react 雷达图表

tech2023-07-12  119

react 雷达图表

Welcome to On Our Radar, a weekly round-up of news, trends and other cool stuff from the world of web development.

欢迎来到On Our Ra​​dar,每周综述来自Web开发领域的新闻,趋势和其他有趣的内容。

There was good news for Windows users and developers alike this week, as it was announced that Microsoft’s forthcoming Windows 10 operating system will ship with OneGet, a Linux-style package management framework. Upping the cloud-based storage stakes, Microsoft also revealed unlimited OneDrive storage for Office 365 subscribers.

本周,对于Windows用户和开发人员来说,都是好消息,因为微软宣布即将推出的Windows 10操作系统将附带 Linux风格的软件包管理框架OneGet 。 微软增加了基于云的存储风险,还为Office 365订户提供了无限的OneDrive存储 。

Having indexed all the things, Google announced their plans to enter your bloodstream via the new ‘nanoparticle’ pill, which could preemptively detect signs of disease. They also launched their Fit app, which is poised to take on Apple’s HealthKit. Finally, they’ve given Chrome’s bookmarks a long-awaited overhaul. Yay!

将所有事物编入索引后, Google宣布了他们计划通过新的“纳米粒子”药丸进入您的血液的计划 ,该药丸可以抢先检测疾病迹象。 他们还推出了Fit应用程序 ,该应用程序有望采用Apple的HealthKit。 最后,他们对Chrome的书签进行了期待已久的大修 。 好极了!

Elsewhere, Meteor reached its 1.0 release milestone, HTML5 reached ‘recommendation’ status and AtScript was unveiled. AtScript will be (yet) another language to compile to JavaScript, but what makes it noteworthy is that one of the developers behind it is Misko Hevery, the father of AngularJS.

在其他地方,Meteor 达到了其1.0发布里程碑, HTML5达到了“推荐”状态 , AtScript面世了。 AtScript将是(但仍是)另一种可编译为JavaScript的语言 ,但值得注意的是,其背后的开发人员之一是AngularJS的父亲Misko Hevery 。

Oh, and do you want a good career or do you want fun programming? Apparently, you can’t have both.

哦,您想要一个好职业还是想要有趣的编程? 显然,您不能同时拥有两者 。

一周流行词:i18n (Buzzword of the Week: i18n)

In computing terms, i18n is an abbreviation for internationalization – the process of planning and implementing software so that it can easily be adapted to specific local languages and regions without engineering changes. That style of abbreviation, by the way, is explained in the W3C glossary.

在计算方面,i18n是国际化的缩写,它是规划和实施软件的过程,因此可以轻松地将其适应特定的本地语言和地区,而无需进行工程更改。 顺便说一下,这种缩写形式在W3C词汇表中得到了解释 。

Rails has a rather versatile, built-in internationalization API that allows you to “Go Global” and support different languages on your site.

Rails具有相当通用的内置国际化API,使您可以“走出去”并支持站点上的不同语言 。

FormatJS is a set of JavaScript libraries for internationalization that are focused on formatting numbers, dates, and strings.


Not using i18n? You probably should be. In this two part series, Chris Ball looks at why i18n is a good thing, then puts theory into practice using both Rails and ember.js.

不使用i18n? 你可能应该是 。 在这个由两部分组成的系列文章中,克里斯·鲍尔(Chris Ball)研究了为什么i18n是一件好事,然后使用Rails和ember.js将理论付诸实践。

Here’s a great slide deck from Eduardo Shiota Yasuda (a designer at Internationalisation: 2200+ different ways to view a website. Hopefully a video of the talk will soon follow.

这是Eduardo Shiota Yasuda(booking.com的设计师)的精彩幻灯片: 国际化:2200多种浏览网站的方式 。 希望很快会有一段演讲视频。

Bonus tip: the W3C has an internationalization checker that performs various tests on a web page to determine its level of internationalization friendliness. Well, fancy that …

温馨提示:W3C具有一个国际化检查器 ,可以在网页上执行各种测试以确定其国际化友好程度。 好吧,……

React (React)

React, by Facebook, is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It has many cool features (such as using a virtual DOM) and, as it makes no assumptions about the rest of your technology stack, it’s easy to try it out in an existing project.

Facebook的React是一个用于构建用户界面JavaScript库。 它具有许多很酷的功能(例如使用虚拟DOM),并且由于它不对其余技术堆栈做任何假设,因此很容易在现有项目中进行尝试。

New to React? In this case you might want to find out about getting started and its key concepts. Or, if you prefer videos, then what about this introduction to React with Bertrand Karerangabo?

刚接触React? 在这种情况下,您可能想了解有关入门及其关键概念的信息 。 或者,如果您喜欢视频,那么有关Bertrand Karerangabo的React简介呢?

Once you’ve mastered the basics, here’s how to create a note taking app using React and Flux (Flux is a functional approach to data handling inside an app).

掌握了基础知识之后,下面介绍了如何使用React和Flux创建笔记应用程序 (Flux是在应用程序内部进行数据处理的一种功能方法)。

Not your thing? Well, what about building a real-time Twitter stream in React using isomorphic JavaScript.

