
tech2023-07-10  133

Chrome became the top desktop and mobile browser in last month’s browser trends report. There’s less drama in latest figures from StatCounter…

在上个月的浏览器趋势报告中, Chrome成为顶级的台式机和移动浏览器 。 StatCounter的最新数据显示的戏剧性较少……

2014年8月至2014年9月全球台式机和平板电脑浏览器统计 (Worldwide Desktop & Tablet Browser Statistics, August to September 2014)

The following table shows browser usage movements during the past month.


BrowserAugustSeptemberchangerelativeIE (all)20.31%20.44%+0.13%+0.60%IE119.10%9.22%+0.12%+1.30%IE103.05%2.89%-0.16%-5.20%IE93.12%3.02%-0.10%-3.20%IE6/7/85.04%5.31%+0.27%+5.40%Chrome46.37%45.67%-0.70%-1.50%Firefox17.48%17.43%-0.05%-0.30%Safari4.42%4.64%+0.22%+5.00%iPad Safari6.38%6.56%+0.18%+2.80%Opera1.42%1.36%-0.06%-4.20%Others3.62%3.90%+0.28%+7.70% 浏览器 八月 九月 更改 相对的 IE浏览器(全部) 20.31% 20.44% + 0.13% + 0.60% IE11 9.10% 9.22% + 0.12% + 1.30% IE10 3.05% 2.89% -0.16% -5.20% IE9 3.12% 3.02% -0.10% -3.20% IE6 / 7/8 5.04% 5.31% + 0.27% + 5.40% Chrome 46.37% 45.67% -0.70% -1.50% 火狐浏览器 17.48% 17.43% -0.05% -0.30% 苹果浏览器 4.42% 4.64% + 0.22% + 5.00% iPad Safari 6.38% 6.56% + 0.18% + 2.80% 歌剧 1.42% 1.36% -0.06% -4.20% 其他 3.62% 3.90% + 0.28% + 7.70%

2013年9月至2014年9月全球台式机和平板电脑浏览器统计 (Worldwide Desktop & Tablet Browser Statistics, September 2013 to September 2014)

The following table shows browser usage movements during the past twelve months:


BrowserSeptember 2013September 2014changerelativeIE (all)28.54%20.44%-8.10%-28.40%IE110.03%9.22%+9.19%+30,633.30%IE1012.16%2.89%-9.27%-76.20%IE95.93%3.02%-2.91%-49.10%IE6/7/810.42%5.31%-5.11%-49.00%Chrome40.88%45.67%+4.79%+11.70%Firefox18.37%17.43%-0.94%-5.10%Safari8.51%11.20%+2.69%+31.60%Opera1.14%1.36%+0.22%+19.30%Others2.56%3.90%+1.34%+52.30% 浏览器 2013年九月 2014年9月 更改 相对的 IE浏览器(全部) 28.54% 20.44% -8.10% -28.40% IE11 0.03% 9.22% + 9.19% + 30,633.30% IE10 12.16% 2.89% -9.27% -76.20% IE9 5.93% 3.02% -2.91% -49.10% IE6 / 7/8 10.42% 5.31% -5.11% -49.00% Chrome 40.88% 45.67% + 4.79% + 11.70% 火狐浏览器 18.37% 17.43% -0.94% -5.10% 苹果浏览器 8.51% 11.20% + 2.69% + 31.60% 歌剧 1.14% 1.36% + 0.22% + 19.30% 其他 2.56% 3.90% + 1.34% + 52.30%

The tables show market share estimates for desktop browsers. The ‘change’ column is the absolute increase or decrease in market share. The ‘relative’ column indicates the proportional change, i.e. 5.2% of IE10 users switched browsers last month. There are several caveats so I recommend you read How Browser Market Share is Calculated.

下表显示了桌面浏览器的市场份额估计值。 “更改”列是市场份额的绝对增加或减少。 “相对”列表示比例变化,即IE10用户上个月切换浏览器的比例为5.2%。 有几个警告,所以我建议您阅读如何计算浏览器市场份额 。

Perhaps the biggest surprise this month is how little the figures changed. That said, Chrome’s desktop market share dipped slightly which is unusual. Safari made the largest gain with a 0.4% jump but I doubt Apple will be throwing wild parties in Cupertino.

