
tech2023-07-09  127

When blogging first became popular in the late 1990s, many people thought that they would be able to make a comfortable living sharing their thoughts with the world.


Those at the top in the blogging arena, as with any profession, can make significant amounts of money. But before you quit your day job you should have a realistic expectation of a blogger’s income. On the up side, today there are many niches and applications of blogging so regardless of your interest, you’re likely to find a suitable fit. Unfortunately the down side can be how much you’re likely to make from it.

与任何行业一样,博客领域中排名最高的人都可以赚很多钱。 但是在您辞掉日常工作之前,您应该对博客作者的收入抱有现实的期望。 从好的方面来说,今天博客有很多细分市场和应用程序,因此,不管您感兴趣什么,您都可能找到合适的博客。 不幸的是,不利的一面可能是您可能从中赚到多少。

When it comes to writer compensation, many professionals refer to the pricing guides included in Writer’s Market. Every year the publication produces a rate chart, which covers many disciplines from business blogging to screenwriting and technical writing. While the digital guide provides a wealth of features, the print edition includes an online subscription and often sells for half the price.

关于作家补偿,许多专业人员都参考作家市场中包含的定价指南。 出版物每年都会制作一个费率表,涵盖从商业博客到编剧和技术写作的许多学科。 尽管数字指南提供了大量功能,但印刷版包括在线订阅,价格通常仅为其一半。

不要把所有的鸡蛋放在一个篮子里 (Don’t Put All Your Eggs in One Basket)

As with anything in life, the best bloggers don’t just focus their efforts on producing blog posts. Whitepapers, eBooks, webinars and even podcasts can drive much more revenue because they are easier to monetize. That said, traditional articles are vital to building a brand, but these days it is difficult to rely solely on advertising to make a living online.

与生活中的任何事情一样,优秀的博客作者不仅将精力集中在制作博客文章上。 白皮书,电子书,网络研讨会甚至播客都可以带来更多收益,因为它们更容易获利。 也就是说,传统文章对于打造品牌至关重要,但如今,仅依靠广告来靠网络谋生已变得困难。

As Darren Rowse of ProBlogger mentioned on his blog, his monetization strategy was relatively slow and steady. When starting out with blogging as a hobby, Darren focused on basic advertising such as AdSense and Amazon Affiliate links. Over time, as Darren built up credibility, his income streams expanded away from his blog. Consulting, speaking, and authoring books became significant ways to complement his blogging income. As time went on, new revenue opportunities kept coming his way.

正如ProBlogger的 Darren Rowse在他的博客中提到的那样 ,他的获利策略相对缓慢且稳定。 当开始将博客作为一种业余爱好时,Darren专注于基本广告,例如AdSense和Amazon Affiliate链接。 随着时间的流逝,随着达伦(Darren)建立信誉,他的收入来源从他的博客开始扩大。 咨询,演讲和创作书籍成为补充他的博客收入的重要途径。 随着时间的流逝,新的收入机会不断涌现。

As Darren mentioned in his post, this occurred over 12 years, and was the result of many experiments to determine what would be his best fit. As with any business, you need to tailor your efforts to your target audience. Once you find something that clicks, run with it and keep evolving it to drive revenue from new and proven methods.

正如达伦(Darren)在他的帖子中提到的那样,这发生了12年,是许多实验确定最适合他的结果。 与任何企业一样,您需要针对目标受众进行调整。 一旦找到可点击的内容,就可以继续使用它并不断发展,以从经过验证的新方法中获得收入。

不为胆小的人 (Not for the Faint of Heart)

When looking at blogging statistics, the numbers are a bit grim. In a 2012 report of the state of blogging, only 8% of survey participants said they made enough money from blogging to support a family. 9% of participants said that they made enough money from blogging to sustain their current lifestyle on a 4-6 hour day of blogging and another 2% stated that they spent 1-2 hours a day blogging and made $150k annually blogging from exotic locations.

在查看博客统计数据时,这些数字有些残酷。 在2012年博客状况报告中,只有8%的调查参与者表示,他们通过博客赚取了足够的钱养家。 9%的参与者表示,他们通过博客赚取了足够的钱来维持4-6个小时的一天的当前生活方式,另有2%的参与者表示,他们每天花费1-2个小时撰写博客,每年从异国情调的博客中赚取15万美元。

Of the survey data, the most devastating figure for an aspiring blogger is that upwards of 81% of bloggers never make $100 from blogging.


Make A Living Writing has even more resources on blogger pay.

谋生写作在博客薪酬上有更多资源 。

博客值得吗? (Is Blogging worth It?)

While you probably won’t be able to make a living by running an independent blog, writing is still an in-demand field for many companies. According to HubSpot as of 2014, corporate content marketing budgets have been increasing significantly due to it being a cost effective way to increase revenue. In fact, 71% of marketers today are getting higher budgets, but 35% of Fortune 500 CMOs cite maximizing that budget’s effectiveness as a significant career challenge.

尽管您可能无法通过运行独立博客来谋生,但对于许多公司而言,写作仍然是必不可少的领域。 根据HubSpot的数据,截至2014年,企业内容营销预算已显着增加,因为这是增加收入的一种经济有效的方法。 实际上,如今有71%的营销人员正在获得更高的预算,但是35%的《财富》 500强CMO指出,最大化预算的有效性是一项重大的职业挑战。

Simply, content marketing is a technique where a company produces informative content to persuade customers to trust them over the competition. If you’re looking to make a living blogging, content marketing could be the ideal fit as it allows you to build your reputation while making a decent income.

简而言之,内容营销是一种技术,公司可以通过该技术生产内容丰富的内容,以说服客户在竞争中信任他们。 如果您想制作博客,那么内容营销可能是理想的选择,因为它可以让您在获得可观收入的同时建立声誉。

天空才是极限 (The Sky Is the Limit)

The beauty of being a blogger is that you control your destiny. You can choose to do it on the side, or you can work hard to turn it into a full-time profession. The most important thing to keep in mind is that earning money from your blog is not the only benefit of writing online. The biggest benefit of blogging is demonstrating that you are knowledgeable in your field, which will open you up to new business or job opportunities.

成为博客的美丽之处在于,您可以控制自己的命运。 您可以选择从侧面做,也可以努力将其变成全职工作。 要记住的最重要的事情是,从博客中赚钱并不是在线写作的唯一好处。 写博客的最大好处是表明您在该领域知识渊博,这将使您获得新的业务或工作机会。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/reality-blogging/
