A couple of years ago I found myself unable to work effectively, with constant screaming headaches and stiff necks. It turned out this was due to my working at an inappropriate workspace — my dining table and a terrible chair — with a screen that was too low. Fortunately, I rarely have these issues anymore after I found out what was causing it and took action.
几年前,我发现自己无法有效地工作,经常有头痛的尖叫声和僵硬的脖子。 原来,这是由于我在不合适的工作空间(我的餐桌和一把糟糕的椅子)上工作,而屏幕太低了。 幸运的是,在找出造成问题的原因并采取行动之后,我再也很少遇到这些问题了。
Many people who work at a desk all day will, at some point, have a similar story, suffering with some kind of problem due to the way that they have their workspace set up. Most of the time they’ll notice the issue and work to fix it. But if they’re still spending most of their time sitting, their long-term health may still be at risk.
许多整天在办公桌前工作的人在某个时候会有类似的故事,由于他们的工作空间设置方式而遭受某种问题。 大多数时候,他们会注意到该问题并进行修复。 但是,如果他们仍将大部分时间都花在坐着上,那么长期健康可能仍然处于危险之中。
We’re leading much more sedentary lives than we have before thanks to the march of technology, but it seems all this sitting isn’t very good for us.
Some experts believe too much sitting can cause a myriad of health issues that could lead to an early death. The worst thing? Exercise outside of office hours and leading a relatively active lifestyle doesn’t offset this. In the US, sitting down for long periods of time has now been formally recognised as a health risk. According to an article on Business Insider, citing a study found in the Archives of Internal Medicine:
一些专家认为,坐过多会导致无数健康问题,并可能导致早期死亡。 最糟糕的事? 在办公时间以外进行锻炼并过上相对积极的生活方式并不能弥补这一点。 在美国,长时间坐下来已被正式确认为健康风险。 根据《商业内幕》的文章 ,援引在内科医学档案中的一项研究:
[T]he risk of premature death grows 15 percent for those who sit eight hours a day, and 40 percent for those who sit 11 hours a day, compared with those who sit for just four hours.
So for those of us who spend hours and hours at a desk all day, every day, the risk is real and it’s serious.
While it’s easy to think that a good stint in the gym is all that’s necessary to offset all of the time spent sat on our butts, research has shown that it’s not enough. In order to reduce the increased risk of premature death, heart problems, obesity, diabetes and muscular issues, the only answer is to sit less. It seems the answer to that is in the standing desk.
人们很容易认为,在体育馆里保持良好的状态对抵消所有花费在我们臀部上的时间是必要的,但研究表明,这还不够。 为了减少过早死亡,心脏病,肥胖,糖尿病和肌肉疾病的风险增加,唯一的答案就是少坐。 似乎答案是在办公桌上。
In a bid to see just how much of a difference regular standing can make to your health, Dan Kois decided to spend a whole month doing as much as possible. His account of the month is interesting as it showed just what a struggle standing all day, every day is.
为了了解常规状态对您的健康有多大影响,Dan Kois决定花一整月的时间做更多的事情。 他对本月的记录很有趣,因为它显示了整天,每一天的挣扎。
However, the upshot of it was that Dan found himself at the end of it to be five pounds lighter, with stronger leg muscles, and significantly more productive than when he had been sitting. But he found it a struggle, and the article points out that standing all of the time is as bad for you as sitting all the time.
但是,这样做的结果是,丹发现自己的体重减轻了五磅,腿部肌肉更强,并且比坐着时的生产力明显提高。 但是他发现这很困难,文章指出,一直坐着对您来说就像一直坐着一样不利。
It’s about finding a happy balance. Unfortunately, experts have yet to agree on exactly what that balance is.
这是要找到一个幸福的平衡。 不幸的是,专家们尚未就平衡的确切含义达成共识。
The standing desk has become popular in recent years as the effects of an overly sedentary lifestyle have become better known. But there’s little in the way of proof that using a standing desk does actually help. In fact, according to Marc Hamilton, a professor of inactivity physiology at Pennington Biomedical Research Center, there’s no evidence to link standing desks with improved health.
近年来,随着人们久坐不动的生活方式所产生的影响,站立式办公桌已变得越来越流行。 但是,几乎没有证据表明使用站立式办公桌确实有帮助。 实际上, 根据 Pennington生物医学研究中心的非活动生理学教授Marc Hamilton的说法,没有证据表明站立式办公桌与改善的健康状况相联系。
It’s a creative idea, but it’s not been scientifically proven. As of now, there’s really no research to show they do any good.
这是一个创意,但尚未得到科学证明。 截至目前,还没有任何研究表明它们能发挥任何作用。
He goes on to say he suspects standing desks supply borderline benefits at best, and that “sitting for too long is not the same as exercising too little”. Standing for long periods also carries its own health risks. Since the fad for standing desks emerged a couple of years ago, there have been numerous online experiments such as the one by Dan above and all of them bemoan aching feet, sore calf muscles.
他继续说,他怀疑站立式办公桌充其量只能带来边际效益,而且“坐得太久与锻炼得太少不一样”。 长期站立也有其健康风险。 自从几年前出现站立式办公桌的风潮以来,已经进行了许多在线实验,例如Dan的实验,所有实验都使脚痛,小腿肌肉酸痛。
While they acknowledge standing does help energize them, some have had problems, like Sydney Trent of the Washington Post, who eventually visited her doctor after suffering numbness in her toes and a tingling, warm sensation in her calves.
