writer (me in this case) will make recommendations based on their own experience, requirements and biases. You’ll agree with some points and disagree with others; that’s great — add your comments so we can help others make an informed choice. We’ll also endeavour to keep these articles up-to-date, with new information added as necessary.

开发人员使用他们选择的编辑器要花费许多小时。 这是一个主观决定,一旦您拥有完美的配置,就很难切换到另一个应用程序。 就是说,SitePoint精打细算并不是“使用任何适合您的方法,伙计”评论; 作者(本例中为我)将根据自己的经验,要求和偏见提出建议。 您会同意某些观点而不同意其他观点; 太好了-添加您的评论,以便我们帮助其他人做出明智的选择。 我们还将努力使这些文章保持最新状态,并在必要时添加新信息。

Let’s look at the contenders.


崇高文字 (Sublime Text)

First, we have Sublime Text. The C++ and Python application was written by Jon Skinner and has attracted more than 2.5 million users since its launch in 2008. Reviews have been mostly positive and, while it wasn’t the first sophisticated text editor, it set the bar for those which followed.

首先,我们有Sublime Text。 C ++和Python应用程序由Jon Skinner编写,自2008年发布以来已吸引了250万用户。评论大多是积极的,尽管它不是第一个复杂的文本编辑器,但它为后来的用户树立了标杆。 。

Key features include:


comprehensive language support with TextMate-compatible grammars

与TextMate兼容的语法提供全面的语言支持 multiple selections and column editing

多项选择和列编辑 “Goto Anything” quick navigation to locate files and code

“ Goto Anything”快速导航以查找文件和代码 a command palette to access all features

命令面板以访问所有功能 a mini-map and code snippets

迷你地图和代码段 extensive customization, great themes and numerous plugins

广泛的定制,出色的主题和众多的插件 good-looking, fast and stable


Unlike the other contenders, Sublime Text is a commercial product costing $70 per user (you can have as many installations as you like). You can evaluate the product for as long as you need; it’ll nag you to purchase a license every so often. $70 is considerably more expensive than free but divide it by the number of hours usage and the cost becomes negligible.

与其他竞争者不同,Sublime Text是一种商业产品,每位用户花费70美元(您可以根据需要安装多个设备)。 您可以根据需要对产品进行评估。 它会让您如此频繁地购买许可证。 70美元比免费要贵得多,但将其除以使用小时数即可忽略不计。

Sublime Text is the most mature application and the only one not in a pre-release phase (although I was using version 3 beta for the purpose of this review). It therefore has a slight advantage but all the contenders are usable today.

Sublime Text是最成熟的应用程序,并且是唯一不在预发行阶段的应用程序(尽管出于审查的目的,我使用的是3 beta版)。 因此,它有一点优势,但是所有竞争者今天都可以使用。

原子 (Atom)

Atom is a new editor from GitHub. The open source beta application is developed in Node.js, CoffeeScript, LESS and C++ in webkit wrapper. To suggest Atom was influenced by Sublime Text is an understatement:

Atom是来自GitHub的新编辑器。 开源beta版应用程序是在webkit包装器中使用Node.js,CoffeeScript,LESS和C ++开发的。 暗示Atom受Sublime Text影响是轻描淡写的:

Key features include:


Free and open source on all platforms

在所有平台上免费和开源 Integration with Git and GitHub


A well-documented open API for plugin developers


Immediately usable with less reliance on configuration files

立即可用,对配置文件的依赖更少 A good selection of themes and plugins with a built-in package manager

内置的软件包管理器可以很好地选择主题和插件 Sublime Text and vim-compatible shortcuts

Sublime Text和Vim兼容的快捷方式 Attractive interface


At the time of writing, Atom is reasonably easy to install on Mac and has a built-in updater. The Windows and Linux versions are a little behind with the latter requiring source build instructions.

在撰写本文时,Atom在Mac上相当容易安装,并具有内置的更新程序。 Windows和Linux版本落后一些,后者需要源代码构建说明 。

括号 (Brackets)

Brackets is an open source editor from Adobe. It’s been specifically created for web developers and is written in HTML, CSS and JavaScript using CodeMirror in a Node.js container.