不是你的事吗? 好了,如何使用同构JavaScript 在React中构建实时Twitter流 。

Here’s an article on understanding React and re-implementing it from scratch. This is the first post in a series and examines views and the virtual DOM.

这是一篇关于理解React并从头开始重新实现的文章。 这是该系列的第一篇文章,它检查了视图和虚拟DOM。

And finally, here’s a slide deck on React and why it’s awesome.

最后,这是React的幻灯片, 以及它为什么很棒 。

生产率 (Productivity)

As web professionals we all want to be more productive and use our time effectively. Luckily, there are a plethora of tools and techniques to help us do just that.

作为网络专业人员,我们都希望提高生产力并有效利用我们的时间。 幸运的是,有很多工具和技术可以帮助我们做到这一点。

This week on SitePoint, Alex Walker looked at how to use an age-old trick to write 240 words per minute, whilst George Fekete took a look at Komodo IDE and how it can increase your productivity.

本周在SitePoint上,Alex Walker研究了如何使用古老的技巧每分钟写240个单词 ,而George Fekete则研究了Komodo IDE以及它如何提高生产率 。

The panel of the JavaScript Jabber podcast discussed browser tools and extensions. This episode features many time-saving tips and tricks and is well worth a listen.

JavaScript Jabber播客的面板讨论了浏览器工具和扩展 。 这一集包含许多省时的提示和技巧,非常值得一听。

Here are seven tips on how to keep productive and focused as a freelancer, as well as five simple but potent productivity tips that crush procrastination (their words).

这里有七个技巧,可以帮助您保持自由职业者的工作效率和专注力 ,另外还有五个简单但有效的生产力技巧 ,这些技巧压制了拖延症(他们的话)。

Shopify managed to improve developer productivity by deleting 28,000 lines of JavaScript. Here’s how that bold move worked out for them.

Shopify通过删除28,000行JavaScript设法提高了开发人员的生产力。 这是他们采取大胆行动的方式 。

Finally, this is why it’s important to create a culture where productivity is celebrated from the get-go.


前端开发工具 (Front-end Development Tools)

Pre-processors such as Sass and Less have revolutionized CSS development. I was therefore intrigued to see Craig Buckler looking at CSS post-processing With Pleeease. If you don’t know what post-processing is, then this one is for you.

Sass和Less等预处理器彻底改变了CSS开发。 因此,令我着迷的是,看到Craig Buckler正在使用Pleeease进行CSS后处理 。 如果您不知道什么是后处理,那么这个适合您。

Of course, that’s not to say that the pre-processors didn’t get any love. Here’s how one developer moved from Neat to Susy (both of which are Sass layout tools).

当然,这并不是说预处理器没有得到任何爱。 这是一个开发人员从Neat迁移到Susy (两者都是Sass布局工具)的方式。

“If you could only use 3 front-end development tools, which 3 tools would you choose?” was the question posed to 56 front-end experts. Their answers were maybe a little surprising and will certainly provide a couple of undiscovered gems.

“ 如果您只能使用3种前端开发工具,那么您会选择哪3种工具? 是向56位前端专家提出的问题。 他们的答案也许有点令人惊讶,并且肯定会提供一些未发现的宝石。

Here’s how you can manage your front-end build in WordPress and in this article, one developer details his new Angular workflow with Gulp.

这是在WordPress中管理前端构建的方法 ,在本文中,一位开发人员详细介绍了他在Gulp中使用的新Angular工作流程 。

Here’s a tutorial aimed at beginners, on how to create a web app with Grunt.

这是针对初学者的教程,介绍如何使用Grunt创建Web应用程序 。

Buuuut, before you get into that, read why we should stop using Grunt and Gulp altogether (full circle, me thinks).

Buuuut,在您开始讨论之前,请阅读为什么我们应该完全停止使用Grunt和Gulp (我认为是完整的一圈)。

So that’s everything for this week. Thanks for joining us.

这就是本周的一切。 感谢您加入我们。

I’ll leave you with a list of Halloween’s 13 scariest clients and on a more serious note a look at how our industry treats mental health issues (it’s currently {Geek} Mental Help Week).

我将为您列出万圣节前13名最恐怖的客户 ,更严肃地讲一下我们行业如何治疗心理健康问题 (目前是{Geek}心理帮助周 )。

So which links caught your attention? What do you think of React? Have you got any productivity tips you’d like to share? Wanna talk about Mental Help Week? Either way, we would love to hear your thoughts.

那么哪些链接引起了您的注意? 您如何看待React? 您有任何想分享的工作效率提示吗? 想谈论心理帮助周吗? 无论哪种方式,我们都希望听到您的想法。

Also, if you have any problems implementing anything covered here, or just want to discuss it some more, SitePoint’s forums are a great place to visit (you can sign in with your Google, FaceBook, Twitter, GitHub or Yahoo account).

此外,如果您在执行此处介绍的内容时遇到任何问题,或者只是想进一步讨论, SitePoint的论坛都是一个不错的访问场所(您可以使用Google,FaceBook,Twitter,GitHub或Yahoo帐户登录)。


react 雷达图表