尽管他们承认站立确实可以帮助他们振作起来,但有些人还是遇到了问题,例如《华盛顿邮报》的悉尼·特伦特(Sydney Trent),由于脚趾发麻,小腿发麻,发麻,最终去看了医生。
The doctor’s conclusion: I was standing too much at work. Those uncomfortable sensations were probably a result of hyperextending my knee, which could put too much pressure on the fibular nerve, a branch of the sciatic nerve, which starts behind the knee and runs alongside the fibula, or calf bone. Ironically, this can also occur when you cross your legs a lot while sitting.
医生的结论是:我在工作中站得太多。 这些不适的感觉可能是我的膝盖过度伸展的结果,这可能会给腓骨神经(坐骨神经的一个分支)施加太大的压力,它从膝盖后面开始,并沿着腓骨或小腿骨延伸。 具有讽刺意味的是,当您坐着双腿交叉时,也会发生这种情况。
When you stand all day, it’s important you check your posture often and move around as much as possible. Standing desks encourage you to stand still in one spot, so unless you make a concerted effort to move around, it’s unlikely they’re doing a great deal of good. There are plenty of workers around the world that are on their feet all the time. For these people, the risk of varicose veins and hardening of the arteries is dramatically increased.
一整天站立时,重要的是经常检查自己的姿势并尽可能地四处走动。 站立式办公桌会鼓励您在一个地方保持静止,因此,除非您齐心协力四处走动,否则他们不可能做很多事情。 世界各地有很多工人一直在站着。 对于这些人来说, 静脉曲张和动脉硬化的风险大大增加。
Experts agree that standing desks offer some benefits, but there’s no evidence beyond the anecdotal to suggest they can combat the effects of a sedentary lifestyle. According to author and explorer Dan Buettner, the key to a healthy lifestyle is “regular, low-intensity physical activity that’s part of (your) life routines.” He studied the healthiest communities around the globe and found that above all, walking is the answer for those looking to lead a long and healthy life.
专家们认为,站立式办公桌可以带来一些好处,但是轶事没有证据表明它们可以抵御久坐不动的生活方式带来的影响。 根据作者和探险家Dan Buettner的说法,健康生活方式的关键是“定期的,低强度的体育锻炼,这是(您的)日常生活的一部分。” 他研究了全球最健康的社区,发现最重要的是,步行是寻求长寿和健康生活的人们的答案。
This is backed up by the medical community. Common sense tells us that rather than simply sitting or standing at a desk all day, getting away from the desk and mixing it up could be the best thing you can do.
这得到了医学界的支持 。 常识告诉我们,不仅仅是整天坐在办公桌前或站着,而是离开办公桌并混合在一起可能是您可以做的最好的事情。
With this in mind, there are a few things you can do to help free yourself from the shackles of a sedentary life — this list does include standing desks. These can be pricey (although you can think about it as an investment into your future) so if you can’t afford it, then you can make your own, but it’s vital that you check your posture for both standing and sitting to find out what’s optimal for you.
考虑到这一点,您可以采取一些措施来使自己摆脱久坐的束缚,其中包括站立式办公桌。 这些可能很昂贵 (尽管您可以将其视为对未来的投资),因此,如果您负担不起,则可以自己制造,但至关重要的是,您必须检查自己的站立和坐姿以找出答案什么是最适合您的。
Source: Wired.com
As well as checking your sitting and standing posture, you should also try to work the following into your daily routine:
Take a regular walk around the office. 定期在办公室里走走。 Alternate sitting and standing, your body should dictate when you do each. 坐姿和站姿交替时,您的身体应决定何时做。 Use a gel mat for standing on, if you find your feet ache. 如果发现脚疼,请使用凝胶垫站立。 Use a separate keyboard and mouse if you use a laptop as they are typically not good for getting the correct posture and can cause neck and shoulder problems. 如果使用笔记本电脑,请使用单独的键盘和鼠标,因为它们通常不利于获得正确的姿势,并且可能导致颈部和肩部问题。When standing, do light exercise such as shifting your weight from one foot to another, or simple yoga movements.
站立时,做些轻运动,例如将体重从一只脚移到另一只脚上,或者做简单的瑜伽动作 。
Drink more water. Not only will you need to walk to the restroom more often, but you’ll be better able to concentrate when completely hydrated. 多喝水。 您不仅需要更频繁地步行去洗手间,而且在完全水合后更能集中精力。 Start slowly. Don’t dive into standing all day, gradually increase the amount you stand. 慢慢开始。 不要整日沉迷于站立状态,而要逐渐增加站立状态。There’s a serious lack of research out there when it comes to how long you should stand for, so I’d suggest a 50/50 approach that incorporates plenty of movement. Think about how you can make your daily tasks include more of it.
关于您应该坚持多长时间,目前尚缺乏足够的研究,因此我建议采用50/50的方法,该方法应包含很多动作。 考虑一下如何使日常任务包括更多内容。
When it comes down to it, a standing desk won’t save your life if you have a largely sedentary lifestyle. Both prolonged sitting and standing can have an adverse affect on your health and the key is to incorporate movement and walking into your daily routine. These could make a huge difference to your health, life and productivity, so what will save your life is making adjustments to help you to move around more during the day and evening.
归根结底,如果您习惯久坐,那么站立式办公桌将无法挽救您的生命。 长时间坐着和站着都会对您的健康造成不利影响,关键是将运动和步行纳入您的日常工作中。 这些可以使你的健康,寿命和生产效率的巨大差异,因此将节省你的生活作出调整,以帮助您在白天和晚上各地的移动。
So instead of getting home and slumping in front of TV after a hard day’s work, perhaps it would be a better idea to get out of the house and go for a gentle stroll?
How do you avoid suffering from the effects of a sedentary lifestyle? Have you tried a standing desk?
您如何避免遭受久坐不动的生活方式的困扰? 您尝试过站立式办公桌吗?
翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/standing-desk-might-necessarily-save-life/