Brackets是Adobe的开源编辑器。 它是专为Web开发人员创建的,并使用Node.js容器中的CodeMirror用HTML,CSS和JavaScript编写。

Key features include:


Free and open source on all platforms

在所有平台上免费和开源 Good language and linting support especially for web development

良好的语言和棉绒支持,尤其是对于Web开发 Live browser preview and updates without a server (requires Chrome)

无需服务器即可进行实时浏览器预览和更新(需要Chrome) Inline CSS editing


A well-documented open API for plugin developers


Immediately usable with less reliance on configuration files

立即可用,对配置文件的依赖更少 A good selection of themes and plugins with a built-in package manager

内置的软件包管理器可以很好地选择主题和插件 Multiple selection editing, auto-complete and color picker

多选编辑,自动完成和颜色选择器 Attractive interface


The project is developed in sprints and a new version is available every 2-3 weeks. There’s no auto-update yet, but the editor will warn you when a new version of the application and plugins are available.

该项目以冲刺开发,每2-3周提供一个新版本。 目前还没有自动更新,但是当有新版本的应用程序和插件可用时,编辑器会警告您。

光表 (Light Table)

Light Table is a late contender. The crowd-funded Kickstarter campaign raised more than $300,000 for Chris Granger & Robert Attorri to develop the open source editor in ClojureScript with a Node-webkit wrapper.

轻桌是后来者。 众筹的Kickstarter活动为Chris Granger和Robert Attorri筹集了超过30万美元,用于使用Node-webkit包装器在ClojureScript中开发开源编辑器。

Key features include:


Free and open source on all platforms

在所有平台上免费和开源 Lightweight installation

轻巧的安装 Good-looking, fast minimalist interface

美观,快速的简约界面 Auto-complete everywhere

随处自动完成 Inline evaluation and watches

在线评估和手表 Split views and instant feedback

分割视图和即时反馈 A command palette and fuzzy finder

命令面板和模糊查找器 A good selection of themes provided

提供了很好的主题选择 A plugin manager with a reasonable selection extensions and an open API coming soon

具有合理选择扩展和开放API的插件管理器即将推出 Application auto-update (I’m yet to experience this!)


Light Table describes itself as “the next generation code editor”. It aims to provide a flexible interface, real-time evaluation, live visualization and documentation where you need it. The editor is still in an early phase of development and language support is more limited than the other contenders.

Light Table将自己描述为“下一代代码编辑器” 。 它旨在在您需要的地方提供灵活的界面,实时评估,实时可视化和文档。 编辑器仍处于开发的早期阶段,与其他竞争者相比,语言支持更为有限。

评估方法 (Evaluation Methodology)

I’ve been using all the editors for HTML, CSS/Sass, JavaScript, PHP, Node.js, Ruby and SQL development on three machines:

我一直在三台机器上使用所有用于HTML,CSS / Sass,JavaScript,PHP,Node.js,Ruby和SQL开发的编辑器:

Windows 8.1 — a reasonably powerful 18 month-old laptop

Windows 8.1 —相当强大的18个月龄笔记本电脑 Mac OS X 10.8 — a mid-range two year-old Mac Pro

Mac OS X 10.8-具有两年历史的中档Mac Pro Lubuntu 14.04 — an aging five year-old laptop

Lubuntu 14.04-老化了五年的笔记本电脑

Inevitably, some editors have been used more than others owing to their release schedules:


Sublime Text 3 beta was installed on all platforms and used for six months.

Sublime Text 3 beta安装在所有平台上,使用了六个月。 Atom 0.123 (and below) was installed on Mac only and used for four months.

Atom 0.123(及更低版本)仅安装在Mac上,使用了四个月。

Brackets 0.42 (and below) was installed on all platforms and used for 12 months (although I initially tried it in 2012)

在所有平台上都安装了支架0.42(及以下),使用了12个月(尽管我最初在2012年尝试过 )

Light Table 0.6.7 was installed on all platforms and used for six weeks. It’s a late contender so it hasn’t received as much testing.

Light Table 0.6.7已安装在所有平台上,使用了六个星期。 这是一个较晚的竞争者,所以它没有接受太多的测试。

Let the battle commence!


第一轮:界面 (Round 1: The Interface)

Text editors don’t necessarily need to be pretty, but you’ll be staring at it all day so it helps if the interface is clean and usable, and also that it stays out of the way during marathon coding sessions. Color coding and customizable themes are essential and, while Sublime Text offers the most options, the other editors have a good range which can be adjusted to your liking.

文本编辑器不一定要漂亮,但是您会整日盯着它看,因此,如果界面干净可用,它会有所帮助,并且在马拉松编码会议中不会打扰。 颜色编码和可自定义的主题至关重要,尽管Sublime Text提供了最多的选择,但其他编辑器的范围很广,可以根据您的喜好进行调整。

It’s difficult to choose a favorite because they all look similar. In addition, I prefer Sublime Text’s default Monokai theme, but the others offer similar variations.

