
tech2023-07-09  121


Are you new to Git or Github?


This introductory video is here to help you understand the difference between Git and GitHub. The meaning of pull requests, forks, pages and other GitHub lingo.

这段介绍性视频可帮助您了解Git与GitHub之间的区别。 拉取请求,派生,页面和其他GitHub术语的含义。

Watch as Thom explains the benefits and features of GitHub. Learn about how to get started with a public repository on GitHub through our video demonstration.

观看Thom解释GitHub的优势和功能。 通过我们的视频演示,了解如何开始使用GitHub上的公共存储库。

For a bit more on the subject, here’s a guide to getting started with Git, a guide to getting started with Git in a team environment. For a look at version control more broadly, here’s a look at how diffs can make the concept more clear, and here’s a guide to your best options for version control in 2014.

有关此主题的更多信息,这是Git 入门指南,在团队环境中Git入门指南 。 要更广泛地了解版本控制,请查看差异如何使概念更清晰 ,并提供2014年版本控制最佳选择的指南 。

And for more great content like this, visit the Hub, run by our friends at Learnable!

有关此类更精彩的内容,请访问由Learnable的朋友运营的中心 !


