
tech2023-07-13  113


Browser consoles and development tools have become increasingly sophisticated during the past few years. Rudimentary file editing and saving is already available in Chrome so perhaps it’s inevitable vendors are considering full Intergrated Development Environments.

在过去的几年中,浏览器控制台和开发工具变得越来越复杂。 Chrome已经提供了基本的文件编辑和保存功能,因此也许不可避免的供应商正在考虑使用完整的集成开发环境。

Mozilla’s WebIDE has been added to Firefox nightly builds and is available from the Web Developer menu after you set the devtools.webide.enabled flag to true in about:config…

Mozilla的WebIDE已被添加到Firefox的每晚版本中,并且在about:config中将devtools.webide.enabled标志设置为true后,可以从Web Developer菜单中使用。

The CodeMirror and Tern-based editor provides a simple tool for editing client-side HTML, CSS and JavaScript files. You can create a new web or Firefox OS application directly in the browser. There are several benefits and intriguing ideas:

基于CodeMirror和Tern的编辑器提供了一个用于编辑客户端HTML,CSS和JavaScript文件的简单工具。 您可以直接在浏览器中创建新的Web或Firefox OS应用程序。 有几个好处和有趣的想法:

The same editor is available across all platforms regardless of where you’re working.

无论您在何处工作,都可以在所有平台上使用相同的编辑器。 WebIDE integrates with other developer tools for seamless debugging and inspection.

WebIDE与其他开发人员工具集成在一起,以进行无缝调试和检查。 You can choose a Firefox OS runtime which installs the appropriate simulator or connects to a specific device.

您可以选择Firefox OS运行时,以安装适当的模拟器或连接到特定设备。 Mozilla is creating an API which will allow other third-party editors to leverage the advanced functionality provided in the WebIDE.

Mozilla正在创建一个API,它将允许其他第三方编辑器利用WebIDE中提供的高级功能。 A protocol adaptor is being developed so the WebIDE and other developer tools can remotely communicate with other browsers. The first targets are Chrome on Android and Safari on iOS.

正在开发协议适配器,因此WebIDE和其他开发人员工具可以与其他浏览器进行远程通信。 第一个目标是Android上的Chrome和iOS上的Safari。

We’re also returning to Sir Tim Berners-Lee’s original vision that the web browser should also function as a page editor.


那么一切都好吗? (So All Good Then?)

I’m not wholly convinced.


What is the target audience? The WebIDE is not for novices; the vast majority of people will never open or use the editor. But is it powerful enough for developers? I’m sure some will try it for Firefox OS and client-side only development but you’ll want to use something more suitable when coding for the server-side. It may be practical for debugging but I suspect most will prefer to stay in their existing editor — especially if it supports the new advanced APIs.

目标受众是什么? WebIDE不适合新手使用。 绝大多数人永远不会打开或使用编辑器。 但是它对开发人员是否足够强大? 我确定有人会在Firefox OS和仅客户端开发中尝试使用它,但是在为服务器端编码时,您将希望使用更合适的方法。 调试可能很实用,但我怀疑大多数人都希望保留在其现有的编辑器中,尤其是如果它支持新的高级API。

The editor also seems a little too Firefox OS-centric. Mozilla’s Operating System shows promise and HTML5 apps seem a safer long-term bet than Android or iOS development. That said, relatively few developers are building those apps and Mozilla should be wary about marketing which (mostly) associates WebIDE with Firefox OS.

该编辑器似乎也有点以Firefox OS为中心。 Mozilla的操作系统显示出了希望,与Android或iOS开发相比,HTML5应用似乎是长期安全的选择。 就是说,开发这些应用程序的开发人员相对较少,Mozilla应该警惕市场营销(主要是将WebIDE与Firefox OS相关联)。

Perhaps the WebIDE may be useful when you’re away from your main PC without your environment of choice but how often does that happen? How difficult is it to use a default editor or install Sublime Text?

当您在没有选择环境的情况下离开主PC时,WebIDE可能有用,但是这种情况多久发生一次? 使用默认编辑器或安装Sublime Text有多困难?

My main concern: has Firefox come full circle? Few will remember the original Mozilla Suite; it was a bloated and buggy combination of browser, email, newsgroup client, IRC and Composer — a web page editor which no one used (well, I didn’t know of anyone). Firefox’s original focus was to strip the unnecessary features to create a small, lean and fast standalone web browser.

我主要关心的是: Firefox是否已全面发展? 很少有人会记住原始的Mozilla套件; 它是浏览器,电子邮件,新闻组客户端,IRC和Composer的a肿且错误的组合,这是一个没有人使用的网页编辑器(嗯,我不认识任何人) 。 Firefox的最初重点是剥离不必要的功能,以创建一个小型,精简和快速的独立Web浏览器。

Admittedly, I’m sounding like a Luddite and the web has moved on. The multi-megabyte Mozilla Suite struggled when power users had 512Mb RAM and a dial-up connection. The WebIDE could be another great development tool which has little or no negative impact on those who don’t need it — even on lower specification mobile devices.

诚然,我听起来像是Luddite ,网络已经发展了。 当高级用户拥有512Mb RAM和拨号连接时,数兆字节的Mozilla套件苦苦挣扎。 WebIDE可能是另一个出色的开发工具,即使对规格较低的移动设备,它也对不需要的人几乎没有负面影响。

However, the WebIDE raises an interesting question. Should a browser be a lightweight web page viewer or a full development environment with HTML rendering capabilities? Does it matter? It’ll be an interesting to see how the applications evolve over the next few years.

但是,WebIDE提出了一个有趣的问题。 浏览器应该是轻量级的网页查看器还是具有HTML呈现功能的完整开发环境? 有关系吗? 看看应用程序在未来几年中如何发展将是一个有趣的过程。

Is the WebIDE a good idea? Would you use it? Should it be an optional add-on rather than a standard tool provided in every installation?

WebIDE是个好主意吗? 你会用吗? 它是否应该是可选的附加组件,而不是每个安装中都提供的标准工具?


