
tech2023-07-17  112


In the past week, I’ve worked on projects that have required me to write HTML, CSS, Javascript, and PHP. In working on those projects, I’ve had to employ various technologies, including responsive design, AJAX, WordPress theme development, API integration, and modular javascripting. Let’s not forget that most (if not all) of these projects involved a preprocessor, build tool, or method of version control. Does that sound a lot like your week?

在过去的一周中,我从事的项目需要我编写HTML,CSS,Javascript和PHP。 在这些项目中,我不得不采用各种技术,包括响应式设计,AJAX,WordPress主题开发,API集成和模块化javascript。 我们不要忘记,这些项目中的大多数(如果不是全部)都涉及预处理器,构建工具或版本控制方法。 这听起来很像您的一周吗?

Truth be told, in today’s world of web design, development, and software engineering, you’re expected to know a variety of languages, tools, technologies, and coding methods. This field is fast paced, frequently changing, and incredibly complex. It’s no surprise that so many of us have felt the growing burdens of Information Overload.

说实话,在当今的Web设计,开发和软件工程世界中,您应该了解各种语言,工具,技术和编码方法。 这个领域节奏快,变化频繁,而且异常复杂。 不足为奇的是,我们中的许多人都感受到了信息超载的不断增长的负担。

您如何识别信息超载? (How do you identify Information Overload?)

For me, IO is the feeling of being overwhelmed with the large amount of information I need in order to stay useful as a web developer. Other times, it manifests itself as a feeling of panic when a new tool, language, or project is announced. IO can go on to cause fear when you feel that you’re failing to keep up with the industry, or even make you upset when a new tool leads you to consider changing your workflow. IO can lead to avoiding new technologies, not fully enjoying your career, and feeling inferior to those who have more experience than you in a certain area.

对于我来说,IO感到不知所措,我需要大量的信息才能保持对Web开发人员的作用。 其他时候,当宣布新的工具,语言或项目时,它表现为感到恐慌。 当您感到自己无法跟上行业发展的步伐时,IO可能会引起恐惧,甚至当新工具引导您考虑更改工作流程时,IO也会让您感到沮丧。 IO可能会导致避免使用新技术,无法充分享受您的职业,并且在某个领域中比那些比您经验更多的人逊色。

IO造成实际问题 (IO causes real problems)

If you have or are currently struggling with IO, then you probably understand the side effects it can cause. If you tend to overwork (as I sometimes do) IO can lead to more hours spent studying code, reading articles, and making demos. On its own, this isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but too much time spent working, combined with too little time spent eating or sleeping, can lead to a burnout. If IO is leading you to resent your job, depression and anxiety can also be common side effects, perpetuating the general feeling of being overwhelmed with your work.

如果您有IO或目前正在与IO斗争,那么您可能了解它可能引起的副作用。 如果您倾向于过度工作(如我有时做的那样),那么IO可能会导致花费更多时间来学习代码,阅读文章和进行演示。 就其本身而言,这不一定是一件坏事,但是花太多时间工作,再加上很少时间进食或睡觉,都可能导致倦怠。 如果IO导致您对工作感到不满,则抑郁和焦虑也可能是常见的副作用,使您普遍感到不堪重负。

解决方案 (Solutions)

堆栈 (Stacks)

Although keeping up to date is an expected requirement in the field of web development, IO doesn’t have to be a consequence. For me, the most helpful solution to the problem of IO has been to limit the number of languages I aim to be proficient in. I call it a ‘stack’, and it currently consists of HTML, CSS, Javascript, and PHP. Outside of my stack, I’m able to use other languages if a project requires it, but I won’t be looking to gain an expert knowledge of them.

尽管保持最新状态是Web开发领域的一项预期要求,但是IO并不一定是必然的结果。 对我来说,解决IO问题最有用的方法是限制我想要精通的语言数量。我称其为“堆栈”,目前它由HTML,CSS,Javascript和PHP组成。 在我的书架之外,如果项目需要,我可以使用其他语言,但是我不会寻求获得关于它们的专业知识。

After establishing what my stack languages are, I suddenly don’t need to pay attention to every popular tool that comes my way. If it doesn’t involve one of my stack languages, I don’t need to use it! It’s important to note here that, even if it does involve one of my stack languages, I still don’t need to use the tool. Tools are not mandatory, and should only be used if they help you be more productive, or become so popular that the industry expects you to be using them. For example, I work with PHP quite often, but I’ve never used Laravel, because I simply haven’t needed it yet.

