
tech2023-07-17  123

Lately, some new businesses have flourished by taking Stripe as a starting point. Many companies have decided to build something on top of this popular payment gateway. Despite the company still being in the “toddler” stage — the first lines of code for the service that became Stripe were typed around 2009 — many startups and online business have noticed how easy is to build using their API.

最近,一些新业务以Stripe为起点而蓬勃发展。 许多公司已经决定在这个流行的支付网关之上构建一些东西。 尽管该公司仍处于“蹒跚学步”阶段(成为Stripe的服务的第一行代码是在2009年左右键入的),但许多初创公司和在线业务已经注意到使用其API进行构建非常容易。

There are two main reasons for this: Stripe has an easy-to-integrate API, and other gateways like PayPal have problems, which thanks to this API are solved.


Here’s a collection of 11 apps and services built on top of Stripe, all worth keeping an eye on. If you have another one that I missed, let me know in the comments.

这是在Stripe之上构建的11个应用程序和服务的集合,所有这些都值得关注。 如果您还有其他我想念的,请在评论中让我知道。

发票生成器 (An Invoice Generator)

The solution provided by my company at Quaderno.io has one specific goal: create and manage invoices from any charges you make on your Stripe account. Stripe has not developed such an in-house solution so far, so Quaderno saves you all the hassle related with handling invoices of any items you sell. Just by syncing your Stripe and Quaderno accounts – it’ll take you no more than two clicks, and no code — you’ll quickly be delivering invoices to your clients. Also, if your business is based in the EU, this solution will also handle the VAT nightmare.

我公司在Quaderno.io上提供的解决方案有一个特定目标:从您在Stripe帐户上产生的任何费用中创建和管理发票。 到目前为止,Stripe尚未开发出这种内部解决方案,因此Quaderno可以为您节省与处理所售商品发票有关的所有麻烦。 只需同步您的Stripe和Quaderno帐户-只需单击两次即可完成,而且无需任何代码-您将Swift为您的客户提供发票。 另外,如果您的企业位于欧盟,则此解决方案还将解决增值税的噩梦 。

Quaderno (Quaderno)

Price: From $24/month.

价格 : 每月 24 美元起 。

Free trial? There’s no a free trial, but 60-day money back guarantee

免费试用? 没有免费试用,但有60天退款保证

客户分析 (Customer Analytics)

Imagine KISSmetrics and Stripe having a baby. That’s the best description I can imagine for Hookfeed, a tool to give you insights, not in general terms, but specifically about each of your clients.

想象一下,KISSmetrics和Stripe有了孩子。 对于Hookfeed,这是我能想到的最好的描述,它是一种为您提供洞察力的工具,而不是一般性的,而是专门针对每个客户的。

Besides giving you other more general metrics such as current monthly revenue, for instance, this tool can be really — really! — helpful in determining what is your most profitable kind of client. In other words, by knowing exactly how profitable a particular type of client is, you’ll be able to focus your future business decisions on building for those that worth more to you.

除了为您提供其他更常规的指标(例如当前的每月收入)之外,此工具还可以是-确实! -有助于确定最赚钱的客户类型。 换句话说,通过确切地了解特定类型的客户的盈利能力,您将能够将未来的业务决策重点放在为您带来更多价值的业务上。

HookFeed (HookFeed)

Price: Free your first 25 customers, and then prices start at $10/month.

价格:免费为您的前25位客户提供服务,然后价格从$ 10 /月起。

Free trial? Yes, and if you don’t go larger than 25 customers it’ll remain free.

免费试用? 是的,如果您的客户不超过25个,它将保持免费。

客户推荐计划 (Customer Referral Program)

If there are agnostic referral platforms like ReferralCandy or Ambassador, it was about time there was one specifically created for Stripe. ReferralPop accomplishes this by providing a solution to make integrating a referral system into your app really simple. Another tool covering a similar solution is Referral SaaSQuatch which is not only ready for Stripe, but for other popular payment gateways like Recurly and Braintree.

如果存在诸如ReferralCandy或Ambassador之类的不可知的推荐平台,那么大约是时候为Stripe创建一个专门的平台了。 ReferralPop通过提供一种解决方案来实现此目的,从而使引荐系统真正集成到您的应用程序中变得非常简单。 涉及类似解决方案的另一个工具是Referral SaaSQuatch ,它不仅适用于Stripe,还适用于其他流行的支付网关,例如Recurly和Braintree。

推荐连结 (ReferralPop)

Price: $49/month Free trial? Yep, a 14-day trial with no commitment.

价格 :49 美元 /月免费试用? 是的,没有承诺的14天试用期。

付款失败管理 (Management for Failed Payments)

Credit cards expiration, cards out of service, technical issues — none of these should be a reason not to charge your clients with a credit card. Direct debits and pay by check might be still the case for some of your clients, but a vast majority of them are going to find it easier to pay by using their credit cards.

