
tech2023-07-08  112


Photo :neilfein


Ever seen one of these badboys? This was some serious state-of-the-art tech in 1912 — the stenotype machine.

见过这些坏蛋之一吗? 这是1912年的一项严肃的最先进的技术- 刻板印刷机 。

If you haven't come across one in real-life, you've most likely seen them in TV or movies. In courtroom dramas there's often a primly-dressed woman to one side quietly tapping away at what looks like a baby typewriter.

如果您在现实生活中没有碰到任何东西,那么您很可能已经在电视或电影中看到了它们。 在法庭上的戏剧中,经常有一位穿着整齐的女人站在一边,静静地拍打着看起来像婴儿打字机的东西。

Stenography is still a specialist skill that requires significant training and practice to master, but that is still in high demand.


The stenotype machine has just 22 keys and no spacebar. Rather than typing each letter to build a word, stenographers use key combinations — much like chords on a piano — that can trigger much longer words.

定型机只有22个按键 ,没有空格键。 速记员不用键入每个字母来构建单词,而是使用按键组合(就像钢琴上的和弦一样),可以触发更长的单词。

Originally stenographers produced rolls of coded shorthand that were later manually converted to plain text. Today's more advanced machines handle the conversion in realtime.

最初,速记员生产的是编码速记卷,后来又手动转换为纯文本。 当今更先进的机器可以实时处理转换。

Beside court reporting, stenographers are often used in live captioning of television, as well as other general business situations.


While there are friction points to learning stenography, there's a good reason why stenographers take on the expensive tuition fees, the steep learning curve and the overpriced hardware (top-end machines are over $4,000).  


Stenography is fast. Really fast.

速记术很快。 真快。

A good stenographers can cruise along at 240 words per minute with 99.9% accuracy. That's a single mistake every four pages.

一个好的速记员可以以每分钟240个单词的速度航行,准确率达到99.9% 。 每四页就有一个错误。

好。 我在乎..., 为什么 ? (Ok. And I care…, why?)

About four years ago, stenographer Mirabai Knight came to the conclusion that stenography had been a walled garden for too long — controlled and marginalized by big companies. She set about creating her own affordable hardware and open source sofware designed to set stenography free to the masses.

大约四年前, 速记员米拉拜·奈特(Mirabai Knight)得出的结论是,速记器是一个围墙花园,时间太长了-被大公司控制和边缘化。 她着手创建自己的负担得起的硬件和开源软件,旨在将速记技术免费提供给大众。

This system — called Plover — can be used by book authors, journalists, bloggers and — importantly for us — coders and developers in our daily work!

图书作者,新闻工作者,博客作者以及(对我们而言重要的) 编码人员和开发人员可以在日常工作中使用这个称为Plover的系统!

In a demo, Mirabai showed she was able to take 140 keystrokes of Python and reproduce it with steno in less than 50 keystrokes! Now, I know there are lots of 'VIM ninjas' out there that pride themselves on their supreme keyboard-fu skills, but I'd be surprised if they could touch that sort of efficiency.

在演示中,Mirabai展示了她能够进行140次Python击键,并在不到50次击键的情况下用steno进行了复制! 现在,我知道那里有很多“ VIM忍者”以其出色的键盘演奏技能而引以为豪,但是如果他们能达到那种效率,我会感到惊讶。

Plover offers a set of laser-cut 'keytoppers' that mount directly on top of your keyboard. Note that this keyboard does need to be able to recognize multiple similtaneous keystrokes, so gaming keyboards (starting at $50) are the norm.

Plover提供了一组激光切割的“键盘”,它们可以直接安装在键盘上方。 请注意,此键盘的确需要能够识别多个同时击键,因此游戏键盘(起价为50美元)是常态 。

There are also a number of projects working on affordable standalone hardware solutions. Joshua Lifton is working on a beautiful, high-quality bamboo and aluminium prototype called the Stenosaurus. He’s looking to crowd fund its commercial production in the coming months through a CrowdSupply campaign.

也有许多项目致力于负担得起的独立硬件解决方案。 Joshua Lifton正在研究一种名为Stenosaurus的美丽,高质量的竹铝原型。 他希望通过CrowdSupply活动在未来几个月内为商业生产筹集资金。

The Stenoboard 1.1 kit.

Stenoboard 1.1套件。

Stenoboard is a kit that lets you construct your own stenotype unit from Arduinos and parts. You can even 3d print your own parts if you like. A basic kit with all parts will set you back about $200 (ex. shipping).

Stenoboard是一个工具包,可让您从Arduino和零件构建自己的Stenotype单元。 如果愿意,您甚至可以3D打印自己的零件。 包含所有零件的基本套件将使您的费用大约为200美元(不含运费)。

The software component of Plover is free, open source, and Python-based, so you should be able to get it working on most systems.


If you're intrigued, last year Mirabai gave a great talk covering Plover that I’ve included here (runs around 30 minutes).


学习曲线 (Learning Curves)

While the startup costs are much reduced, the learning curve is certainly still there. Mirabai estimates it may take 2-3 months of practice to replicate your current QWERTY typing speeds.

虽然启动成本大大降低,但学习曲线肯定仍然存在。 Mirabai估计,复制您当前的QWERTY输入速度可能需要2-3个月的时间。

After that you should keep getting faster each month for the next 2-6 years, when you'll hit your top speed.


I think that's a worthwhile return on your time investment.


从SitePoint设计新闻稿重新发布 (Republished from the SitePoint Design Newsletter)

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/trick-to-writing-coding-faster/