在确定了我的堆栈语言之后,我突然不需要关注所有出现的流行工具。 如果它不涉及我的任何一种堆栈语言,则无需使用它! 在这里需要特别注意的是,即使它确实涉及到我的一种堆栈语言,我仍然不需要使用该工具。 工具不是强制性的,只有在它们可以帮助您提高生产率或变得如此流行以至于业界期望您使用它们时,才应使用它们。 例如,我经常使用PHP,但是我从未使用过Laravel,因为我根本不需要它。

筛选器 (Filters)

Podcasts, video blogs and articles are a great source of information, but again, trying to read, watch, and listen to every single one will definitely leave you feeling pretty overwhelmed. My solution to this has been to set up a rather extensive feed, to which I add every educational resource that I find. The catch of course being that I only allow myself to spend a half hour a day looking through it, ensuring that I don’t try to read all 500+ unread items on my list at once. Worried about missing something? If it’s really important or groundbreaking, more than one source will cover it, and you’re bound to see it at some time. Frontend Feeds is a great place to get started. Don’t forget to take notes on what you learn. Putting pen to paper can help you retain more information, while also serving as a great way to quickly look up information when you need to remember something you previously learned.

播客,视频博客和文章是很好的信息来源,但是再次尝试阅读,观看和聆听每一个人肯定会让您感到不知所措。 我对此的解决方案是建立一个相当广泛的提要,并在其中添加找到的所有教育资源。 当然要注意的是,我每天只允许自己花费半小时浏览它,以确保我不会尝试一次读取列表中所有500多个未读项目。 担心缺少某些东西? 如果它真的很重要或具有突破性意义,那么它将覆盖多个来源,您一定会在某个时候看到它。 Frontend Feeds是入门的好地方。 别忘了记笔记。 将纸笔放在纸上可以帮助您保留更多信息 ,同时当您需要记住以前学到的东西时,它也是一种快速查找信息的好方法。

After reading up on new and relevant information, I’ll likely come across a topic that requires further exploration, which is why I always set aside an hour or two each day to make a few demos, get better at using my stack languages, and talk to other developers in the community. Side projects are another great way to keep up to date, because they provide a space to experiment with new tools and techniques.

阅读了新的相关信息之后,我可能会遇到一个需要进一步探讨的主题,这就是为什么我每天总是花一两个小时来做​​一些演示,更好地使用我的堆栈语言以及与社区中的其他开发人员交谈。 辅助项目是保持最新状态的另一种好方法,因为它们为试验新工具和技术提供了空间。

休息时间 (Breaks)

In a typical five day work week, I make a conscious effort to set aside one day where I don’t spend my evenings working on a demo, side project, or reading articles. This isn’t always easy to do, but its importance cannot be overstated, especially when struggling with IO. Eliminating the impulse to work during the weekend is another important factor. Deadlines and difficult projects will always require extra attention, but those challenges will be much easier to solve when you’re well rested, and not feeling overwhelmed.

在一个典型的为期五天的工作周中,我有意识地努力安排一天,而不花我的晚上进行演示,附带项目或阅读文章。 这并非总是容易做到的,但是它的重要性不能被高估,尤其是在与IO挣扎的时候。 消除周末工作的冲动是另一个重要因素。 截止日期和困难的项目总是需要额外的关注,但是当您充分休息并且不感到不知所措时,这些挑战将更容易解决。

I work around 60 hours per week, while maintaining side projects and doing what I can to keep up to date with the industry. I’ve felt IO before, but thanks to organization, intentional rest, and great time management, I’ve been able to relax and enjoy what I do once again.

我每周工作约60个小时,同时维护副项目并尽我所能跟上行业的发展。 我以前感觉过IO,但是由于组织,有意休息和出色的时间管理,我得以放松和享受我的工作。

结论 (Conclusion)

Being a web developer means long hours and hard work in a fast paced environment, and battling IO and the urge to overwork can be a challenge that takes serious effort. If you’re currently struggling with IO, hopefully the system I’ve outlined above can serve as a way to help you get organized, while moving you closer towards a stress free balance between work and home life. Also, be sure to check out Burnout.io, which offers resources and advice to those who are feeling overwhelmed.

成为Web开发人员意味着在快速节奏的环境中需要长时间工作和艰苦的工作,而与IO和过度劳累的斗争可能是一项需要付出巨大努力的挑战。 如果您目前正在忙于IO,希望上面概述的系统可以帮助您井井有条,同时使您在工作和家庭生活之间达到无压力的平衡。 另外,请务必查看Burnout.io ,它为感到不知所措的人提供了资源和建议。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/not-get-overwhelmed-web-developer/

