Matlab decsg

tech2023-07-08  127

Matlab decsg学习笔记:

Decompose constructive solid 2-D geometry into minimal regions


dl = decsg(gd,sf,ns) dl = decsg(gd) [dl,bt] = decsg(___)


1、dl = decsg(gd,sf,ns):将geometry description matrix gd分解为geometry matrix dl,并返回满足 set formula sf 的最小区域。name-space matrix ns是一个文本矩阵,它将gd中的列与sf中的变量名联系起来。

2、通常,可在PDE Modeler app中绘制几何图形,然后通过从应用程序的Draw menu中选择Export Geometry Description、Set Formula和Labels,将其导出到MATLAB®命令窗口。得到的gd表示 CSG model。decsg分析了该模型,并构造了一组由边界段和边界段组成的不连接的最小区域(a set of disjointed minimal regions bounded by boundary segments and border segments)。这组最小区域构成分解后的几何图形,并允许其他Partial Differential Equation Toolbox™函数处理该几何图形。

或者,可以使用decsg函数在创建几何图形时不使用该应用程序。参阅 2-D Geometry Creation at Command Line。

3、 [dl,bt] = decsg(___) returns a Boolean table (matrix) that relates the original shapes to the minimal regions. A column in bt corresponds to the column with the same index in gd. A row in bt corresponds to the index of a minimal region. You can use bt to remove boundaries between subdomains.