信用卡到期,卡停用,技术问题-这些都不应该成为不向客户收取信用卡费用的原因。 对于某些客户而言,直接借记和支票付款仍然可以,但绝大多数客户会发现使用信用卡更容易付款。

Tools like ChurnBuster or Stunning monitor can alert you of any incidents that might occur during the billing process.

诸如ChurnBuster或Stunning Monitor之类的工具可以提醒您在计费过程中可能发生的任何事件。

流失克星 (ChurnBuster)

Price: $50/month, that should help you to save around $1,200 in LTV per month.

价格: 每月 50 美元 ,这应该可以帮助您每月节省约1200美元的LTV。

Free trial? 1-month trial free of any charge.

免费试用? 免费试用1个月。

惊艳的 (Stunning)

Price: $50/month, but a lower plan is available if you reach them out.

价格: 50 美元 /月,但如果您愿意与他们联系,可以选择更低的价格 。

Free trial? Yes, 15-day trial.

免费试用? 是的,有15天的试用期。

分析服务 (Analytics Services)

Not just one, but three businesses have taken on the task of giving some shape to the data returned by Stripe API. Monthly recurring revenue calculated based on your Stripe charges? No problem. Churn rate based on charges not received? Easy!

不仅有一家公司,而且还有三家公司承担着对Stripe API返回的数据进行某种调整的任务。 根据您的Stripe费用计算的每月经常性收入? 没问题。 基于未收取费用的客户流失率? 简单!

算盘法 (Abacusmetrics)

Price: Free! If you have no more than 50 users/customers.

价格:免费! 如果您的用户/客户不超过50个。

Free trial? Free forever as long as you have under 50 subscribers.

免费试用? 只要您拥有50个以下的订阅者,便可以永久免费。

Those are some of the calculations that solutions like Baremetrics, FirstOfficer or AbacusMetrics are aiming at. They make getting information from your financial data through your payment gateway easier. An easy way to dive into your figures without getting your hands dirty.

这些是诸如Baremetrics , FirstOfficer或AbacusMetrics之类的解决方案针对的一些计算。 它们使您可以更轻松地通过付款网关从财务数据中获取信息。 一种轻松掌握您的身材而又不弄脏手的简便方法。

气压测量 (Baremetrics)

Price: $39/month, lowest plan.

价格: $ 39 / month,最低计划。

Free trial? 60-day money back guarantee, enough for you?

免费试用? 60天退款保证,对您来说足够了吗?

第一办公室 (FirstOfficer)

Price: Cheapest is $29/month.

价格:最便宜的是$ 29 /月。

Free trial? Two month money back guarantee.

免费试用? 两个月退款保证。

上传文件,并与Stripe一起出售 (Upload a file, sell it with Stripe)

As the name suggests, SellAFile makes selling files easy peasy: Upload the file you’ve been working on and want to sell to others — ie. PSD templates, eBooks, plugins, etc. — and this tool will give you a link to send to your buyers.

顾名思义, SellAFile使销售文件变得容易:上传您一直在工作并想要出售给他人的文件-即。 PSD模板,电子书,插件等-该工具将为您提供一个链接,以发送给您的买家。

SellAFile (SellAFile)

Price: Charges 2% in every transaction.


Free trial? No.

免费试用? 没有。

将Stripe与其他应用程序连接 (Connect Stripe with other apps)

Stripe can also be teamed up with some of the most popular apps in the market, thanks to services like Zapier or Torpio. If you’re just looking for a quick hack to connect a given app to Stripe, first try Zapier. On the other hand, if you need to develop something more tailored to your needs (using webhooks and building your custom scripts) check out Torpio.

借助Zapier或Torpio等服务,Stripe也可以与市场上一些最受欢迎的应用程序组合在一起。 如果您只是在寻找快速破解方法,以将给定的应用程序连接到Stripe,请首先尝试Zapier。 另一方面,如果您需要开发更适合自己需求的内容(使用webhooks和构建自定义脚本),请查看Torpio 。

鱼雷+条纹 (Torpio + Stripe)

Price: Free, if you don’t setup more than 5 scripts and use less than 1000 runs/month.


Free trial? See above.

免费试用? 往上看。

Zapier +条纹 (Zapier + Stripe)

Price: As with Torpio, if you don’t setup more than 5 scripts it’s free. But it’s limited to 100 ‘zaps’ or runs.

价格:与Torpio一样,如果您设置的脚本数量不超过5个,则它是免费的。 但仅限于100个“快速”或运行。

Free trial? Free while you’re under a certain quota.

免费试用? 有一定配额时免费。

您最喜欢的条纹增强是什么? (What’s Your Favorite Stripe Enhancement?)

Despite being such a young service, there are already plenty of useful apps built on top of Stripe’s API. What are your favorite Stripe-based services?

尽管这项服务还很年轻,但已经有很多基于Stripe API构建的有用应用程序。 您最喜欢基于Stripe的服务是什么?

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/stripe-on-steroids-11-ways-to-supercharge-your-online-store/