选择喜欢的人很困难,因为它们看上去都很相似。 另外,我更喜欢Sublime Text的默认Monokai主题,但是其他主题提供了类似的变体。

The winner: Brackets — but only just. It provides the most consistent cross-platform experience and looks great. It’s let down by font rendering, which doesn’t seem as smooth as other editors, but some tweaking can solve that issue.

赢家:方括号 -但仅此而已。 它提供了最一致的跨平台体验,并且看起来很棒。 字体渲染让它失望了,它看起来不像其他编辑器那么流畅,但是通过一些调整就可以解决该问题。

Atom is a close second. It has a slight edge on Sublime Text which looks somewhat out of place on Windows. Finally, Light Table has little interface to judge — but that could be an asset.

原子紧随其后。 它在Sublime Text上略有优势,在Windows上看起来有些不合适。 最后,Light Table几乎没有界面可判断-但这可能是一项资产。

第2轮:语法支持 (Round 2: Syntax Support)

All the contenders can edit source files regardless of syntax. However, Sublime Text wins the category because it offers color coding and assistance for dozens of popular and arcane languages.

无论语法如何,所有竞争者都可以编辑源文件。 但是, Sublime Text赢得了该类别的奖项,因为它为数十种流行和奥秘语言提供了颜色编码和帮助。

Atom and Brackets aren’t far behind and have plugin support for lesser-used syntaxes. Light Table primarily concentrates on Clojure, ClojureScript, Javascript, Python, HTML and CSS but the situation will improve as the editor evolves.

Atom和Brackets紧随其后,并且支持较少使用的语法。 Light Table主要集中在Clojure,ClojureScript,Javascript,Python,HTML和CSS,但随着编辑器的发展,这种情况将有所改善。

第三轮:易用性和学习曲线 (Round 3: Ease of Use and Learning Curve)

The ideal editor will make you productive on day one and allow you to discover features over time. Brackets takes an easy win; most options are available from the menu and interface without having to edit configuration files (although they’re still available).

理想的编辑器将使您从第一天开始工作,并随着时间的推移发现功能。 括号轻松取胜; 菜单和界面中的大多数选项都可用,而无需编辑配置文件(尽管它们仍然可用)。

Sublime Text is packed full of features but finding, configuring and using them is another matter. Atom is slightly better in that respect but still has a relatively steep learning curve compared to Brackets.

Sublime Text挤满了功能,但是查找,配置和使用它们是另一回事。 在这方面,Atom稍好一些,但与Brackets相比,其学习曲线仍然比较陡峭。

On the other hand, Light Table hides its power, and you’ll need to read documents and watch videos to learn basic operations such as enabling word-wrap or changing indentation settings.

另一方面,Light Table隐藏了它的功能,您需要阅读文档和观看视频以学习基本操作,例如启用自动换行或更改缩进设置。

第四回合:速度与稳定性 (Round 4: Speed and Stability)

No contest: Sublime Text is far faster than the other editors and I don’t recall a single crash or loss of work.

没有竞争: Sublime Text比其他编辑器快得多,而且我不记得有任何一次崩溃或工作中断。

Light Table is also quick. It managed to open large 25Mb file faster than Sublime Text, although editing was more sluggish. Atom is noticeably slower. It’s usable although opening large files isn’t possible — the editor currently has a 2Mb limit.

光表也很快。 它的打开速度比Sublime Text快25Mb,尽管编辑速度较慢。 原子明显较慢。 尽管无法打开大文件,但它仍然可用-编辑器当前限制为2Mb。

Finally, Brackets has higher hardware requirements, starts slower and I’ve experienced several crashes with multiple and large files. I’d happily use it for editing HTML, CSS and JavaScript but may think twice about opening a lengthy SQL dump.

最后,托架对硬件的要求更高,启动速度也较慢,并且在遇到多个大文件时发生了几次崩溃。 我很乐意使用它来编辑HTML,CSS和JavaScript,但对于打开冗长SQL转储可能会三思而后行。

第五回合:本机功能集 (Round 5: Native Feature Set)

How good is the editor before you start adding plugins? The winner is Sublime Text: it offers a wide range of features out of the box. Perhaps this is inevitable for a commercial product.

开始添加插件之前,编辑器的性能如何? 获奖者是Sublime Text :它提供了多种开箱即用的功能。 也许这对于商业产品是不可避免的。

Other contenders take a more minimal approach, with a basic editor supplemented by plugins offering advanced options should you require them. Even auto-complete is a plugin for Atom, and Brackets doesn’t yet have a split view. On balance, I prefer this philosophy but Sublime Text manages to remain nimble and light despite the extra functionality.