本月最大的惊喜也许是数字变化很小。 也就是说,Chrome的台式机市场份额略有下降,这是不寻常的。 Safari涨幅最大,达到0.4%,但我怀疑苹果会在库比蒂诺举行疯狂派对。

Internet Explorer was the only other mainstream browser to make a gain. This can happen at the end of summer in the northern hemisphere when most people have returned to work. However, IE11’s increase couldn’t outweigh falling figures for IE9 and IE10. Only a small rise in IE8 usage saved the browser from an overall drop. Don’t be unduly concerned; it’s a statistical blip and IE6/7/8 usage has halved within the past twelve months. I’ve combined the legacy IE versions into one increasingly irrelevant row although don’t forget Microsoft will continue to support IE8 until January 2016.

Internet Explorer是唯一获得收益的其他主流浏览器。 在北半球的夏季末,大多数人重返工作岗位时,可能会发生这种情况。 但是,IE11的增长不能超过IE9和IE10下降的数字。 IE8使用率的小幅上升使浏览器从总体上下降了。 不要过分担心; 这是一个统计数字,过去6个月IE6 / 7/8的使用量减少了一半。 我已经将旧版IE版本合并为一列越来越不相关的行,尽管不要忘记,微软将继续支持IE8,直到2016年1月。

2014年8月至2014年9月全球移动浏览器统计 (Worldwide Mobile Browser Statistics, August to September 2014)

Mobile usage in September 2014 increased by almost 1% to reach 31.5% of all web activity. Historically, mobile use often falls during fall but the ongoing rise of mobile devices now seems assured.

2014年9月,移动设备使用量增长了近1%,达到所有网络活动的31.5% 。 从历史上看, 移动设备的使用通常在秋天期间下降,但是现在似乎可以肯定移动设备的持续增长。

The top mobile browsing applications:


Mobile BrowserAugustSeptemberchangerelativeChrome22.67%24.49%+1.82%+8.00%iPhone21.75%23.07%+1.32%+6.10%Android22.35%21.53%-0.82%-3.70%Opera Mini/Mobile11.15%10.12%-1.03%-9.20%UC Browser10.33%9.86%-0.47%-4.50%Nokia Browser3.89%3.56%-0.33%-8.50%IEMobile2.34%2.27%-0.07%-3.00%Others5.52%5.10%-0.42%-7.60% 手机浏览器 八月 九月 更改 相对的 Chrome 22.67% 24.49% + 1.82% + 8.00% 苹果手机 21.75% 23.07% + 1.32% + 6.10% 安卓系统 22.35% 21.53% -0.82% -3.70% Opera Mini /手机 11.15% 10.12% -1.03% -9.20% UC浏览器 10.33% 9.86% -0.47% -4.50% 诺基亚浏览器 3.89% 3.56% -0.33% -8.50% IEMobile 2.34% 2.27% -0.07% -3.00% 其他 5.52% 5.10% -0.42% -7.60%

Chrome is now used on a quarter of mobile devices and its lead seems unassailable. It’s difficult to believe the browser was used on fewer than one in twenty mobiles this time last year. There’s reasonable competition within the browser market but few can match Chrome’s service, speed and stability. While I normally opt for Firefox on Windows, Mac and Linux, Chrome is always my preferred choice on Android.

现在,Chrome在四分之一的移动设备上使用,其领先优势似乎无可挑剔。 很难相信去年这个时候在不到20个手机中使用了该浏览器。 浏览器市场中存在合理的竞争,但很少有人能与Chrome的服务,速度和稳定性相提并论。 我通常在Windows,Mac和Linux上选择Firefox,而Chrome始终是我在Android上的首选。

The iPhone and stock Android browser have been trading places for several months but Safari won the battle in September. The iPhone 6 launch may have had a small impact.

iPhone和股票Android浏览器已经交易了几个月,但是Safari在9月赢得了这场战斗。 iPhone 6的发布可能会产生很小的影响。

Smartphones now account for more than two thirds of mobile browsing activity. Feature phone browsers such as Opera Mini have served us well but they’re rapidly becoming museum exhibits. Perhaps it’s time to trade in your old Nokia!

现在,智能手机占移动浏览活动的三分之二以上。 功能手机浏览器(例如Opera Mini)为我们提供了很好的服务,但它们正Swift成为博物馆的展览。 也许是时候交易您的旧诺基亚了!

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/browser-trends-october-2014-back-work/
