这周我们的雷达上:Windows 95,启动帮助和自动化

tech2023-07-11  117

Welcome to On Our Radar, a weekly round-up of news, trends and other cool stuff from the world of web development.

欢迎来到On Our Ra​​dar,每周综述来自Web开发领域的新闻,趋势和其他有趣的内容。

为什么Windows 95将Microsoft从版本9推送到版本10 (Why Windows 95 pushed Microsoft from version 9 to 10)

After last weeks announcement that Windows 8 is going to be followed by Windows 10, people were asking questions as to why number 9 was being skipped. It seems now that the move to 10 was due to early testing of version 9 and having issues due to Windows 95 and 98. Lazy developers outside of Microsoft were only checking if the version number started with a 9, assuming that it was Windows 95 or 98.

在上周宣布Windows 8和Windows 10将被采用之后,人们开始问为什么要跳过数字9。 现在看来,迁移到10版本是由于对版本9进行了早期测试,并且由于Windows 95和98而出现了问题 。 Microsoft之外的懒惰开发人员仅检查版本号是否以9开头(假设它是Windows 95或98)。

Here’s the sort of existing code that was causing trouble for the new Windows 9.

这是给新Windows 9带来麻烦的现有代码。

if (version.StartsWith("Windows 9")) { /* 95 and 98 */ } else {

if (version.StartsWith("Windows 9")) { /* 95 and 98 */ } else {



开发自己的网站和应用 (Developing your own sites and apps)

It’s best for us to avoid the above coding mistakes in our own code, so here’s some advice for smaller developers in an article about how 50+ startups manage their code. It’s not easy either to become an overnight success, here’s how Product Hunt and Hacker News achieved it.

对于我们来说,最好避免在自己的代码中出现上述编码错误,因此,在有关50多家初创企业如何管理其代码的文章中,本文为小型开发人员提供了一些建议。 要获得一夜之间的成功也不容易,这就是Product Hunt和Hacker News如何实现的 。

With a service such as Sway you can easily bring together information for a presentation or development, and Webplate is front-end framework that lets you stay focused on building your site or app.


If you’re going mobile then here are 5 mobile design patterns for a successful app, and here are 20 more docs and guides for front-end developers too.

如果您要使用移动设备,那么这里有5个成功应用程序的移动设计模式 ,这里还有20个针对前端开发人员的文档和指南 。

If you’re planning on applying for work developing code, here are 5 More JavaScript Interview Exercises, and you can then sit the test and show what you know about development, perhaps even using skeletal tracking with JavaScript and the Leap Motion to achieve something amazing.

如果您打算申请开发代码的工作,这里还有5个JavaScript面试练习 ,然后您可以参加测试并展示您对开发的了解,甚至可以将骨骼跟踪与JavaScript和Leap Motion结合使用来实现惊人的效果。

电子邮件中CSS形状 (CSS shapes in email)

This week we had some great advice on writing CSS and Sass that doesn’t suck, where we’re taken through things to look for and improve on when taking over a new project. If instead you want to develop something from fresh, Basscss gives us a low-level CSS tookkit to work with. We also saw some nice techniques arrive for reliably creating CSS shapes in email.

这周,我们在编写CSS和Sass方面提供了一些不错的建议,这些建议不会使您陷入困境 ,我们在接管新项目时会逐步寻找和改进这些内容。 相反,如果您想从新开发东西,则Basscss为我们提供了一个可以使用的低级CSS工具包。 我们还看到了一些不错的技术,可以在电子邮件中可靠地创建CSS形状 。

自动化一切 (Automate everything)

Automation has been on everyone’s lips this week. Responsive images can now be easily achieved thanks to the srcset attribute, and responsive line heights can also be used to create optimal readability across different screen sizes. We also have an exploration in automatically fixing JavaScript linting errors using fixmyjs which you can try out too. Another auto-linter that’s also worth checking out too is jsfmt which has found its way to my Sublime Text and Atom editors.

自动化这个星期已经在每个人的嘴上。 现在,借助srcset属性,可以轻松实现响应图像 ,并且响应行高还可以用于在不同屏幕尺寸上创建最佳可读性。 我们还探索了使用fixmyjs 自动修复JavaScript 掉毛 错误的方法, 您也可以尝试一下 。 jsfmt也值得一提,它也是我的Sublime Text和Atom编辑器的最佳选择。

Other interesting JavaScript things that we came across this week include:


htmljs – HTML render engine and data binding

htmljs – HTML呈现引擎和数据绑定

Learn AngularJS playing Super Mario Brothers


RWDPerf – a performance testing tool for responsive web designs

RWDPerf –用于响应式网页设计的性能测试工具

Which links caught your eye this week? Which framework or language would you like to learn by playing Mario?

本周哪些链接引起您的注意? 您想通过玩Mario学习哪种框架或语言?

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/radar-week-startup-assistance-automate-everything/
