
tech2023-07-09  106

Welcome to On Our Radar, a weekly round-up of news, trends and other cool stuff from the world of web development.

欢迎来到On Our Ra​​dar,每周综述来自Web开发领域的新闻,趋势和其他有趣的内容。

You may have heard news about how the latest iPhones are prone to bending. Well now, a tongue-in-cheek advert has arrived on the new iPhone feature, called Introducing Bend. Speaking of large phones, it’s also becoming vital to consider how to design for thumbs in the era of huge screens.

您可能听说过有关最新款iPhone容易弯曲的新闻。 好了,现在,一个名为Introducing Bend的新iPhone功能出现了招式广告。 谈到大型手机, 在大屏幕时代考虑如何为拇指设计也变得至关重要。

Meanwhile, Ars Technica dive in with a hands-on look at the new and reversible USB Type-C plug. I for one am looking forward to the day when I no longer need to educate people about how to plug them in.

同时,Ars Technica 亲身体验了新的可逆USB Type-C插头 。 我期待着一天不再需要教育人们如何接驳他们的一天。

修复入门错误和过时的UX模式 (Fixing onboarding mistakes and outdated ux patterns)

Getting new people to sign up for your product can be a challenge, so check to see if you are avoiding these 5 common user onboarding mistakes. Some of them are obvious such as not explaining the value of your product, or knowing the actions that lead to conversion, but several other smaller but important aspects are delved in to as well, all well worth checking out.

让新用户注册您的产品可能是一个挑战,因此请检查一下是否可以避免这5个常见的用户入门错误 。 其中有些很明显,例如没有解释产品的价值,或者不知道促成转化的行动,但同时也探究了其他一些较小但重要的方面,所有这些都值得一试。

Meanwhile, we investigate old and outdated user experience patterns and how to fix them. You wouldn’t think that using images as text is such a big problem these days, but even the big companies are still doing that, and in a mobile-first world large background images are just a killer.

同时,我们研究了旧的和过时的用户体验模式以及如何解决它们。 您不会认为如今将图像用作文本已经成为一个大问题,但即使是大公司也仍在这样做,在移动优先世界中,大型背景图像只是杀手。

进度圈和粒子模式 (Progress circles and particle patterns)

This week we came across circliful, useful for making animated progress circles, and particleground, a jQuery plugin for snazzy background particle systems.

本周,我们遇到了circliful (对制作动画进度圈很有用),以及particleground (一个用于时髦背景粒子系统的jQuery插件)。

Also this week, Khan Academy have come out with KaTeX, which boasts to be the fastest math-typesetting library on the web.

同样在本周,可汗学院也推出了KaTeX ,它是网络上最快的数学排版库。

Other things of interest in the realm of JavaScript this week are:


Learn Angular by Building a Gmail Clone


Preparing for ECMAScript 6: New Array Methods

为ECMAScript 6做准备:新的数组方法

The challenges and benefits of a functional reactive frontend


CSS取代JavaScript (CSS to replace JavaScript)

There are times when CSS is fully capable of replacing a scripted widget. In this article we look at creating a CSS-based tabs widget, image slider, and file-type icon indicators. Another good tutorial: This one on getting started with CSS Shapes — wrapping content around custom paths.

有时候CSS完全有能力替换脚本化的小部件。 在本文中,我们着眼于创建基于CSS的标签小部件,图像滑块和文件类型图标指示器。 另一个很好的教程:这是CSS Shapes入门-将内容包装在自定义路径周围 。

纯娱乐 (Just for fun)

Lastly for today, the Bezier Game is designed to help you master the pen tool – how well can you control your pen?

最后,今天, 贝塞尔游戏旨在帮助您掌握钢笔工具–您如何控制钢笔?

Which links caught your attention this week? Are you inspired to investigate usability issues? And are those particle patterns of much use for you? We would love to hear your thoughts.

本周哪些链接引起您的注意? 您是否受到启发去研究可用性问题? 这些粒子模式对您有用吗? 我们很想听听您的想法。

Also, if you have any problems implementing anything covered here, or just want to discuss it some more, come along to SitePoint’s forums and have a chat with us about things there. It’s a great place to visit.

另外,如果您在执行此处介绍的内容时遇到任何问题,或者只是想讨论更多内容,请访问SitePoint的论坛 ,与我们讨论那里的事情。 这是一个游览的好地方。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/radar-week-2/