其他竞争者则采用了更简单的方法,在您需要的情况下,基本编辑器由插件提供了高级选项。 甚至自动完成功能都是Atom的插件,并且Brackets还没有拆分视图。 总的来说,我更喜欢这种哲学,尽管具有额外的功能,Sublime Text仍然保持轻巧。

第6轮:特定于网络的功能 (Round 6: Web-Specific Features)

An easy win for Brackets. The editor is developed with web technologies to help build web technologies. Front-end coders can enjoy novel features including:

轻松赢得括号 。 该编辑器是使用Web技术开发的,以帮助构建Web技术。 前端编码器可以享受新颖的功能,包括:

Live Preview: launch a page in a browser and watch changes in real-time as you edit.

实时预览:在浏览器中启动页面,并在编辑时实时观看更改。 CSS Quick Edit: hit Ctrl/Cmd+E when editing HTML to reveal and edit the CSS styles associated with that element.

CSS快速编辑:编辑HTML时按Ctrl / Cmd + E,以显示和编辑与该元素关联CSS样式。 Code completion, a color picker, image previewer and animation timing bezier curve editor.

代码完成,颜色选择器,图像预览器和动画定时贝塞尔曲线编辑器。 Some great extensions such as the Theseus JavaScript debugger and CSS shapes editor.

一些出色的扩展,例如Theusus JavaScript调试器和CSS Shapes编辑器。

Brackets has less emphasis on server-side languages but basic syntax support is available.


Light Table follows with workspaces, browser preview panes, live editing, code evaluation, auto-complete and documentation. Surprisingly, it’s not possible to view image files despite the editor having a browser base.

Light Table之后是工作区,浏览器预览窗格,实时编辑,代码评估,自动完成和文档。 出乎意料的是,尽管编辑器具有浏览器库,但无法查看图像文件。

Atom and Sublime Text are more general-purpose editors. They may be less web-oriented but have further options.

Atom和Sublime Text是更通用的编辑器。 他们可能不那么面向网络,但还有更多选择。

第七回合:插件和扩展 (Round 7: Plugins and Extensions)

Sublime Text seems the obvious winner — the editor has almost 2,500 extensions. That said, quality is variable and package control is more difficult than the competition. Sublime Text’s API documentation is minimal, it’s not possible for plugins to interact with the whole interface and Python knowledge is required.

Sublime Text似乎是显而易见的赢家-编辑器具有将近2500个扩展名 。 也就是说,质量是可变的,包装控制比竞争对手要困难。 Sublime Text的API文档很少,插件不可能与整个界面交互,并且需要Python知识。

I’m therefore giving additional credit to Atom and Brackets. While neither has the range or variety of extensions, plugin management is far superior and both have open, well-documented APIs. Developing extensions in JavaScript is a welcome bonus for web developers.

因此,我要特别感谢 Atom和Brackets 。 虽然两者都没有扩展的范围或种类,但是插件管理要好得多,并且都具有开放的,有据可查的API。 对于Web开发人员而言,使用JavaScript开发扩展是可喜的收获。

Light Table has a small number of plugins and the API is not complete at the time of writing.

Light Table的插件数量很少,在编写本文时,API尚不完整。

第八回合:定制和可入侵性 (Round 8: Customization and Hackability)

This category is more difficult to assess, since all the editors are designed to be highly customizable. After much deliberation, the winner is Atom. It has similar configuration files to Sublime Text, but many options can be discovered within the interface. Documentation is better and the editor’s source is available should you require deeper changes or plugin development.

由于所有编辑器都是高度可定制的,因此很难评估此类别。 经过深思熟虑,获胜者是Atom 。 它具有与Sublime Text相似的配置文件,但是可以在界面中找到许多选项。 如果您需要更深的更改或插件开发,则文档会更好,并且可以使用编辑器的源代码。

Brackets has plenty of options and is also open source, but it’s not as configurable as Atom and Sublime Text. Light Table’s level of customization is good, but it’s more complex, even with comprehensive auto-completion and assistance.

Brackets有很多选项,并且也是开源的,但是它不如Atom和Sublime Text可配置。 Light Table的自定义级别很好,但是即使具有全面的自动完成和辅助功能,它的复杂性也更高。

第九回合:未来 (Round 9: The Future)

Sublime Text’s pace of development has slowed although that’s understandable given its maturity. Its future as a commercial product is less certain given that Atom — the winner in this category — is backed by GitHub who are giving it away for free. The editor will be hard to beat once the final version is released on all platforms.

尽管Sublime Text的发展成熟,但它的发展速度已经放慢了。 鉴于Atom (该类别的获胜者)得到了GitHub的支持,而GitHub是免费提供的,因此它作为商业产品的未来还不确定。 一旦在所有平台上发布了最终版本,该编辑器将很难被击败。

Brackets also has a positive future: it’s backed by Adobe and has dozens of contributers. The number of features and plugins has grown significantly during the past few months.

Brackets也有一个美好的未来:它得到了Adobe的支持,并有数十名贡献者。 在过去的几个月中,功能和插件的数量已大大增加。

It’s too early to predict Light Table’s future. The editor is promising and works well on less powerful hardware, but it’s taking a fairly radical path and I’m not convinced it will gain mass appeal.

现在预测Light Table的未来还为时过早。 该编辑器很有前途,并且可以在功能较弱的硬件上很好地工作,但是它走的路很激进,我不相信它会获得广泛的吸引力。

第十回合:总冠军 (Round 10: The Overall Winner)

The rounds have been surprisingly close. If we presume round 7 was a three-way tie, Atom won three with Brackets and Sublime Text on four each. All the editors are good but, if I had to choose a single editor today, it would be an easy decision. Sublime Text remains the editor to beat despite the monetary cost. The editor is fast, stable and has a ridiculous number of features and plugins. The downside: features can be difficult to discover and you’ll have a nagging doubt you’re not using the editor to its full advantage.

回合令人惊讶地接近。 如果我们假设第7轮是三人平局,那么Atom就会以Brackets和Sublime Text赢得4的三分。 所有的编辑器都不错,但是,如果我今天不得不选择一个编辑器,那将是一个容易的决定。 尽管付出了金钱代价,但Sublime Text仍然是击败的编辑。 该编辑器快速,稳定并且具有许多荒唐的功能和插件。 缺点:功能可能很难发现,并且您会怀疑是否没有充分利用编辑器的优势。

Cheapskate选项 (The Cheapskate Option)

If you’d rather not shell out for Sublime Text, you have a few options. If you use a Mac, Atom shows promise. While it won fewer rounds than Brackets it was a strong second in most categories. If it were a little faster and easier to install on Windows and Linux, Sublime Text could struggle to compete. The web development community will almost certainly prefer the open JavaScript API plugin architecture.

如果您不想为Sublime Text增光添彩,可以选择几种方法。 如果您使用Mac,则Atom会显示promise。 虽然赢得的比赛少于括号,但在大多数类别中排名第二。 如果在Windows和Linux上安装起来更快,更轻松,Sublime Text可能会难以竞争。 Web开发社区几乎肯定会喜欢开放JavaScript API插件体系结构。

Brackets did well. It’s evolving rapidly, has web development features you won’t find elsewhere and feels polished on all platforms. Speed and stability can mar the experience but it’s a viable option for front-end developers with a reasonably powerful machine.

支架做得很好。 它发展Swift,具有Web开发功能,您在其他任何地方都找不到,并且在所有平台上都感觉很完美。 速度和稳定性可以破坏体验,但是对于拥有相当强大功能的机器的前端开发人员而言,这是一个可行的选择。

Although Light Table didn’t win any rounds, it’s an interesting project with a radical approach. It’s lightweight and fast on modest hardware but you’ll need to invest time learning how to use and configure the editor. Few of us have the patience but I suspect it could gain an underground Vim-like quasi-religious following.

尽管Light Table没有赢得任何回合,但它是一个采用激进方法的有趣项目。 它轻巧且在适度的硬件上快速运行,但是您需要花费时间来学习如何使用和配置编辑器。 我们中很少有人有耐心,但我怀疑它可能会获得像Vim这样的地下准宗教信徒。

The editors are free so you can install and use them interchangeably. I usually reach for Atom when I’m doing project work on the Mac. Brackets is my preferred choice on the PC for client-side projects or markdown files (there’s a great preview plugin). Finally, I use Light Table for quick viewing and editing on all OSs.

这些编辑器是免费的,因此您可以互换安装和使用它们。 在Mac上进行项目工作时,我通常会接触Atom。 在PC上,对于客户端项目或Markdown文件(有一个很棒的预览插件),我最喜欢选择Brackets。 最后,我使用Light Table在所有操作系统上进行快速查看和编辑。

Ultimately, it’s congratulations to Sublime Text, which remains the editor of choice!

最终,祝贺Sublime Text,它仍然是首选编辑器!

Do you agree with Craig’s choice? Please leave your comments, and let us know which products you’d like compared (not just text editors) in future SitePoint Smack-downs.

您是否同意克雷格的选择? 请留下您的评论,并让我们知道您希望在以后的SitePoint精简版中比较哪些产品(不仅是文本编辑器)。


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